We need Auction house ASAP


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People still asking for an auction house? Remember how well that went with D3?
No we don’t need an AH


I am so incredibly against getting items that you don’t do the work yourself to find in a game that is almost entirely about finding items. If you think that it’s about enemies then you’d be wrong.

Said like a true WT1 chad. Or someone who thought trading didn’t exist in D2 which is FAR more a loot hunter than D4 tempering endgame is.

Lets not forget that adding a SELF FOUND mode would fix any issue people have. You know the mode most ARPG’s have.

We need a stable game first.
I play blizzard games since warcraft 1 and I never seen a game with so many bugs like D4.
This development team is really bad.

There were several reasons why D3 AH failed that can be avoided.

1] You could sell items for real $$$.
2] Items did not bind on purchase so flipping items was extremely rampant.

WE can solve these issues and bring an AH into the game with better results now. 99% of the items are tradable. Something needs to happen besides relying on poor awful built websites like current diablo.trade.


I wouldn’t mind an AH, but in games like this they get abused by botters and gold sellers. It can be regulated, but it all depends on how much effort Blizzard is gonna put into maintaining it. If they don’t regulate it, it will be the same disaster that was D3. And with Blizzard’s track record on dealing with cheaters, I have zero faith in it working out.

Most problems go away when items bind on purchase. It kills all flipping.

But yes they have to enforce fair system with no botting or duping of items.

Gold selling is already happening and that is a much harder issue to tackle.

Don’t people realize that Diablo 3 was a real money auction house? It’s not the same thing.

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Since there is actually people against this idea, which is a shock, Im upvoting. I agree. A built in marketplace with bidding option built in if the seller wants that. But definitely something to connect sellers and buyers.

Well, it was both RMAH and Gold AH.
Both were quite bad for the game as I see it. RMAH was on another level of bad of course, but still…

it all happened before the loot revamp, of course its gonna be bad because that was literally the only way for any normal players to get any sort of good gear, simply farm gold and buy gear.

after the loot revamp the incentive to farm gold dropped like a rock

i would assume not many people would actually farm gold 24/7 like they did in d3 just to get a piece of loot in d4…

I think I have a good starting point how this could work.


you can sell your items to the ingame vendors

Why exactly do we need to have players botting 24/7 and destroying the game

troll bait thread confirmed

The mess with D3 was the real money AH imho.

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Do you understand that items that you sell to vendor can sometimes cost millions or even hundred of millions when you sell them on AH?

Probably another D3 player btw.

are you claiming you can’t sell items ingame for gold

Don’t forget you were the one that asked

and the fact remains you can sell your items for gold in game and therefore you have a way to sell your items, which makes the whole premise false to start with, just because you can’t get the infinite amount of gold you want for your junk, doesn’t mean you can’t sell it for gold ingame


man it’s so easy to detect them

It should be a Trade House. Be able to list an item you want to trade for another. Give the option to sell it for gold. Maybe some get a overpowered item they do not want to go to waste and would not mind trading it for an item that is needed for their build.