We dont want AH back!

I am very sorry but we need an auction house in the game.
Blizzard all they have to do is create a good auction house system.

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This take is so self-righteous. Like who are you to say how other people can enjoy the game? If its such a big deal for you, don’t use it. Pretty simple stuff here. What other people are doing in a video game should not effect your experience and it won’t, unless you let it. This is just another “EVERYONE NEEDS TO PLAY THE GAME HOW I THINK IT SHOULD BE PLAYED” Karen who’s opinion can simply be ignored. Go play a single player game if you don’t like trading. There’s plenty to choose from. Then no one will bother you by doing something you don’t approve of.

I personally will not open the shop or buy the X-pack until they bring out, at the very least a blizzard made trading platform. Everyone else who feels the same way should also boycott the in-game shop. I won’t even click on it to claim that free $hit. Nope, not until they make something for trading.

I hear people claiming this. I feel like this is a mantra for people who think they understand an issue but they do not realy know what is going on.

Like people asking for lower taxes and believing it is easy to do.Cause they cannot comprehend the bigger picture.

To enlighten you.

  1. People want to trade, not all of em but enough that you need a trade system.
  2. An AH is a safe trading space where people can trade without beeing robbed by hackers or cheaters oh whatnot.


  1. People who do not enjoy it can simply ignore it.



AH is them most important thing right now. GAME NEED ECO AND TRADING.

You just can´t drop loot by your own now if you are LF for GA items…

Add SSF mode for players who don´t realize that.

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Trust me, If we had the real numbers. You would see the largest dip in active players for diablo 3 exactly when they took down the auction house. I know my whole group of friends quit after they pulled that stunt. I’m sure we were not alone. Blizz just won’t ever admit they were wrong. So they sweep these terrible decisions under the rug, fire the head of the department (or force them to resign) and then move on like nothing happened. It’s business as usual. This is how they have done it in the past and will continue to do it in the future. This way they never make any bad decisions from a shareholder standpoint. It’s the perfect safety net.

So now you must use atrosious 3rd site to be competetive. Well done :smiley:

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Seems to me It’s about 10:1 people in favor of adding an auction house. Just buy flipping through this thread. I also reported OP as trolling.

Well there are rumors that the real reason they closed the AH was not that people complained but cause they had several “Lawsuits” going on cause of it and that they where not making enough money with the AH to compensate for that.

People rather trade for Gold then for dollars apperently.

The AH was never an Issue. NEVER. I played a crapton of D3 pre RoS with almost 1600 hours on my barbarian and the AH was never an issue. Not once.

I don’t want an auction house either.

BUT online builds, guides, etc are starting to point to 3rd party sites to sell you stuff for money, buy items with needed greater affixes etc and this is also disgusting to someone who wants to play a game and not also do third party shenanigans to keep my characters relevant.

So please come up with something in the middle.

Vibrant economy keeps alot of people playing the game for longer. And that of course includes trading. IMO they should allow people to sell uber uniques and fully crafted/tempered/masterworked items too. There is no reason not do.

If you want to buy an item that is not tempered yet then you take that risk of the tempering failing. If you want to buy an item that is already tempered to your build then you have to pay a premium for that. It’s a gamble that you can choose. There is no reason not to have this.

Current trading system is awful, its like its 1999 again. At the VERY least they need to put up an official trading page on this D4 site, just like PoE does it.

You search for stuff > find something you want to buy > click a button like “whisper seller in game” > the button will instantly whisper the person in game with “hi, i would like to buy your Fractured Winterglass in Tab 3, row 5, position 4 for 500.000 gold” > get invited to party > do the trade.

This whole 3rd party and having to invite to bnet is all so super clunky.


Don’t understand peoples which tell “We don’t want…”. Who are “we”? You can’t answer for all. May be “I don’t want…”.

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Speak for yourself.

I myself was very sad the Ah was removed in D3…well the gold version that is.
I more than welcome the return of the AH in Diablo 4.


What people seems to not realize is. People who are willing and capeable to trade ingame items for REAL money, really doesn´t need some in game AH.

If you are willing spend money on game you are for sure more than happy to do that with current limited trading and 3rd sites.

ingame trading system (AH) will change nothing about it. AH would just open trading for more casual players or players like me who is not willing to browse 3rd site in 2024 game.

You may like it or not but at current state of the game, you can´t minmax your class without trading if you don´t play 12h/d everyday.

I have 1 good 3GA item after 100h +. Not a single one for my class (well not a big difference I know :D)

Good multiplayer aRPG need good trading if you are not SSF enjoyer. It is something what keeps you playing.

Sooner or later (sooner in D4) you will hit a wall with your gear when you wait for drop for weeks. That can be ok for someone on eternal. But in 3 months period it is just bad.

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I doubt that, I think there is a game called Wall Street Tycoon, They would be playing that. I don’t purchase a game and think to myself, I wonder how the Economy is? No, I wonder about things like class builds, What kind of content and how much content. You know the stuff that actually makes up a computer game.

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Only people against AH is wallet warriors. They do not want to lose their edge in trading if everyone was trading the values of the gear they bought would diminish.
Trading in d4 is a joke anyway. Why trade even for just gold? Not enough game to last 3 days as it is with SSF. I mean you can always improve gear with the current system but why? If you can do a 100ish pit in a minute and a half any other gear is pointless. Because there is no reward for going higher in pit just punishment. Run a 150 in 8 mins who cares you got about 5 times less loot and materials as the guy running 100s did.

AH isn’t a bad idea but we do need it to be in-game currency only.


that is a load of old fashioned BS. People against an A/H are people who want to keep the game Pure and not polluted with gold selling spam, Scammers And the cry for reduced drop rates to further increase the sale value of items. Only lazy people and gold sellers want an A/H in game, That allows us to find loot on our own. And finding loot is the whole point of the game.

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that is a load of old fashioned BS…

Please tell me the secret how (if you are not CC warrior ofc) can you get gear with AH if you are lazy and don´t play game?

Finding loot and trading it IN GAME is the point of the game. Going off to some third party website to trade it is flat out stupid.
And as i have said before,. D4 is not even designed for trading. Way too casual as is even SSF.

You can already trade in game. The fact that other people choose to go to a third party site is on them. No one is forcing them to do that. I myself have two and three GA items from just playing the game as intended. No trading at all. So it can be done.

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