We dont want AH back!

This experience in the past with Diablo 3 was something terrible for the game at that time and today the same teaching persists. In games like loot won by the player is what defines whether the game is interesting or not! I sincerely hope Blizzard doesn’t even think about bringing back this abomination! Do you want to make money selling cosmetics? I have nothing against that! But wanting to open an auction house to sell items would be something that would completely ruin my interest in the game! Remember that there are very strong competitors like Grim Dawn, POE2 and Last Epoch. Any bad decision for Diablo 4 from now on will be decisive for the lifespan of this game. Be more passionate and careful with Diablo 4!


Look, the way they set this game up pretty much requires you to trade if you want to max out a character. You will never reach that point without trading in a single season.

If you don’t give us a official channel for trading, and I am not talking about trade chat, we all know that’s reserved for rmt.

I’m taking about official ways to trade with other players, if the refuse to provide just that then please disable all trade and adjust all the items drop rate, but then I bet these people are gonna cry how that ruin their grinding simulator so yeah…

I’d take AH over grinding like a zombie all day everyday.


Is there any particular reason you think an AH is coming? Did I miss an interview somewhere? What’s with all these posts?


I don’t get people like you. If don’t like trading just ask for self found mode. Why would you care if there is trading or not. Does it bother you that other people enjoy trading?


You did not miss it Blizzard has never discussed anything about an AH for D4.

Some people just like to make :poop: up and run with it. The forum is full of goofy threads.


I have bad news for you op, people are already trading just like we do with an AH.


I hate it when people say “We” in an opinion piece. Just speak for yourself dude. If people agree with you, they will thumbs up your comment.


I dont really want an AH, but only if they stop screwing around and actually develop chat lobbies and let us make our own games like D2. Making us use external systems to communicate with anyone sucks

I think it’s just people getting fed up with trade sites and how the game feels like without trading.

I don’t think AH will come at all… Which is unfortunate imo.


Well the OP is advocating against an AH, where as the majority of posts talking about the AH at all are clearly for it. Just seems odd to make a whole separate post saying “I don’t want an AH”, when as far as we know, there isn’t even one in the works.

Would be like me walking into a Burger King saying “I don’t want you to add lobster to the menu.” Um… ok? Would you like to order a whopper or something else?


Is this the same guy that started the exact same thread a day or so ago? Dear lord touch some grass.


“Where’s my Whopper?! You call yourself the king of restaurants?”
“Sir, i’ve already told you, this is a bank. Please leave.”


No real money AH, but an AH using in game currency we do need, using discord and diablo.trade is just a hassle, can always play SSF but if there is no trading it doesn’t hit both sides


Make trading only on items that dropped while in group, to others that were in that group.
Welcome to balance, and a game you want to play. Or keep me on 3rd party sites selling my drops for in-game gold so I feel like I am carrying my weight.

I don’t want to trade, I just want to blast and feel like my upgrades that I find are good enough.

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No, they did say there was no plans for an AH already but there have been several posts about adding an AH with both pro and con debates.

I mean they could make it work if everything was BOP outside an AH and ingame currency untradable. However, we would still see reduced drop rates because the devs would want people to engage with the trading platform.

LE had a good system for both sides of the isle.

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I would like a way to trade in game like an AH. I’ve read a lot of the criticism of them but I’d still like one.

Probably will never happen they can’t even make stashes right and they load everyone’s stash around or something? Likely an AH is beyond the game’s capability.

We need a in game AH asap! please thanks just like wows

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That’s my point, there is tons of us that do want to trade, if we had an AH you could choose to not interact, there is no choice atm


My choice would be to play D4 or not, because I would have to use the AH to be competitive.