We dont want AH back!

What is competitive in d4? And if your doing SSF and not trading who are you competing with?


As I said in the last thread from a few days ago, I dont trade so I dont care one way or the other. Ill repeat it again if the OP goes for a threepeat tomorrow.


Thatā€™s a good point my bro. I feel like even being in a group and fighting bosses or running a dungeon, we all feel like we are competing a bit. But we do need in game leaderboards for Pit, level 100 dates, achievements, and new exciting things for the future.

The game is about efficiency, and if you are spending your time wisely and how far you can push yourself. Well thatā€™s how I look at everything.


We need AH back, If you want to play SSF - then ask for SSF type league.

Huge dislike op. We need AH so badly, all the trades on third party webs are horrible. And Last epoch has AH.

How can you be so ignorant and arogant and think that you speak for all players. Get real.


They could copy LE idea and offer a SSF route and an AH route where the two canā€™t trade or use gear from the other.

The SSF route would get a smaller dedicated base while the AH route would be more populated.


All the pro-AH people ignore all the negative consequences of an AH, but the developers are the oneā€™s who could make a decision to bring it back, and they know exactly what happened and why in D3. An AH would be another dumpster fire and Blizzard knows it. The more RMT that goes on in 3rd party sites, the more likely there will be less trading than more tradingā€¦


How can you?




The whole D3 has an AH PTSD thing is getting stale.

Yes, 10 or more years ago or whatever a game had a real bad AH. So obviously, no one should ever try again having learned from the countless games since then that have them. ā€œD3! D3! Muh D3 bad!ā€

clutches pearls and faints onto Victorian era sofa


And even that had lots of issues. Leave any opening to be exploited in such a system and will be beat up 6 ways from sunday by the scammers and rmt farmers. Best to either not have any open trade, or 100 % remove the abiliry to positively identify anyone in meat space to make a rmt trade with. Anything else is technically turning your game into a way to gamble, and should be regulated as such.


I donā€™t mind an in-game auction house as long as the gameā€™s drop rates and affix distributions will never be based on the premise of trading.

There is a difference between devs designing the loot without consideration of trade (but players are capable of trading), versus devs designing the loot with the premise that players are trading.

When devs are designing the loot with the premise of active trading, then it is no longer just an issue of ā€œdonā€™t trade if you donā€™t want toā€.

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Was not a single issue with the gold ah not a single one. Except that because of the real money AH you could actually see how they bought up all the real good items and sold them for real money.
That happens anyway. We just do not see it.
D4 does not need trading at all. It is only benefiting ultra casuals right now anyone with any kind of playtime does not have enough game to play without trade.
But if there ever was enough game to support trade there is nothign wrong with an AH. Sure as heck better than using 3rd party websites to do it. That only benefits kids who are in their cellphone as much as the game.
And d4 already garbage an AH could not make it any worse for anyone.

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flagged for trolling

An auction house opens another way to run out of content faster and encourage players to spend money on goldsellers instead of the in-game shop. You can imagine how Blizzard feels about this. If you are open to hearing the other side, you can read my post explaining the drawbacks of an auction house: Auction house in D4? Here are some major drawbacks
As you read through this, it should become clear why ā€œjust donā€™t use it lolā€ is not the answer.

Trading as an endgame activity may appeal to you in particular, but it is certainly not something that the majority of players are begging for. You may be surprised to learn that the small and vocal minority in favour of an auction house is just as large as those against it. Everyone else will use whatever content the devs throw at them.

I donā€™t think you need to worry. It was such a colossal mistake in D3 that I doubt they would ever dare even consider AH in Diablo again.

Like so many people, before they implemented it, I wanted it too - classic case of ā€œyou think you do, but you donā€™tā€ :rofl:

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No one is talking about a real money auction house. And yes we do want an auction house or some kind of venue to streamline trade.

I do think it would be appropriate to make a trade mode and a self-found mode though.

Anti-traders will of course stand against this because they know most people would play the trade mode. Because we all know thatā€™s what most people want. Whereas people in favor of a trade mode have no problem with self found modes. We are not threatened by a minor side mode most people arenā€™t interested in.

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No. Not WE. You donā€™t want. It is your problem. WE need it back!


I want an ah but with loot balanced around ssf and not ah.

We?? Dont talk in my name THANKS. Trading or AH doesnt affects my game at all , its not like Raids which os locked out from me since i dont like to play in a party.

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