Ways to spend gold

Imagine rolling a perfect lidless wall with 3 greater affixes bro.

Let’s forget lidless wall is one of the most cracked items in game. Let’s just focus on the fact the greater affixes it rolls are all gas and it provides you with 9 total affix powers on one item. I wish the block chance could roll greater affix but that’d be cracked

How much is that, gold won’t cut it more than likely.

Someone would need to trade thousands of boss mats at least if not more.

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Even if gold is just a ‘resource’, why can’t it be used for more things?

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Agreed bro gold should be able to translate to other resources, that’s a proper gold sink.

I dont think you can do that. Could make powerful elixirs too easy. Also forgotten souls by gold would invalidate every other way. I do like your idea though for more ways to spend gold.

I think the coolest thing they could do is make a D4 casino. It makes sense for gambling to exist.

You can play different games and then some of the prizes could be herbs or forgotten souls.

You mean like adding an auction house and allowing us to trade mats and other items. Like every other good MMO in existence…

Im on board with this now as its best overall for the players even though I dont agree with it.


This isn’t a MMO. Also see previous statement about RMT concerns and potential ToS violations

Blizzard doesn’t/wont do anything about RMT. Credit card warriors and spam bots are sadly inevitable at this point.

Id rather have violations than no content! Please tell me you dont actually believe this nonsense.

I feel like they could do more though. At least monitor trade channel better.

If D2R tought us anything is they dont care


The Gold Inflation exists due to duping and RMT. No legit player should come close to hitting the Gold cap. Blizzard knows that this new patch is going to push trading (mostly RMT) which will use and sell Gold. If Blizzard bans sellers, they will just make another account and Blizzard makes money off that extra copy. Call it a Tax on RMT. It isn’t “cracking down” on exploits. It is just a cost of doing business.

If you want perfect rolls, you spend alot of gold.

They said it will cap the costs, but still we dont know how much, and probably still need alot for unluck people like me, or people that like try new builds.

About 7mil, if I recall correctly

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Unique with greater fix is better for trade, if you purchase a 3 starts GA gear cost billions and then broke it with bad Tempering it will be time for rage quit :sweat_smile:

This isnt an MMO? What are you on? Do you know what MMO means?:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Indeed I do.

Max number of people you interact with is 12 at any time and max party size is 4. Not to mention typical features and gameplay are not present, as you can do the entire game solo and is accepted gameplay.

What is a MMO? Mixed Martial (stash) Organizing?

Can you imagine if the gold cost for stash tab 6 was 1B gold? People would totally sink it in.

What if I want to buy a van down by the river? How much will that set me back?

We should be able to purchase platinum from game store with gold, so that we can buy a premium battle pass with it. Maybe something like 1 billion gold per platinum, so 1 trillion for a pass. Or whatever they feel makes it a challenge.