Ways to spend gold

That’s an interesting thought, it could even be variable like with gems in Guild Wars 2 or WoW Tokens (here we go talking about MMOs again). But I doubt it’ll happen, cause then Blizz wouldn’t make any money.

I have no objection to having more gold than I know what to do with. Being rich is fun. :slight_smile:

That doesnt mean it isn’t an MMO, lol. It just means that they didn’t make a gam3 that encourages people to interact.

Someone hasn’t seen the new costs to masterworking yet…

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I just saw the video Blizz posted on YouTube! That is certainly going to help.

But everyone claimed victory when they eliminated “failing”. Of course if they had listened, or at least took a second to think about what was going on, then they’d have realized you never “failed” anything. It was just an elaborate and deceptive way of hiding how much masterworking actually cost.

I’d still rather have a 100% success rate, that cost double the amount of materials required, then watch myself fail a 90% success chance rate 5 times in a row for even more cost. Now it may be rare that this happens, but it has happened more times then I’d like to admit, and it feels horrible.


Good news, then. Cause they did exactly that after the PTR. Though the mats cost might not be doubled, not sure how much it was increased.

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Oh I know, just further reiterating the point is all. I even made the suggestion to do so in my lengthy feedback post, as I’m sure many others made the suggestion too.

I was hoping they would change it, and assuming they did I was actually expecting a near double increase in mats required. I’m definitely not looking a gift horse in the mouth.

Just felt bad during the PTR, trying to cap out my helmet for master working. My 2nd to last upgrade for the stupid thing went from 20% all the way up to 80% before it succeeded. I hate RNG and percentages.

I don’t care how much masterworking costs because right now the masterworking system really just serves the masterworking system.

Unless they drastically nerfed tempering affixes, and I’m talking a full nuke job, then even minimal masterworking upgrades means we blow right through almost all non-pit content. Perhaps not the new Uber Uber bosses, but most uniques, even Ubers, are outclassed this patch by legendaries.

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Well, I really hope Forgotten Souls are going to be more plentiful for Season 4

That bad feeling didn’t go away. You’re still going to want certain affixes to crit and it’ll still be painful hitting that reset button.

The only real change is how the true costs are displayed. Before it was more hidden and deceptive, now it’s more transparent. It’s still going to be very expensive and require lots of RNG.

exactly which means 25-30m gold per mw to level 12.
add 5m if the result its not satisfying.
then do that 9-10 times for each item u wear.
Now we are looking at 300m gold just for 1 try on everything.
Thats 20 whipers, if u do not utilizing trade.

I can already see the complaints about this.
Gold buying from rmt sites will boom.
the next logical conclusion adding the blizzard token to d4 :smiley:

Wouldn’t hurt to have more ways to spend gold in the end game, give it some actual value.

Nah that won’t bother me nearly as much. I know myself. I’m not a hardcore elitist that wants to min-max their gear to the fullest extent. I’m a casual player that will enjoy just having fun farming and upgrading, even if it’s suboptimal.

I don’t farm Uber Duriel 800+ times a season in hopes of an Uber Unique, or look for that small increase in stats for a gear upgrade. I take breaks often, I complete my seasonal journey, I enjoy myself, then I take a long break until the next season starts.

More power to those who love to min-max, I just don’t personally have the time for it. I am definitely the target audience for this game, I fully admit this.

That would not be a viable idea. It’d be nice but gold farming bots would be on the loose non stop farming for platinum. Buy an account, load up on gold and buying skins, then selling to the highest bidder. It would have to be an absolute berserk amount of gold to get the platinum and then at that point, it wouldn’t be worth the effort for normal players.

My partner could do that at least 3 times over, this is great that the cost is so high.

Considering there will be whispers in helltides this shouldn’t be too much of an issue.

What is wrong with NOT having a gold sink? What’s the worst that can happen?

I do not know what the ideal solution is, but gold is pretty much out of control and worthless with current inflation values. This is the fastest in any game I’ve played where gold became this worthless this fast with it ballooning in season 2 (changes to whisper rewards).

Personally I’d just crunch several zeros off the rewards and costs. Why are we paying millions when it could be hundreds at the same ratio. This isn’t a cure but it would be a start. Same can be done with damage numbers.

If I were to trade an item I found in the upcoming season, I wouldn’t even accept Gold in trade it’s that worthless; another item I’m looking for or even monster summoning parts are a much better trade.