Waiting for the day all complainers go to path of exile

Of course the 30 years of experience do exist. Who do you think taught the new developers at Blizzard? The homeless people from across the street?

The people making the decisions now, learned from the people making the decisions 10 years ago. And they learned from the people making the decisions 10 years before them.

The diablo franchise had more than 25 years of development and this is what we get. Every day they make the game worse instead of better. Every day we get new mob density nerfs. Every few days they blanket nerf all builds in the game, sometimes with patchnotes, sometimes without patchnotes (Damage nerfs all across the board)

You can keep sucking blizzards c*** if you like to, but it doesn’t change reality. They already got your money, they don’t care about the rest. Best thing for them is drive the game into the ground even more than it already is, so no one cares when the only people in their “D4 team” in a month will be the intern who presses the “start new league” button every few months and the janitor dusting off the single 30 year old server they have been using for this game the whole time. And they are working on that fullspeed, no speed limit