Waiting for the day all complainers go to path of exile

The day the complainers will go to path of exile and cry there will be a great day for blizzard and D4 haha


grabs popcorn and takes a seat


As soon as their next season drops we will be…it’s actually a good game. I think you tried to berate us, but most of us will just agree with you lol.


So you want all the people who want the game to improve to leave? I suppose you’re 100% content with the game as it is now then?


i can already see tears flowing when they mess that game up somehow
or put in a even more expensive shop etc

waiting for the day when flower pickers and sightseers go find the next overhyped game to be “immersed in”

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Only purpose of this thread is to antagonize people who are not blindly loving the game.


What is the point of this post? Just to antagonize the forums? Go play the game, no need to add to the fire around here.


Try and trigger poe players who are likely just laughing at the idiocy


no they get antagonized because they are poluting the forum with their poe crap

Waiting for the no life white knights who suckle at the toes of the d4 team to start whining that the game is empty and dead and there are no players because they told them to go find a better game and not an empty shell, and they did.


Yep, these blizz simps are braindead. They’d rather play the game as is with no improvements for years. :rofl:


You should try POE, its free to download, and a blast.


I know I’d rather be in a forum with more constructive criticism, at the very least. Because this forum is hot trash right now.

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Ain’t you complaining right now?

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i did and will try poe 2 also just like i do with evry hack n slash like out there

that said diablo is my main game

You don’t sound too far away from that position/award yourself, you won’t be missed here. It is what it is.

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You know damn well that PoE’s mechanics are well above 90% of this forums playing capabilities.


if said “improvements” would turn the game into a D3 or PoE clone then yes i rather have a game without these Improvements. Its fairly clear that the loud whiners on Reddit and this Forum only want to play PoE but then realize that the current state of PoE is also garbage (like Crucible is a horrible and boring league :stuck_out_tongue: ).

Tell me how great was PoE at launch with four acts and no endgame and 20skills in total?

Keep in mind I have 5k hours played in PoE so I don’t think it’s a bad game but at launch it was awful

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