Damage nerfs all across the board

Why was there a stealth nerf to all classes damage, all of a sudden im logging in from a 6 hour sleep and both my sorc and rogue deal less damage and there is no patch notes about it


Seems that they changed % base values and lucky hit % values in the latest patch for multiple spells but didn’t bother to list any of the nerfs.


Just Blizzard being Blizzard


Is this true? If so I’m done.


Can we make a list of what was nerfed since apparently Blizzard won’t do it for us.

Whirlwind went from 31% damage at level 9 to 28% and lucky hit from 25% to 20%.


turns out immortal does not suck more than diablo 4 lmao

they went silent and just keep nerfing/disabling xD


Immortal more fun imo. Minus the disgusting p2w of course.


drop rate nerf boss nerf dungeon nerf
aspects are a sShow

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Isn’t it great that our community manager literally doesn’t respond to anyone, posts vague patch notes and has not responded to anyone’s concerns its great. Like wow they made a good game now they roll out the blizzard we all know and dislike from the last few years. Absolute minimum communications and just ignore everyone’s actual concerns and just nerf everything and not even have the courage to tell us when something is nerfed its all just been adjusted… like adjusted how? Are you so busy you cant even say what exactly was changed? Like world of warcraft say what you want but they at least list most of the changes they make.


I’m about to go insane! my fireball had 40% lucky hit chance and now it’s 35% ???

Why did they even change it?


Fireball was performing too hard, you know. Can’t let the fireball meta continue like this any longer.

What a joke lmao


Yeah seems like stealth nerf to everything? I’m not sure what’s going on doing wayyy less damage.

Its like they know they are doing something wrong and hiding it…


Wasn’t Mother Embrace unique max roll for lucky hit chance was 12%. Now it’s at 9% I might be wrong.

Might just be the difference of sacred vs ancestral.

That being said I don’t think they showed the effect of lucky hit chance on items when you hovered over a skill before. Now I can see the 11% lucky hit on my gloves increases the lucky hit chance of my whirlwind from 20 to 22%. I didn’t know that’s how it worked, that’s so bad lmao.

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Ah so this is it? I was also wondering why i all of a sudden did far less dmg on my rend barb. Great…

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Oh hey! Another way for players to get weaker.

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mine says 4.9% wtf did you beat lilith when you were like 60?

Pretty sure they already did before. I saw a streamer with like 75% lucky hit chance on Teleport the other day.

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Why make the other spells and abilities better when you can make the good ones as bad as the rest :smiley: