The main argue to limit trading is that people can buy theyr items on 3rd party sites if there’s unlimited trading.

I mean who cares if some kids of rich parents spend 1000s of Dollars to buy gear on E-Bay and shorten theyr gaming experiance this way (And repeat this process every Ladder reset)…I really couldn’t care less because it don’t affect me in any way, neither my game nor my wallet.

Quite opposite, people who buy theyr gear only shorten theyr own game experiance (I mean those people buy a game and practicaly pay others to play it for them… how smart). :sweat_smile: :person_facepalming:

It’s practicaly Pay2lose for them and nothing else…They simply lose playtime & money. ^^

Now people will say: “But because of that bots will dominate”.

I’ve surely spent over 10.000 hours in Diablo 2 since it’s release (PVE and PVP) with it’s unlimited trading, all it’s bots, dupes, 3rd party seller, etc… and all of that didn’t affect my gameplay for 1 second.

So my question is how does it affect the peoples gameplay who are against unlimited trading?

Same in POE with my almost 3000 hours…Unlimited trading, bots, 3rd party seller and it didn’t affect my game for 1 second.

Diablo, POE, etc…have never been competitive games where this kind of restriction matters, I realy don’t understand why you limit the players Blizzard if there’s nothing to win.

So please bring back one of the best social aspects in any ARPG and let people trade gear without restrictions…to compensate that make gear drops even more rare (that Legendary deserve the word “Legendary”), so people get excited again if they drop something realy good and know they can trade it for another good item to min-max theyr own char.

Let me know your oppinion in the comment section …No matter if you’re for or against trading, I accept them all and love to hear different oppinions why you’re for or against unlimited trading as long as you stay polite & constructive.

Comments of the people without manners, who do not accept opinions that are not 100% consistent with their own and can only argue with insults, will be ignored. :wink:

Thank you & Cheers.


Look at D2R played by 500k every season becouse it has trade.
D3 played by 10k ppl for 1-2 days becouse it doesnt have trade and has utter crap itemization

We need proper auction and seek the thrill of item hunt, wasnt present so far in D4 for me. All legendary were just vague, but its just lvl 25, D2 at lvl 25 wouldnt be much better.


Exactly…the main problem with BOE is that you have to compensate the missing trading feature and the only way is to do so is to increase the droprate significantly.

But with a increased droprate and Legendaries raining from the sky it’s not satisfying anymore if you find one.

Just think about the excitement when you find a Shaco in Diablo 2…Now think about the excitement when you find a Legendary in Diablo 3.

We have here a “very exciting” in D2 and “meh, another Legendary and not even primal” in D3.

In D4 it was not that bad like in D3, but also not exciting…Bcs of the BOE it had more this mobile game vibes for me than the good old PC ARPG vibes like in D2.

It misses the excitement when you recognize the item only by its unidentified name on the floor. :wink:


I would except it if there was an inside trade platform like an AH and that was the ONLY way to trade gear. Like if an AH is available you can only receive gear through that medium. And, of course, you can still have 2 hour trade window with group members for items dropped while playing together. No harm in that at all.

Anything else just clogs servers. That’s the only problem I have with all the bots is that if they can make real money trading stuff then they’ll make 10 accounts and have that many more people using up bandwidth and because of the MMO nature they added, the towns will be full all the time with people setting up bots and create a lot of lag. It’s not worth it.


In D3 after like 6 hours of playing are in state when you dismantle full stash of legendary every 5 minutes, its such as casual trash design. The primal hunt is garbage, primals are not exiting at all just same ancient items with perfect stats, I dont care. I think Wyat Cheng is behind all of this I hope he stays at Immortal and as far as possible from D4.

Anyway current trade system in D4 has a lot flaws. If rare items will be bis and are tradeable then where the hell we will trade them? In game chat are you kidding me can you imagine that spam and chaos in small window.

We need proper auction. The game will be played by 2 milions ppl at minimum. How can we trade in chat?


No, please give us no trading or at least D3 type trading


This has been discussed in many other threads.
It kills the fairness of the game, which is the main point of server-sided character files. To prevent cheating. Just because you don’t care if others cheat doesn’t mean that noone cares. Most of us would like a fair game. Especially when PvP will be a thing.

D2:R is already dead. There is no sense to farm anything after you finished the game. What would take months to drop, anyone can buy for 1-2 dollars. That’s what free trading does. Eventually makes all items worthless. And without the item hunt, there is not much left to do besides some SSF playthroughs and PvP, but for PvP, you have to engage in the 3rd party sites or you don’t stand a chance.


Respectfully disagree. Trading should be more limited than it is now.

There is an open-world PvP section to the game, and allowing open trade will render anyone not paying for gear obsolete. This was true for PvP in Diablo Immortal, just in a different way. Player who do not want to (or can’t) spend money on the game will not be able to even attempt to get into that aspect of the game for many many hours longer than someone who just buys gear. That is pay-to-win. If there is any hope for PvP, trade must be restricted.

If all items and gold are tradable, there is zero reason that Blizzard should not just sell the best gear and gold in the in-game store. The result is fundimentally the same, without having to rely on shady third-parties. Obviously, that shouldn’t happen because people would riot. Buying gear is bad game design because it means there is no end-game, but open-trade just moves it to third party. From my understanding D2:R is that way. We can call it ‘secretly P2W’, like PoE.

On top of making the game P2W, open trade incentivizes bot-farms, results in drop-rates being lowered to account for trade, and creates real-money markets. All negatives for the average player.


Proof for you numbers, otherwise you are just pulling numbers out of your poop shooter to fit your agenda.


D2R has JSP forum and other platform, it works as auction. ingame trade is often scam. In JSP you can sell item and buy item for forum curency. There is no need for any money.
Botters are problem tho currently there check RMT sites for prices and they are lowest at history. You can buy Ber for less then dollar meanwhile I never found one in 20 years.

Immortal is biggest garbage in game history why do you even mention that, Blizzard only lost its face and reputation with that game, I think Blizzard regret to release that crap, it cost him image. Everyone was hating on Blizzard after Immortal came out.

90% of players are casuals and they spend a dime on a game they play for fun. There are no pvp in D4 like arena or leaderboard only some one casual zone noone every will be caring about.

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The only way to implement trading is by separating people like in Softcore and Hardcore but with Trading and without.

Trading means the economy will be inflated due to bots, it effects everyone who is part of that economy and is in contact with other people like in events or PvP.


Nope, go back to D2 for that. Don’t want that pay to win crap here.


Open trade invites the worst of communities to infest the game. D2JSP is a good example of one, the very name of the place is from a D2 botting program.

Open trade will never be a thing in AAA game that has a roadmap of support for 5+ years.



You can see D2R player numbers on ladder. I lvl 90 day 2 as number 31000 I also made alt day 2 and it was lvl 12 number 530 000 so probably more ppl play then 500k.

This would be a good compromise…Unlimited trading, but only with party members.

Yup thats currently a problem, even with yellow items…but I think (or hope) that this is only a Beta thing and that there will be a solution in the final release. :slight_smile:


And your point is?

I bet that people who don’t trade and play offline is WAY more than that.

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That is kind of my point. Someone would have to use a 3rd party website to get the best gear in the game as a result of open trade. The values are so low that there is no point to grind for the gear that you will never obtain because of how low the drop rates are. It would be foolish to spend 100+ hours grinding for a piece of gear buyable for less than 2 dollars.

I mention Immortal because it was P2W and was rightfully dragged through the mud for it. Diablo 4 should stay as far away from that as possible.

Maybe you’re right and the PvP Zone will be meaningless, but they did advertise it as a feature and spent some amount of development time on it and (presumably) some amount of character balance around it. Huge doubt that it’ll be anywhere near balanced, but it would be nice if it wasn’t pay-to-win.


Sorry, but your numbers are not correct.

Characters are not players.

Also, 500k people playing this 20 year old non-competitive game? Blizzard would monetize the crap out of it.
Just for comparison, 500k people are playing right now Apex Legends, PUBG and GTA 5 combined (on Steam).


No. Can I just have a good time playing the actual game and not the market.