Test it your self instal D2R and make character 4 hours after ladder start and make level 2 and you see how many players are playing.

I made alt day lvl 12 I checked and it was 530 000. Not much alts was made at day 2 usually so the number is correct I also seen that milion of players play D2R.

At first season there were huge issues with servers, they even blocked to making fast games you were getting error. Servers was overloaded.

D2R is superior to any game it has best graphics and animations and art like nothing else cant compare not even D4. It has godly itemization and amazing combat, you need fast hit recovery and fast cast rate to feel it, and you feel it as you get better the combat is moother and smoother. The has immersion as none other.
Ladder allways start at friday 2 am which sux and I usually go sleep at sunday, it allwasy hook me so badly. D4 i can quit and go sleep anytime but not the D2R :smiley:

I don’t think the ‘unlimited trading’ crowed really knows what they’re talking about. Free market economies work for the few at the expense of the many.

We need to go far beyond the scope of the game when talking about unregulated economies in a virtual world. We’ need to get into the ethics of black markets as well as negative externalities in the real world and the impact it has on the healthy of society and those who participate in societies. It’s such a broad topic that I don’t really have the time to get into it as much as it deserves, and not many here do. So, I’ll say this.

Let’ games be games. Keep the real world out of it. No economies. No trading. Just players slaying monsters and socializing. Economies bring out the worst in people. Keep it out of video games.


I am up for auction but without trading between players or self found mode without trading. At current version D4 we have hybrid which will only profit RMT sites at selling gold and looks like gold will have high value.

But if they want to make seasons like every 3 months then we cant have abysmal drop rate as D2R we have will have casual utter crap drop rate as D3 so everyone will be done with season in week or two max then got bored and uninstall.

So what is better?

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I’d imagine many of the people on the low ranking for ladder are mules and ad bots, along with a slew of higher level bots.

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I have said this before and I will say it again.

Part of what made Diablo a legendary franchise is the ability to trade extremely powerful and coveted items freely.

When an item so powerful can simply be dropped and picked up, or passed along in a trade window, it really makes everything feel more real and tangible. Plus, dropping into a noob lobby and dropping all kinds of good leveling gear that you no longer need for the noobies to pick up is like, important. This is the kind of stuff that creates sense of community and other players with you in your battle against hell. Certainly not like a ‘half’ open world where you see a random player every 10 mins.

RMT’s are a necessary evil but as long as you are combatting botting, who cares what people want to do with the gear they’ve found. The fact that your game is so popular that people will pay real money for an item is like a good sign, imo.


It makes no sense to not have open trading as it stands. 5 affix rares will be the end game items and they are already tradable.

There does need to be a Blizzard created trade site though. Just copy PoE, but I guess your trade currency could only be gold or maybe they could allow you to create an item template of what you want in return for the trade.


Without unlimited trading, ARPGs struggle to maintain a large playerbase. We’ll have the same problem here if it’s shunned. People will bot for power regardless of if there is open trading or no open trading. Just look at any D3 leaderboard before and after a banwave. Eliminating trade doesn’t stop cheaters from gaining the highest power in any game.

Trading is the main motivation for diablo endgame imo.


Everything feels softer and watered down when it’s ‘account’ or ‘soulbound.’ Your sick af Breath of the Dying or Call to Arms is that much cooler knowing it’s also still got trade value if you ever swap to a new build or upgrade or something.

Creates for hilarious moments too when guys are dropping loot in town and picking it back up just to flex. I may have lost an Ohm rune to a level 30 in D2r doing this, lol


Litterally every person who arguing against this are the people who wont control themselves and would 100% use rmt to buy items.

Its why they bring it up nonstop. They know.


Exactly summarized my thoughts. It’s important to smooth out RNG. In POE almost very map I get progress towards my next upgrade because I found items I can sell even if they aren’t for my build.


Yes, not only that but trade allows a kind of forgiveness system on rare drops. You are always making progress toward what you are target farming even if it never drops. Because you can trade all the other stuff you found along the way and get it. Without that system, day after day farming is completely fruitless. This is what then leads people to demand drop rate increases. Then we end up with a D3 “it’s raining legendaries” style again. Trade is the real solution to that problem.


Exactly!! Like oh sick I found the Oculus but I’m playing barb. No worries, I will try to get a Mal rune for it. Now I am going to go enter some trade lobbies. This is gameplay. This is fun. This creates community


I wouldn’t mind an in-game auction house. I liked that PRE ROS in D3. I enjoyed farming for items and putting them up for sale. Just don’t bring back the real money auction house.

But yes, if gold trading is allowed then that will lead to a host of issues if there is an in game auction house, similar to the issue in D3.

It’s such an overlooked yet VERY important dynamic of what makes trading systems so successful. One of the things people had to farm in order to complete D3’s latest season mechanic was the staff of herding. One component of that is a pretty rare drop. Took me over 400 games to get it (which honestly isn’t even that rare considering how rare things can get in ARPGs). People were losing their minds complaining about the drop rate, etc.

But that’s just because the weren’t making any progress towards it. If they were getting things they knew they could eventually trade for the item, no one would be complaining. The system would be fine. That’s Diablo! The solution isn’t to increase drop rates, it’s to add the forgiveness system of trading.


Hard pass.

If people want good gear then they should just grind for it like everyone else. The auction house is what ruined D3 at the start and unlimited trading would just open up seedy 3rd party versions of it.


This literally made your post null.

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Then there can’t be rare drops because then you will have days even weeks of fruitless grinding with nothing to show for it. People will then demand drop rate increases. That’s how “it’s raining legendaries” happens. And it will happen again here with your proposed system. Bad bad take.

In a trading game, you can use the things that drop to trade for the item you’re target farming.

Bots will bot for the most power with or without trading. It’s not even a variable. Just look at how d3’s leaderboards get wiped out every ban wave. Eliminating a beloved system is not the answer.


Yeah but it looks like in this D4 system, the drops are literally catered to what class and even build you are playing. Makes it feel watered down and fake. What Diablo is SUPPOSED to be is a set loot table no matter what you are playing. And it’s your responsibility to be good at trading and understand item values are so you can work towards what you are building no matter what is dropping for you.

Trading is simply another core part of what made this a great game, that they are slowly pulling the soul out of it


Oh well. Devs disagree thankfully.


Well I’m hopeful they’ll come to their senses once we get to the inevitable point of player drop off because there’s nothing to do and they’re faced with adding timers and esports stuff to the game like D3 – or this. I think they’ll get it by then.

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