Unfortunately the game is boring

diablo 3 stash was huge, had a search bar and had 10 tabs. All fully customizable with different icons for different tabs. ALL the other titles stashes were trash compared to D3s

POE has the best stashes (though that’s the how the game is monetized since its F2P, so you have to pay a bit for them).

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i dont get why ppl grind after theyre already pretty much maxed out on gear, ofc thats boring, id assume if you do that, youre having fun for some reason, but why are people doing it if it isnt fun? like the moment i felt bored on my first character i immediately hopped on to lvl an alt and another, trying out some classes, and if im done with those, i can still play something else until season1 comes out. once youre world tier4 and gotten your big item upgrades, theres literally no reason to keep on grinding further, yet ppl for some reason drag themselves through it, and then complain. like its pretty obvious there is meant to be a world tier 5 at some point and theres a void currently in the game, just wait for that and dont burn yourself out.

You can literally still equip them… just work your way upto it…

YA but most of the time those trades unless it was through yourself for alts… was RMT based… I used to partake in that for D2 alot back in the day. Its literally how I avoided getting a job during my bachelors.

It hasn’t really bothered me because some stats are pointless on some classes. Like I went from rogue to Nature Fury Druid (got rogue to 100 so mind as well see what im going to play during season).

My goal was to finish challenges. I just have getting all classes too 100 (which I have 2 almost there, so season 1 I will probably get 1 or 2 more) and then Hardcore, I have only done PvP for… and that was funny

Well, ok sure, but by the time your ALT is leveled to equip the items you’ve been hoarding you’ve more than likely found plenty of the same if not better items - thereby no longer needing the crap you saved.

What content is coming in season 1? There’s the battlepass and the seasons journey which seems like just milestones that give you a gear cache, neither of which is content. A new questline that will probably be pretty quick, but some content.

If the new content coming was so mind blowingly great, they would have announced exactly what it is the moment that a bunch of newer arpg players were getting upset over the idea of having to start over and news websites starting covering said controversy. If i had to guess, the new thing will be world level 5, that starts at level 80, that was probably cut from the base game to ship as their first seasonal content.

Now I hope there’s more than that, but the lack of an announcement when people are quitting a couple weeks in does not fill me with confidence.


I can hear it now:

“The season one theme will be introducing the players to the battlepass system. It will take 3 months to level through the battlepass, providing players with exciting rewards and cosmetics all the way up to level 100”


The season has passive points for a new passive tree for buffs.
Some of these are buffs to Experience, Gold Find, and Magic find. They talked about it last august. This is free for everyone. Certain milestones boost it. You choose how much to put in each.
They also said beating the new pinnacle boss for the season will give a massive buff you can choose.

New Uniques and multiple bosses according to the devs twitter as well. Which is decent.

Then the testers they are are total failures. Or they provided decent feedback and the dev team couldn’t take their head out of their a$s and listen to feedback from a lowly tester.

“You don’t understand why this gameolay loop is so good. It took me 3 hours to come up with it… doyyyyy!”

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Hate that there is nothing just pinde runs and baal runs i could make that run blind now did it at least 10.000 times already, also who decided its a good thing that lvl 99 is a 3 month grind??? wth!!!

I hate that this is what FPS’s turned into, with all the stupid cosmetic crap ruining hte game.

Reminder that the last good battlefield game was battlefield 4.

Eloquent. That is the heart of the issue. The game director decided this game was ok to ship when it is functional and not when it is great.

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The last good battlefield game was bad company 2. battlefield 3 released with that web browser client and didnt work at launch. 4 was just cod.

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3 was poop, 4 they fixed a bunch of stuff that was a problem, like the stupid web browser.

Though the hill i will die on to this day, the best battlefield game ever made, was, and always will be, Battlefield 2142


Have to agree with Op, game is boring, story was good for the most part and the voice acting was cool, story ending was mehh however.

Biggest problem I find is there is just no incentive to replay any of it, at least in previous Diablo games you could do the story again on higher difficulty ect, with the monster scaling even if you wait until level 50 to do the story on teir 2 you wont get much past 55 from the remaining xp available before the game turns into the rinse and repeat grindfest.

Have not played in two days and my barb main is sitting at 77 and I can’t find any reason to continue, am hoping blizz drops some type of patch to improve things such as xp gain, drops rates ect because I can’t see myself logging back in for anything else, took me nearly 2 hours to get from 76 to 77 doing teir 35-36 nightmare dungeons and tbh it’s just so bloody boring.

My 2 cents


That’s a crap ton of copium.

That can just be regular maintenance.

Blizzard hasn’t said anything about any patches this week

Maybe I like copium and just want to inhale a lot of it

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