Unfortunately the game is boring

No real “end game”. Dungeons suck, too much backtracking and dumb objectives. Cop-paste bosses. BORING! zzZZZZzzzzz

Takes too long to level to said “end game”. XP from 80+ is just too much grind for normal people. You like pvp? Good luck killing a level 95+ when you are 7x.

Too much trash stats on items. Hard to get any upgrades that would make it worth hunting for them.

Seasons seem to be “oh we dont have real content so lets make players repeat mentioned grind”. Why?

Its difficult in 2023 game development to include proper inventory space and a separate box for jewels… mkay.

I predict a nice drop in the playerbase when reality catches up to people.


What are your top 3 reasons why the game is boring?


Already happening and it’s happening fast.

  1. Lack of power in classes
  2. Massive nerfs to paragon
  3. Poor drop rate of good items
  4. Non class items dropping for my class
  5. Knee-jerk patches that leave characters that were specialized broken
  6. Game is causing 1-2 builds to be effective post level 50 due to constant changes

Yeah they dont want to make D4 as trivial as D3, it has some D2R wibe as hardcore leveling and stuff.

But over all there is so much room for improvements, I hate the 4 stash tabs what they even thinking, they give us one seasonal stash tabs and call it victory? How low inteligence (dont want to insult directly to get ban) are they to think 4 stash tabs will be enough. How about thir or 4th alt? Just delete all the items from your main char to be able to play alt?


I’m almost certain that they didn’t think at-all when they made the stash, it’s worse than the Diablo 3 stash and I will bet you that they will only be making it worse by letting us gain 1 stash tab by finishing the season’s journey like in Diablo 3… Realistically it’s insulting 4 tabs for 20 characters…


Wjhat they failed on here is the abscense of loot hunting which should be the core for good arpgs. In d4 when you hit like lvl 60 and can get into wt4, all you need is to get some decently rolled ancestrals in your slots and you are done with items. Nothing more to hunt for whatsoever. Sure maybe you can really aim to min/max some rolls, but it will not change your power in any significant way. All previous diablos and most other good arpgs have this loot thrill intact. You know if you farm this and that you have a decent chance of getting nice stuff that will make you more powerful. Here its just nothing. So sad as i was looking forward to being sucked into this for a long time.


Well In D2R there is +1 skill system which is like 10% of damage, overall on gear you can have like +20 which is like 200%. You can feel the damage increase with every +1 upgrade.

Not in D4 there are literaly 400% to cold damage, then 250% to vulnerable, 200% crit damage and other modificators and there is no way you would feel the damage increase on gear upgrade at all.


D4 is just my waiting room until Dark and Darker goes into EA

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Maybe you rushed through the endgame to fast.
Do the side quests, upgrade you renown.
And yes some of this is grindy, its not WoW.

End game starts at WT3 after finishing the campaign and doing the capstone dungeon.
How long takes it?

Yes i agree.
But the game is just 3 weeks old. Let it evolve and look in a few month or in a year.

How many D4-seasons had you played because you know what content is in there?

For sure because the current player base come from the current hype.
But i think D4 will establish a strong and stable player base in the future.


Every new season is REAL new content. That’s what it means. It’s why you can’t use your original character, because each season things are too different to use an old toon.

End game is so fun, I love wasting 8+ hours in one day of farming and not getting an item upgrade with my level 100 character.


This is why I liked the infinite paragon system in D3, even if we didnt find an item upgrade during our session of play we at least got paragon points and made our character a lil bit stronger. In D4 is just feels like a waste of time when you farmed for hours or even days and not find any upgrades, and even if you did its like a 2.1% upgrade lol. D4 is getting boring.


game is dying already . im pretty sure many people wont retstart in season 1 but thats just my opinion…


You can proof this by looking on twitch, it went down to the 3rd place with the most viewers. :wink:

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This is why D2 (a game with no designed endgame) has more of an endgame than D4.

I now grinded to lvl 80 so I could open the World Boss caches, only to find 100% all went to salvage. I do have World Bosses, Helltides, Legion, Tree, and Dungeons. What is the “reward”? Certainly is not loot, all that is left is just gaining XP and levels. But now gaining levels does not make my character more powerful, it just means I continue to scale with the world.

If this was D2 (with D4 graphics, map, etc…) then I would do Helltides for the caches to find a SOJ, or Tree to find Tals set pieces, or Legion to get Occulus or Deaths Fathom. Point is, I have no goal of any item to find, nor is there any item worth finding. The whole point of Uniques should be that they are unique, they are a cut above everything else. I should look at a unique and immediately there is no question whether to equip or not.

If I had item X and found it again, that would absolutely not be a problem because I knew I could trade X for Y which is what I was hoping for. So back in D2 world, you did not need to hope to find just X, you could find A through Z.


That’s what they said about Overwatch 2, and look where that got them.

  • Expensive Cosmetics
  • Poor game balancing
  • Seasonal Pay-to-Play PvE Content
  • New Heroes locked behind Battlepass

Saying Diablo 2 has more endgame is copium and you obviously just kidding yourself

BUT HEY go back and replay your 1000000000x Baal run again and keep pretending their is actual more endgame.


Also, you wouldnt do ANY of those, you would look up a guide, find Enigma to be the only thing worth sht on your character and Visage worth sht on your companion and that’s it.

It started happening after the first week, I had several friends plugging along until level 70-75 now mia. The group I play all games with quit at 70 and 75, one at 40 and me at 82.


Not gonna lie, Blizz needs to do something fast, before most people move on permanently. My friends list and clan are generally empty. I log in to check the vendor and log out.

The core endgame loop just isn’t rewarding or exciting because itemization is poor and there’s no economy. Their approach to seasons has clearly turned a lot of more casual people off as well. Some reasonably attainable chase items would be a big step in the right direction and quick and easy to implement. Just my 2 cents.