Unfortunately the game is boring

Sounds like across the board the fun builds don’t do any damage. My minions suck. The ai is all over the place. They die easy and don’t do any damage even when fully specced and geared towards. Fairly deep into paragon with minion buffs. Affixes all. Only missing ring. See other players 10 levels below me wiping the floor with elites but takes me 10x the effort to clear even during vulnerable states using golem + blight + blighted CE + decompose (acolyte)… Everything to boost minion dps and it feels like molasses. For a minion build this isn’t just sitting around doing nothing. I am constantly working my rotation to ramp up damage and not being rewarded. If I went to a specialized build bone spear or mist I’d just be pressing one key. How is this balanced? Why am I gimped for going full minion? It’s a chore. At least bosses go down but half the time dungeons aren’t about killing bosses. There’s large packs of elites and they will just wipe my minions and force me to backtrack after my aotd when it only allows me to kill two elites in a pack of because minions can’t effing focus one down at a time. Not fun.


Apparently Blizzard listened too much to the community when they yelled out that the necro is too strong in the beta.

Most of us would prefer this TBH… It makes it possible to get uniques for alts and something easier to build towards on them

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Kripp’s crit minion build with the ring for them actually goes crazy.

Ever seen a defender do a 18k base damage explosion on hit that crits for higher than most other builds lol… That is a support minion going crazy

I would argue that Cursing for minion damage is also a core part of necromancer for 3 games now

To be fair… the endgame loop of diablo hasnt really changed all that much in 25 years and other ARPGs are the same.
Last Epoch and POE are really good games, but even their endgame is more of the same…

ITs just an ARPG staple to infinitely do the same thing for 2000 hours lmao

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The FPS community is in such a bad state, they are praising a roblox battlefield game as the 2nd coming of Jesus.


Blight and decompose are supposed to buff minion dmg… they don’t seem to affect it at all. I’ll compare with curse but I don’t find that enjoyable at all compared to having blight/ce. I understand it may have been core but this game suggested 100s of ways to build…

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I mean this is kinda the point. You aren’t supposed to get 100 as a normie.

People have been asking for this since D3 normalized max level.

Most who play Diablo 2 never make it to 99. I never have.

It’s a reward for those who dedicate themselves. Just because you bought the game doesn’t mean you’re entitled to the achievements within.


I think big part of the problem is the open world with level scaling.
Its just not done right!


but in D2 you could farm for or trade for a unique item that would unlock a new build/playstyle to make an alt for and that alt would reboot the love of the game all over again.

with the random stat generation and gear lvl scaling the only reason to play your main is for your main. so far I have had zero drive to play an alt because of this

There is still less endgame in Diablo 2 then Diablo 4 since Diablo 2 loot progression and nothing else.

In that you are right.
But at what cost?

Diablo 3 endgame is better!

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Its hard to compare.
The dungeons feels like a combination of bountys and GR.

But as far as i know the rifts/GR in d3 were also added later and not with the first release.

I think some people want a content like GR in D3 or the maps in PoE where they just running through an area and killing monsters while watching tv.

D4 release is just 3 weeks ago, soon a greater patch is coming maybe with some QoL-changes, maybe with some balancing changes.
Same with season, we can only guess whether the content is boring.

Maybe a little more patience is needed.

My top reasons:

  1. Mob scaling leading to huge periods of feeling like your character isn’t progressing or becoming more powerful. In fact, leveling can often leave you feeling less powerful.

  2. Lack of variety of skills. Basic skill spam followed by a brief barrage of your spender of choice followed by running around waiting for your cooldowns. Further, most people will be mana starved for much of the time. Waiting for mana is not fun.

  3. Repetitive and generic content. Events and dungeons feel very similar with unoriginal “kill all mobs” goals and backtracking through empty halls.


Yep. After all these years they still have not come up with a skills and itemization system that makes the constant dungeon grind worthwhile. It’s just stupid how boring the game got in such a short period.


I am in the same boat… I was hyped so much about this game , even took two weeks off work , now I am level 95, have all my gear level 800+ , maxed my glyphs , and I don’t have the will to even push those last 5 levels… all end game content feels boring …helltide is just a one hour of useless items that most of the times gets salvaged …tree of whispers is worse and gives you worse rewards…nightmare dungeons …I feel no point of playing them anymore after I maxed my glyphs …even pvp area is dead …I spent 3 hours today in pvp area to farm and not a single person showed up


Id say its close but Immortal holds worse for me

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○ There’s little difference in the way a class plays from like level 20 to 100. Often, you seek to lower cooldowns on skills for maximum uptime, and you’re simultaneously trying to reduce the need to use resource builders. There’s no character building on the skill tree that involves modifying skills further later into the game, to make them behave in different ways that are impactful to gameplay. You can’t keep putting points into whirlwind, for example, with different branches or breakpoints that make it do novel things later in the game.

○ Related to the above point, we’re kind of just rebuilding the same character 3x over, with bigger damage, more passive damage reduction, and more cooldown reduction each time. Blizzard made a game that goes to level 50 and then tried to stretch it out to 100, which ends up feeling thin for power gamers and super grindy for other gamers.

○ The nightmare dungeons are awful. Since Torchlight 2, if not before, ARPGs have tried to encourage people to zoom fast, with various mechanics that reward the player staying in combat and quickly going from pack to pack with no down time. PoE has this with its flask system, in which you want to kill fast enough to refill flask charges before flask effects wear off. D3 obviously had this with its rifts. D4 dungeons have too much backtracking, combat stoppages, long stretches with nothing, spawn times that take forever, unnecessary npc dialogue, bad mob density, and are just boring.


Too bad you wont be able to equip them since everything has a level requirement for the level it was dropped. This game is not alt friendly at all.