Unfortunately the game is boring

20? We can only have like 10-12 chars max lol

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Add Rifts/Greater Rifts without all these stoopid objectives and game will be more fun. :beers:


Agree 100 % , and only 6 skill can map??? this is an insult to an ARPG.

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I think what makes it boring is the constant drops of loot. It’s just so much to vendor all the time that it’s making drops boring.

I am not even excited anymore when a legendary drops, because I know in less than 5 minutes another one drops.

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When D4 is boring to you, maybe its time to try another game or generally take a break from playing games when you dont find one.

Or maybe they could make it more interesting?


no way… wow such wisdom


Youre supposed to get excited for Uniques, not Legendaries.

Legendaries are going to be scrapped for resources 9/10 times, so that you can max upgrade your items, Enchant, etc.
If Legendaries didnt have a relatively decent drop rate, you would spend 40 years trying to rank5 all your items.

-That being said, i hate D4, this game is awful.
your gripe was just a strange illogical one.


Why is this still a surprise? We expected exceptional and received mediocre, that is the heart of all feedback. D4 is not a bad game, but neither does it stand out in any way. Blizzard put forth the bare-minimum effort, it is average in every respect.


Chase items are meaningless if you don’t enjoy the chase.

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A lot of people did this over a decade ie. in WoW/D2/D3 or other similar games.
When its so boring why they did this?

Maybe they have a lot of fun with the game.
If not they quit the game.

There’s no shame in quitting a game when you’re not having fun anymore.

People used to go crazy over pac-man back in the day, or space invaders.
Back then it was fun.

In todays world, not so much…

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Main difference for me is that d2 and wow were much more social games so you had fun with others. With d3 you have a point, but I only enjoy that when playing coop with friends on console.

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Stop…hoarding…them. My god you people. How thick are you?

That kind of makes it very difficult if you want to respec to try many different builds. Because of the scaling you’ll become incredibly weak unless you save different sets of gear for different builds.

No class balance at all- Every power needs to be viable

To much CC- this isnt an arpg at all

Seasons- lazy design by nature.

Why you cant play with others in D4 if you want?
You can join to a clan, your friends from bnet are shared with d4 and there a lot of discord communities about d4.

End game in d2 was better than the end game in 95 percent of the games ever made. And yes this was not by design.

Good design oftens comes unintentionally. Problem with modern game developers is unintended designs are not celebrated or encouraged. They are discouraged, especially buy the money men.


ohh I thought that was kind of cool gave me lots of reasons to level up other atls.

I bought Dune spice wars less than 2 weeks after D4 & probably will never return. Finished & I don’t want to just kill enemies for nothing. Game is a lame duck, most of y’all can just keep whistling past the graveyard though.

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