Unfortunately the game is boring

What things did you enjoy about the game?

Yes they do need something fast and Season 1 will be their make it or break it in the game. Thats how I feel and if its success then the game has a bright future and if it doesn’t then the game has a grim future just like every ARPG that came.


Endgame doesnt just mean events and content to do, it means a reason to keep grinding and playing even if at max lvl. In d4 there is absolutely no reason as there is nothing to hunt for that can make any difference. In other good arpgs there are tons of things to be found that will improve you. Thats the point he made, and i agree.


I’m looking forward to a potential patch today or tomorrow or in the least the patch info to see what’s being fixed. But I am under no delusion that it is going to take a long time to get D4 to where it can be.

D3 doesnt have it either, which is where D4 seem to have gotten their ideas(the bad ones) from the most, including the loot pinata drop rate and no chase items.

already finished Lilith alters on SC and HC. Already did dumb rep garbage once. Can’t do it again on HC it’s that boring. Doesn’t change the endgame from being bad or bad endgame dungeon design

Can you take a wild guess how we can easily figure out you do not know anything about D2, never played it maybe, and are only capable of regurgitating what you have seen commented here? Hint, best not to reply with arrogance while showing complete ignorance, just looks so bad.


It’s literally the same thing over and over again. Loot caves, nightmare dungeons, grind grind grind for hours on end to see…not a gods damned thing to show for it. Hours and hours of pressing the same buttons over and over again to get only a couple levels of xp and no meaningful upgrades. I’m already over this game. It’s pretty, the visuals are amazing. I enjoyed the story. The grind afterwards though? Definitely not worth the price of admission.

Add to that the fact that in seasonal, you have to do it ALL OVER AGAIN. Ya…screw that noise. I’ll come back to play the expansion story and that’ll be all.


If you’re not enjoying the game, maybe you should buy some transmogs for you and your horse!

Jkjk :rofl::joy:

I hope blizzard reads that so they can hear how stupid that idea is.


How did they make more stash available in D3.,… i suspect you already know the answer…it was one of the reasons to do seasonal content and conquests.

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cool, so youll pay for the expansion and give them more money to make the game better for the rest of us who KNOW every diablo game has gotten better with age

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How did you come up with that, did they say something?

I have a feeling a massive patch is coming is all. Especially with so much server maintenance being announced.

Im of strong belief that D4 is Blizzards worst game ever made.

-you’re right, it has no actual end game.
-dungeons are terrible.
-They put PvP in the game just to use as a sales point, and never touch it again.
-Skewed loot tables, designed to make it nearly impossible for Aspects relative to your build to drop(artificial longevity)

-coming off the cusp of Diablo immortal which hit the nail on the head in terms of:
-Class design both in PvP and PvE.
-Immortals vs Shadows(honestly one of the most impressive things ive ever seen implemented into a game).
-world bosses.
Only thing Diablo Immortal could stand to improve on(besides removing microtransactions) were the raid bosses.

D4 saw this game and the things it raised the bar on.
And the D4 team failed to take anything from it.
This game feels like Diablo1 in an open world if you ask me.
Feels less polished and less complete than Immortal did in its alpha stage, by a significant amount even.

This game is just outright not good, and needs a bigger overhaul than D3 did to actually be worth what we paid.


There are chase items (e.g., Grandfather, Shako, etc.). Problem is there’s not enough of them and you need to be able to find uniques for other classes.

Apparently none of the developers have played ARPGs much, because the loop in most ARPGs is there’s a lot of chase items that are rare, so you find random ones each time you play through and that motivates you to go make a new character to try your shiny item (or trade it for another).

For this to be healthy you need dozens/hundreds of good sets/uniques so there’s a lot of random rare stuff to find. You won’t find the exact things you’re looking for all the time, but you can trade things and finding certain items motivates a new character. Like you might be playing through D2 on a barb and find an occulus and think: “hey that’s cool, I should go make a sorc with this”

The ilvl requirements are absolutely killing trade at the moment also and they should be completely turned off with fixed level requirements by tier (e.g. 50 for sacred, 70 for ancestral). You should be able to give items you find on your level 100 to low level alts or trade them to other characters.


If i could pick my top 3 reasons for the gaming being boring it would be this.

  1. Vulnerability as a mechanic kills build diversity, every single build you make, has to have the ability to apply vulnerability reliably, and leaves a small damage window open, as damage outside of vulnerability is basically meaningless.

  2. NM Dungeon system sucks, the introduciton of Affix’s to the system created the same problem that M+ has in WoW, a large amount of the ‘challenge’ is based upon what random affixs you get stuck with, not with the actual difficulty of the game. I would rather the NM dungeons just keep scaling in difficulty, and requier bigger numbers then deal with lol can i ez do this one because the affixes are good, or am i gonna get stone walled?

  3. Level scaling is crap, makes then entire experience past level i would say 60, pretty borinng and pointless as from then on you no longer feel like you are getting stronger, you just feel like your character is getting less crappy.

Fixes for these

  1. Vulnerability: Either remove it outright, or increase what will cause a target to become vulnerable, IE, if its slowed past a given % it is considered vulnerable, if it is frozen, stunned, or unable to move, its also vulnerable, if it has a given % of bleeds or poisons on it, its vulnerable.

  2. Make affixes optional additives to NM, not default on. Make it so that when you get a NM key for say a level 40 you can either take it as is, OR you can choose to add a random Benifit to the key, but also get a random negative, OR you can choose a specific bonus, but you get 2 random Negative modifiers as well.

  3. Restructure each world tier, WT1 the starting zone from the campaign has level 1 monsters, the final zones of the campaign have level 25 monsters, in WT2 starting zone has level 26, end zone has level 50, WT3 starting has 51, ending has 75, WT4 Starting is 76, ending is 100, WT5, Starting is 100 ending is 125. Dungeons in their respective zones have the same level mobs in them as well.


I believe D3 sucked infinitely more at launch.

i dont disagree, but i think D3 was alot easier to fix than this will be.


Credit where credit is due. D3 managed to be a good game despite its many flaws, and its fanbase has remained consistent and hardcore for well over a decade later. Part of its charm was an excellent story driven campaign, which although not as dark as its predecessor, still connected with people.

D4 on the other hand, although easily superior in SO many ways (visuals, polished combat etc.) it lacks staying power due to poorly designed, uninspired story, and just god awful endgame.

I suspect that the meeetooo nonsense that saw the Diablo team gutted had a lot to do with the disjointed feeling one gets when playing this game. You can practically feel the the contradictions in story. Makes ya wonder what could have been. Such a shame.


Other than QOL they will probably have to revamp whole loot system about like they did with D3. Aspects and imprinting seemed cool but its not.

They tried to make loot in this game too much like wow mythic loot farming.