Un-Nerf WW Barb

pretty much, whoever is in charge of balance at blizzard is negligent

I donā€™t know my sorcerer struggles a bit, oh wait because it relies on crowd control through frost nova and largely the single target damage is kinda bad especially if you consider pyro sorc which relies on dots which is horribly slow.

Iā€™m not sure this is true, honestly. At level 83 Iā€™m completing T33-34 NM dungeons in 3-4 minutes. Sure, a Rogue could do it a little faster, but theyā€™re not doing sub 1 minute clears. The difference would not be that huge.

I donā€™t think Sorc is better than us, if at all. Iā€™ve seen some high end Sorc gameplay and it doesnā€™t seem better than WW at all really.

The only issue with WW is that it takes way too much effort to bring it online. We shouldnā€™t need 75+ levels, glyphs, specific uniques and legendaries just to use a Core skill you can get at level 3

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its definitely true, if i had the same tier gear on any other character as I do my barb, id be doing almost double my nightmare dungeon

Sounds like youā€™re falling into the classic trap of caring more about your character level than having fun.

being able to clear content IS having fun

you have fun randomly dying and not doing damage? weird kink

I mean. WW is fine (and several of the other outlandish builds). Yes there are some issues with the 2 aspects being offline, but WW is miles above many of the other classes and their issues with balance. Soā€¦ I guess we are all in the same boat of ā€œbalanceā€. Maybe cool off and come back? We will welcome you back. In the meantime, more WW for the win!

Have you played sorcerer? Arc Lash is decent AoE, struggles slightly against elites (especially bosses as they are not immediately crowd controlled), pyro is DoT focused and thus struggles in that alone because face it, youā€™re relying on game ticks, ice sorc isnā€™t any different from Arc Lash just relies on spending for ice blades for decent single target, still relies on crowd control by the way!


The man is clearly indicating other builds are more fun. Meaning clearing content isnā€™t all heā€™s craving.

Some of us play WW barb cus we genuinely love it. Ive been a ww barb in diablo since d2.

They 100% overnerfed barb ww build by far. I see rogues and sorc just flat out destroying things. Yet no nerfs or disabling their codex items for multiple days without a fix.

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I love builds that become good after lv70. Yeah, fun play style.


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this lol rogues are 1v1ing uber lilith no problem

The two aspects are bugged, it one shot echo of lilith. In another thread the OP was complaining that his damage dropped from 100k crits to 50k crits, thatā€™s how OP WW barb was with said aspects enabled. The only people that care are the people abusing the crap out of it.

Edit: Thatā€™s having BOTH aspects on gear at once.

No they were not bugged, they had an interaction the devs missed. Which 99.99999% of the player base did not do. So you punished 99.999999% of your player base because .00001% of barb players did it, then left it be for days with no fix.

Thats asinine. In a non-competitive aarpg.


Just give me optionsā€¦ having to rely on shouts in every build is not original. How many viable barb builds are there? you either good aoe and terrible boss damage or bad aoe and good boss damage. Something just aint right for that to be an issue in a ARPG game. lol

If it werenā€™t bugged why would it cause 100k crits or 1 shot echo of lilith? Why is Blizzards reaction is to disable them until they figure out a fix for it?

Once more, no other aspects interact with each other in that way, strictly those two.

Edit: Also things interacting with other things in unintended ways is classed as bugged, bugged does NOT mean it isnā€™t JUST working at all, bugged can also mean NOT WORKING as intended.

You talk about 100k crits like theyā€™re a big deal, endgame builds from multiple classes can do this and more easily.

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Again because the devs missed item interactions with each other. They made that item do that, its not a bug.

If it was a bug it would have been fixed by now, the reason its taking so long is because they didnt think about how 1 codex interacs with another. They designed that.

Also again, not enough ppl were going to use it to disable it. Its not even a season! Who the actual F cares if someone beats a boss a week+ before you? In a non competitive aarpg thats basically a solo game.

Disabling a misbehaving aspect isnā€™t a priority 1 bug that requires all hands to fix.

Iā€™m sure the product owners and devs are capable of identifying game breaking changes and minor inconveniences, and prioritize work accordingly.

The effectiveness of WW barbs hasnā€™t dropped much and remains a top build.

Not working as intended can and will always be classed as bugged.

Edit: It was disabled due to a streamer on twitch one shotting echo of lilith. So yes it WILL be resolved and the initial resolution was disabling it temporarily as the figure out a fix.