Un-Nerf WW Barb

I am to the point where I am uninstalling today and probably not coming back for a long, long while. The battle pass can rot for all I care. I rather lose 20.00 than have to play this pile of garbage any longer.

Keep in mind didnā€™t the devs stealth disable two aspects entirely for barb? Both great for WW?

They didnā€™t stealth disable them, they told us about it. Then they went for a weekend break with out actually fixing anything. So we have had disabled aspects for 4 days now. As a software developer, I would have been fired for doing something this absolutely moronic. Leaving customers with out a working as intended product would have the whole chain of command fired who okā€™d this decision.

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Oh, I looked thru the patch notes and didnā€™t see anything, maybe it was on twitter?

How about they just buff all the weak stuff in the game? WW barb is still leagues ahead of other options.

I have tried all classes across the previous betas and live, Barb is my calling.
Finding a speedy NM dungeon clearing build during the 50-100 leveling process is the goal.

Have you played it recently after the nerfs? Iā€™d disagree when watching hi level rogues or sorcs.


Yelling three times in a row and holding the right mouse button is really boring. Thatā€™s why I donā€™t play it like that when I play with someone in a group, itā€™s really bad for me and when they tell me, I have no chance to get close to them unless Iā€™m totally boring like everyone in the videos and on the web. There are many different constructions, but none are correct, except for the scream. I understand that some people might enjoy this boring set of 3 screams and one berserker, which is also a scream and then just twists and punches. BORING BORING BIG BORING.

Letā€™s be honest you only like playing the top op most god tier class in any game because you like following your ESPORTS god that you worship especially when he goes to take a deuce all over your face and told you to like it.

Do your own thing my dude, be original play something that ISNā€™T barb because your internet boyfriend told you itā€™s the best thing ever.

this forum is so unnecessarily toxic towards barbarian players.

The barb isnt even the most played class, itā€™s sorc


Dont count the percent ive rounded to full numbers xD

Sorc: 24%
Rouge: 22%
Barb: 20%
Necro: 18%
Druid: 17%

Top 100 (LvL wise):
Sorc: 28%
Barb: 26%
Rouge: 23%
Druid: 12%
Necro: 11%

Is that what the devs want you to think? Last I checked people legitimately follow their chosen internet boyfriend to the things, look at classic WoW and how far that went with such thing, everyone said PLAY HORDE PLAY HORDE! and the horde suffered from multi hour BG queues when BGs were opened up.

You show your ignorance making assumptions like this. People follow build guides for different reasons. Donā€™t be so judgmental.

No, its just a few attention seekers, nothing more.
I see more rogues and sorcs in WT4 then barbs at least in town.

Where did you find those numbers? curious. They seem to fit what Iā€™ve been seeing in town.

idk what youā€™re smoking, iā€™ve never played WoW as itā€™s trash.

Isnt the #1 streamer a rogue or something?

thats because barbs were relegated back to t3 with the nerfs lol.

Itā€™s the lack of forethought, the first level 100 was a barb, the most successful class is barb, in fact someone cleared the 70 capstone at level 55, 15 levels BELOW the suggested level, playing WW barb, because WW barb is easily the most OP build pre nerf.

In fact a BARB under two bugged aspects 1 SHOT echo of lilith LIVE on twitch.

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just bc its 80% of all builds doesnt mean it isnt bad design. a lot of my friends quit over this

the builds need to work earlier and just be weaker than simply not function for 50 levels

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Blight necro is a solid b tier tbh. Barbs need more variety and necro minions need better scaling for wt4.

If anyone rolls a rogue or sorc, theyā€™d be able to fly through dungeons about 3x the speed of a ww barb in its current state regardless of gear/rolls.
The single target and aoe potential of the other builds/classes is unbalanced.
I feel like the barb nerfs came from exploits or some ā€œnon standardā€ players and now the entire barb community pays the price.

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