Un-Nerf WW Barb

Lol thats some cope right there. Sure 1-2 days is fine. Disabling it over the weekend with no info on when it will be fixed is not.

However i see rogues doing basically the same to that boss.


Disabling 2 codex that are a classes best are not a priority? I guess that makes sense why blizz class balance is widely know as trash rofl.

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Obviously not if they are disabling aspects in a non season. Who cares if people are playing something broken, it literally has ZERO impact on anything else. You sure as heck do not just disable something and leave for the weekend. As someone who works in software, this would get you fired where I work. Leaving customers with out recourse and no fix slated is a hard no go unless it is breaking something.

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100k crits outside of shrine buffs is massive for diablo 4s paltry damage numbers, I’m only level 67 (i’m not an exploiter who feels the need to abuse grouping mechanics to reset over spawning dungeons just to “HAVE FUN”), I at most crit 20k if i’m lucky.

Lol you have no idea what you’re talking about, get some decent gear and you’ll easily do more than that. The exploiters were hitting for billions.


Bugged aspects are low priority, major fixes such as reducing elite spawns in dungeons is a higher priority as that is game changing considering people dinged 100 in 3 days time by abusing grouping mechanics (fyi not an intended mechanic), I’m sure once Blizzard resolves dungeons while the one or two guys figure out the odd interaction between the two aspects, the fix will be implemented.

Thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard. One effects multitudes of players enjoyment, the other only effects the person who dinged 100…

Priorities bro.

Then at that point you fix them. You absolutely do not disable something with out a fix in the immediate pipeline. It should have stayed a low priority and been fixed when they had a fix ready. Disabling something and just leaving full specs broken is absolutely moronic.

The 99% found out about it quickly

Not really, lol.

Past a certain milestone thats kinda the norm.

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Oh so you do agree that using the aspects is exploitation okay cool, then you understand why they had to be disabled. So stop being a baby about it and play the damn game.

they should have just banned anyone using the exploits and let the rest of us continue playing as it was intended

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So, what was the problem? Was it a barb specific thing?

It is a priority, These people are the same people who will come to the forums to moan about how BORED they are because they hit max level and did everything they could.

This is what they should have done, while finding a fix for this interaction of items. Not disable 2 codexs that are the best for a class.

The aspects affected specifically barbs and this was demonstrated live on twitch with a level 100 hardcore barb one shotting what’s supposed to be the games hardest boss which is echo of lilith.

Anyone has a video link? I wanna see this 1 shot. =)

Edit: Was it Ben? The PoE god. lol

verb (used with object), fixed or (Archaic) fixt [fikst], fix·ing.
to repair; [mend].
to put in order or in good condition; adjust or arrange:

to make unable or unfit; weaken or destroy the capability of; [incapacitate]. The detective successfully disabled the bomb.
to impair or injure (a person or animal) physically or mentally:The accident disabled him for life.
to make legally incapable;

Now you know

Yeah but what was the exploit? Did they multiply off something, or was there a specific trigger?

The disabling of the aspects was to buy time while they actually figure out what caused the bugged interactions, things take time and that includes bug discovery and resolution.