Un-Nerf WW Barb

I am currently level 88 and climbing but noticed the WW Barb is not as fun to play as other builds or classes.
It has been nerfed to the ground and could use a rework.
Specing for resource to endlessly spin to win leaves defenses or offenses lacking.
Specing offense leaves resource etc.
Has anyone else noticed the constant nerfs since launch?


Minion Necro welcomes you at the bottom of the food chain.

Its nice down here, but i was here first, dont forget about that!!!


So you want to be able to excel at everything with no trade offs whatsoever so you can just press 1 button to farm content? I highly doubt they are going to do that for you. Maybe spec for some defense/offense and only spin 75% of the time?

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Or just roll a rogue.

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Maybe share the details of your build? The WW barbs I’ve played with just chew up content with mindless ease. You might just have sub optimal skill selections or item affixes/aspects/etc and not realize it.

That’s crazy you still have 2 other specs that work.

Must be nice not being a Necromancer.

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The play style might not be as fun but isn’t it still the top build?

I see more WW barbs than anything else, but this is anecdotal. I don’t know where or if there are official stats on player classes. Would be fun to know.

I meant top in damage and survivability, not popularity, but the two probably relate.

I’d certainly agree that they are. They have gap closing ability, movement speed (to close or get away), can do massive damage, have high DR and health. Honestly, it’s hard to see where their weakness is that so many complaint threads are created about barbarians.

Try playing the other classes for a minute. :slight_smile:

It still works well for most content once you have good gear, that’s key now after the nerfs, you need specific gear.

But depending what content you’re referring to, I hear Whirlwind does have issues with higher nightmare tier dungeons now. I haven’t gotten that high yet because I’m waiting to get back Edgemaster in particular before I try pushing higher. And if Whirlwind can’t do high tier nightmare dungeons because of the nerfs that would be quite frustrating.

I myself want to hurry up and get to 100 and try to get as powerful as possible before more nerfs and then quit playing for a long time. I’m tired of dealing with Blizzard’s constant and obnoxious “balancing”.

Thats part of the problem though. It is unplayable or gg broken op there is no in between.

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one of the devs posted on twitter that sorc was the most played

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WW is still crazy strong. I’m level 83 and have finally managed to get the spec to a great place. It certainly does take a lot of work though. I’d say before level 75 or so it felt really, really bad.

You need Marshal, Disembowel, and Wrath glyphs. You need Rage of Harrogath chest. You need Echoing Fury and Bold Chieftain’s rings. You need 13%+ cooldown reduction on your helm and amulet. You need fury cost reduction on amulet / boots. You need resource generation on rings. Before all that, it’s not great to play.

If they’re going to put WW in the game, it should be viable from level 10. If someone wants to play a WW Barb, they shouldn’t have to spend 50-60 hours playing some other build to get there. Very few players will get WW Barb to the place it needs to be before quitting and rolling something else. That’s just bad design.


I hate post-launch modifications for “balancing”.

First, they are chasing their tails. There is no “perfectly balanced” game that can be achieved, just a set of constantly shifting tradeoffs.

Second, players who purchase the game are not beta testers. Stop treating them like they are.

I wish the game industry would standardize around this: use betas to fine tune classes, then release the game, then stop worrying about balance. It’s done. Fix the bugs and exploits.


Yeah I really wish they would have not tried to make D4 online. That’s the reason for the nerfs. I’m a single player game no one complains that “waah that class killed boss X faster than I can.” D4 will be a never ending stream of nerfs until everyone is as bad as the lowly Necro.

They honestly knee-jerk nerfed barbarian WAY too hard. There are a crap ton of builds that out dps ww by a metric ton now.

Could be the fact that they disabled two of the best barb affixs with no timeline on fix etc.


That is all Blizzard knows how to do. The fact they diabled aspects and then went afk for the weekend tells you all you need to know about this “gaming” company. Who ever the dipstick was that ok’d this, should be fired immediately and never let near another piece of software again.


Yeah it’s like Blizzard hates it’s playerbase. They are so concerned with gate keeping us and keeping us from getting too powerful in a game that is all about getting to be as powerful as possible. It really sucks to play a game when we’re being treated like this. Specially one that you’ve looked forward to for ages, and it’s being marred by the way they’re handling things.

As I’ve said I want to hurry up and get my fill and just be done for a long time, even though I got battlepass, I’m not even sure I want to play long enough to take advantage. It’s been stressful and so frustrating dealing with blizzard’s “balancing”.


This is 80% of all builds. Druid was same way for me and from what I can see from others most have this issue. A few S tier builds can perform throughout but there are far too many builds that don’t get online until you’re 75% through the content.

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