Uber Lilith is a cheat fight

It was during its heyday. Boss fights in that game are vastly superior vs the utterly worthless Uber Lilith. I even beat the Emerald & Ruby Weapons which were only available in the American versions of classic FFVII. FFVII Remake totally ruined the original game. I refuse to play it. Should have kept the turn-based combat or at least made it an option. Baldur’s Gate 3 & Divinity: Original Sin/Divinity: Original Sin II are prime examples of great modern-day turn-based games.

Sadly in a Diablo style ARPG it’s difficult to design hard bosses because players can overgear to the point of insanity. So for difficulty you end up with one shots and forced phase mechanics or a ton of HP.

Tormented Andariel is a good fight so they are moving in the right direction at least. From what I’ve seen of POE even the Ubers there just get insta killed with the right builds.

What’s the right answer for difficulty in this genre? It’s debatable because every player tends to like something different.

honestly just sounds like round based combat suits you better than arpgs.

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I’ve played several ARPGs & enjoyed them. Champions of Norath, Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance, Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance II, Star Wars KOTOR, Star Wars KOTOR II, & Diablo 3. Beaten every single one of these games - none of which had a single instance of one-shot boss mechanics that I recall. Diablo 4 bosses are a sick joke vs the ones in the games I’ve listed here.

You might enjoy Tormented Andariel if you haven’t done her. It’s less fast paced and easier to avoid getting stacks. Uber Lilith is hyper fast paced by comparison.

There’s no super tanking everything and having a 20 minute encounter with the ubers where you just eat every mechanic however. I know some players prefer that play style but they went a different direction in D4.

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ngl i got used to your old avatar and this one just feels off

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I’ve managed to kill every single Tormented boss over the past couple of weeks - the easiest being Gregoire (no deaths!) to the most difficult being Beast in the ice (had trouble seeing the ice bursts on the ground and had trouble getting out of them fast enough… coupled with the only 4 attempts at a time because he’s in a NMD).

I spent at least 8 hours this past weekend just beating my head against her. I’ve watched more than a dozen videos on the fight - both cheesy ones that do so much damage they skip the mechanics (I’ve killed her once, during S2 with a broken BL build) and others, from some very impressive players, that follow all the mechanics properly.

I dont know what it is, but everything seems so much slower paced and easier to see in videos compared to what I see when I try it - my video card is outdated, so that might play a small factor, but I cant see it being that much of a factor.

My gear is better than in some of the videos, and worse than in others.

This has wreaked havoc with my OCD - the encounter has really gotten under my skin, so much that I cant focus on much else because I’m obsessing over it… I even dreamt about it last night. This has been the most defeating, depressing experience I’ve had in a video game. :confused:

I had alot of trouble completing a GR150 in D3 - I only ever managed to do it once, in the most recent season - but in every previous season, I could at least see the light at the end of the tunnel: with enough perseverance, completing a GR150 was possible… I saw enough small progress every attempt, every season (I usually called it between GR130-GR140 - the time required to progress higher was more than I could justify spending) that I knew it wasnt hopeless - with enough time, I could earn enough Paragon points to clear a GR150. In this case, I’m not seeing anything I could do with my character that will make enough of a difference with Lilith - finding an item with an extra bit of life? damage? - to go from being the complete failure that I am, to successfully beating the encounter.

The one small silver lining, though, is that I discovered how awesome her music is… I never really noticed it before.

Her health was reduced in today’s patch, and… I still cant beat her. I guess I’m just simply that bad of a player.

I give up. :sob:

I’m late to this threads party but I just wanted to say FINALLY I found someone else complaining about the exact issue I’ve noticed with all the big fights. They FORCE you to complete phases and it’s ridiculous. I wasn’t even one-shotting them or anything either. Lilith and Andariel both I could kill them before their 3rd “phase” but I was forced to wait out the fight until they spawn back and immediately die. So stupid.

Was it??? Thought it was just The Pit health that was reduced?

all tormented bosses -30%, i dont know anything about pit bosses

’ * All Tormented bosses have had their health reduced by 30%. This includes Blood Boils from Tormented Echo of Lilith.’

This was actually one of the issues I was having: having to use my burst skills to get the adds/boils down fast enough, making them unavailable during the very short windows Liltih was one the ground and able to be damaged in phase 1…

Yes so I FINALLY did it. I watched a video someone posted I believe in this thread and I saw that after the platform breaks I can quickly dps her down. I was thinking she was immune at that time and forcing myself to go through the next part which sucked.

Anyway shes done for. Now I can finally craft this freakin harlequin crest!


If it was the one I posted in this thread, glad it helped. Since you’re a Barb I thought it might help to see a Barb kill.

I think the mechanics on 2nd phase are fine. You need 140 % movement speed with some evades, or 160% if you don’t want to evade. It takes a lot of practice, which requires that you can consistently and quickly complete the phase 1 fight. If it takes a long time or is hard to do phase 1, it is very difficult to get in the practice reps on phase 2 to master it.
My phase 2 strategy (Most important! come up with a repeatable pattern / strategy, minimize improvisation):

  1. after hitting her for as much dmg as possible in center at start of phase 2, head up to upper left corner in that circle mark in floor.
  2. Then I start running clockwise around the edge (don’t clip blood blisters). You need to understand when is the moment that the side you are on turns from safe to deadly, and evade across the line right at that time.
  3. then there are skulls chasing, and this is where you need some movement speed. I wind in a clockwise spiral, and eventually she appears in upper right corner.
  4. get up there, and pick a spot you go to EVERY TIME, so you can get a repeatable timing pattern to again head clockwise in a sprial. Again need to understand the signals for exactly when the one side is safe and at the exactly moment it is unsafe, dash across the boundary. I ALWAYS evade across the boundary. Something with trying to time that evade button click with the signals, helps me get timing right.
  5. Again spiral around edge weaving between flying skulls … and now comes the tricky part. The last left corner is really tight. This part took me like 50 tries to master, and usually takes improvisation (which usually leads to disaster).
  6. Again you need to evade across the boundary right at the correct moment.
  7. Now all corners gone, be patient and wait for a few linger skulls to disappear before going in for kill. If you have debuffs, watch out for wing attack. It is really painful to die now as you are so close.

I think phase 1 is the more stupid part of the fight. You really need an insane DPS burst, because if you don’t kill her before she flies up first time, you have a crap ton of wave dodging and blister killing to do, and she only pops down and becomes vulnerable to attack briefly. While it is easier than ever to dodge the waves in season 4, if one clips you, you get a massive debuff stack, and after a few of those you are done. If you haven’t got her after a few rounds of waves, you probably will have some of those debuffs and you are probably done. Further even if you do get her in phase 1 after dodging a bunch of waves, you probably can’t do it consistently and you need to get rep after rep after rep on phase 2 quickly to get enough practice in to learn it.

It is a super rewarding feeling when you finally kill her after hours of trying.

I got carried after about 30 attempts and I don’t even feel bad about it. As far as I’m concerned, I had her dead (already killed her in S2 anyway), so having someone help me was just a formality. Got my shako as well, cheers!

well, i played a lot of Hades and i frequently play heroes of the storm. that might be a factor

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Ah yes it was. Thanks for that. It did help.

Sigh…killed her with new toon…no spark…

Does anyone that has successfully killed it have color blindness? I have only tried her once this season and instantly died to a one shot (probably not good enough gear) but I couldn’t see what hit me. Same problem as last season. Difficult is one thing, but that is just bs lol.

I was able to defeat her today after the Patch (thanks to reducing her HP) and with only 3 tries and with Blizzard Sorc!
Finally, I crafted a Shako :slight_smile: