Uber Lilith is a cheat fight

There is a “hidden” feat of strength in each season so far for completing every objective in the season journey. That feat awards a title. So, what they said is 100% true.

Uber Lilith was obviously designed by someone who watched WoW raid fights, didn’t understand what makes them work, did zero research, and then threw together some mechanics in an afternoon.


The bug is she will sometimes do it non stop until you die.

She’ll fly up, shoot the waves, fly up again, race again repeat until you die.

EXACTLY. It’s all over YouTube too. Yet we have users like Nyurei relentlessly defending horribly-designed boss/game mechanics to no end. One-shots = LAZY GAME DESIGN. Nothing more & nothing less.

Well crap, would have been nice to know that. I generally avoid all the PVP ones because they’re annoying.

There’s a title for every season if you 100% everything.

Is that articulated anywhere in game? It’s pretty bad taste to add a limited time hidden achievement like that.

Maybe it is and I just missed it. I know there is a title from finishing the season journey, that is well articulated to the player.

sorry i meant 100% finishing the season journey, there is an achievement for each season, and they each reward 2 titles, well like the front and end part of the title.

Are you talking about getting 100% in each chapter or just finishing the required objectives for each category thus completing the season journey?

Since a chapter is considered complete in game when you complete for example 9 of 11 objectives. Are you saying there is a second hidden title earned by doing all the objectives in each section?

i mean 100% each chapters.

you will gain a title after you completed every single quest in seasonal journey, thats it, no title for each chapter

they buffed our dps to ungodly level aswell , still ones shot her with rogue/barb

take a bit longer with the druid tho.

On Jun 20, at 11:15pm, I finally managed to kill Lilith, by (mostly) observing the mechanics. I didnt keep track of the number of attempts over the past couple of weeks, but, I did have to repair my gear well over 20 times, and with each death removing 10% durability, that means it took me almost 300 attempts.

Technically, I have killed her before, in S2 with the broken BL sorc build completely skipping ALL the mechanics, other than moving off the platform breaks (and even then, it took me a few tries to get it)… but this is the first time I’ve completed the fight as it was intended.

This was, by far, the worst video game experience I ever had - I have never been a twitchy, running/jumping type video game player, so the fraction-of-a-second dodge/reaction windows are not something I am very good at. And, as it stands, I still needed my Blood Mist to even consistently dodge the waves in P1… I’m that clumsy.

I had a sense of relief after finishing the fight - and getting my hidden achievement - of course, but there was no sense of elation, or any happiness. On the contrary, I did feel a profound level of disgust with myself, to be honest… or, more accurately, disgust with the time I wasted trying to beat it. If I averaged 5 minutes per attempt, that means I spent around 25 HOURS trying to defeat a single boss over the past couple of weeks. That… is kind of embarrassing, actually. :frowning:

The one-silver lining to this exercise, though, is her music: it’s AMAZING, right up there with Ashava. So, while I was sinking deeper and deeper into depression with every failure, I got to listen to a fantastic score. That took a bit of the edge off and made it more bearable.

After completing this - and especially after watching videos of highly skilled players who defeated the encounter with skill and reaction time instead of simply properly timed massive damage spikes - I am confident that 99% of the people who make the disparaging ‘get gud’ or ‘skill issue’ comments are people who have either never actually done the encounter or have taken a min-maxed S Tier build off Maxroll and cheated it. Anyone who has actually persisted after dozens, if not hundreds, of soul-crushing and demoralizing failed attempts will have a degree of humility about this (horrible) encounter.

I was using a homebrew Shadow Minion necro build - shadow_minion_lilith_v1 - Build - Diablo 4 - with Cold Mages instead of shadow to maintain 100% uptime on Vulnerability, and to stack stagger quicker, hopefully skipping the blood boils in P2 (spoiler: I wasnt able to do so).

My damage is good, but not exceptional - I could consistently do 40% of her life in a burst window, and sometimes over 50%. I always just did slow DPS for the first 25% of her life, building Shadowblight and stagger stacks, fought through the first adds phase, and then tried to burst her down once she resumed melee. I was able to frequently skip past the second set of waves this way.

As mentioned above, I couldnt build stagger fast enough, and was unable to stagger her before she summoned the blood boils - I tried in vain :frowning: - so a-dodging-I-did-go! Unfortunately, also mentioned above, I am clumsy, and also VERY panicky… I could calmly and consistently get through the first two platform breaks, but I would usually lose my nerve after that and start making mistakes - several times I got her to a sliver of health and died in the fire or ran into an orb… I’d love to say that my final, successful, attempt was a text book example of manual dexterity and reaction time, but that was not the case: I simply got lucky in my panicked running and somehow avoided the orbs.

I found this INCREDIBLE Lilith guide - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EW4bjeeNgIc - it doesnt show how to kill Lilith with a very specific build or setup, but rather goes into detail on all the phases and mechanics. In the dozens of Lilith fight videos I’ve watched, I’ve never seen a single one actually take the time to explain each mechanic so clearly.

I have no interest in pushing The Pit - I’m comfortable at tier 70 for effort vs. reward - so I guess I am done with Season 4 now…

Grats on the kill! One thing to consider however.

You do realize that it’s possible for a lot of players to observe the available tempers, uniques, skill tree, and paragon board available in a given season and come to the conclusion that x skill would perform well right?

This goes for any class or build. Just because a build is on Max Roll and another player came to a similar conclusion it doesn’t mean they copied the build from Max Roll. Of course this is sometimes the case, but using such a broad brush is a bit short sighted. Usually those players will stand out because they can’t pilot the build well and generally have issues even spelling words while typing.

This issue comes up in MTG as well where everyone thinks anyone with a similar deck to an S tier one must have copied it. It’s often times that good players can surmise what is good just from experience with the game. Just something to keep in mind.

Moving on though, that video guide you linked is really well put together. I watched that myself at one point to understand her wave mechanics better. I’d suggest anyone struggling with mechanics to give it a watch.

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True. And those players will usually be humble when interacting with players who arent so good, and are unlikely to just comment ‘skill issue’ :smiley:

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