Uber Lilith is a cheat fight

I have the damage to completely skip all but the platform destruction phase in one rupture. It is absurd that even if I have the damage to finish the fight there, I’m FORCED to play this stupid run around the arena while the floor falls out and also dodge 1 shot bullets in 4 diff phases.

If I have put the work in on my build and gear to destroy every other boss in under a minute, why am I forced to fight this boss in all these 1 shot gotcha scenarios? It’s just not even fun.


im sorry to read this, but the only oneshot in season 4 is falling floor. anything else you can just tank.

btw. every attack can be super easly dodged with 160% movement speed and +3 evade charges on boots.


it isnt a cheat fight anymore as you cant cheat your way to victory. The fight has phases it needs to pass.

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I have 150% move speed but I cannot for the life of me dodge those stupid bullets.

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do you perhaps have any video of such inability ?

This forum wont let me post medal clips. Is there another way?

Why don’t you get a Resplendent Spark in S4 if you beat her already in a past season? Aren’t they changing it so you can get one for every season?

Forced is a strong word. I hate the fight, and until I get some mythical hover ability, I simply quit playing, “The Floor is Lava”.

I hate the fight, but there is nothing forcing anyone to do it. It is the pinnacle boss. I hate the fight, so I will wait until it changes, or I get better.


Yea it just sucks that in my case I have the ability to finish the fight early but the game forces me through these phases that are total cancer. I have 67k base health and still getting one shot.


Nah, it’s the orbs that one shot me constantly and if i have to go through ever “cut off floor” phase then i rather just not try the boss at all.

That’s where I’m at! Got 3 sparks and I dont want to grind on another character for the season reward. I prefer playing barb.

i can usually tank orb like 5 times with ~85k hp. not 5 times in a row, but overall. It gives multiplicative stack, so the more you eat them the more damage they will do to you. At some point yes, they will become oneshots.

I just don’t have THAT good gear or build.

But i managed to once survive the first orb phase, hit the Vuln break to stun her, got her to 1 health… and she just did not die.

If i have to try and Survive more than 1 of those phases then i’m done lol.

Fully understand!
I am playing Sorc and it is really struggling to fight her.
I passed the first phase most of the time but when it comes to the second phase, it is hard to dodge all kind of flying objects and ground.
Sorc also takes a lot of time to kill.
Same, I got 3 sparks and just want to beat her to get the 4th one.

Out of like 100 attempts I’ve made it ONE TIME to the final floor stage. Then there were still orbs flying everywhere and lilith is doing this aoe attack. By that time the orbs just 1 hit me.

if i remember correctly you play druid, so that is entirely different level of difficulty xd

I play Barbarian as main this season.

Necro as main in Pre-Season & season 1 and nothing in s2 & 3.

Now put that effort to learning the fight.

You can do it!


so you are abusing bugged build so you can do unintended amounts of damage and are mad the fight makes you do the mechanics of the 2nd phase. sorry no sympathy cheese man


Her health is a problem for me now, it wasn’t for me previous seasons.
the rest of the fight is mechanics, which I love.

the damn boils almost have same HP as a 100 nmd boss, same with the two minions she spawns.

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