I think the main issue with trade is that it’s only with those people in your layer and not the entire server tho right? It’s kinda weird the way trade is setup.
I’d also like to see stash usage as a vendor thing where you can buy items from others stash that show your items and it’s just one way. You share your vendor code/stash code on trade and poof sell your items.
probably, but even in this situation there are a lot of spam bots, if it will be whole server than situation will be even worse.
I’d be down to see the tradepocalpyse
Contrary, it might finally be the solo mode that people have asked for!
It would likely not be the no-trade mode that was low on people, but the other way around.
Alas, having two modes can work in theory. It is just a lot of work for Blizzard to get it right.
Btw, anyone seen data on how players split between the modes in Last Epoch?
All Blizzard had to do was increase the drop rates of runes so the average joe could find them.
The “trade market” was absolutely flooded with duped runes. It honestly wouldn’t shock me if blizzard was the one duping the runes and selling them lol.
couldnt say this more.
They also need to generalize the loot table so you find items for every class. I hate the fact since i play a sorc… I can only trade sorc items. The closer they itemize towards d2 the better.
Now that is a change I can get behind.
“Smart loot” is silly.
On the flipside, make all item types equipable by all classes, and make more affixes work across classes too.
Except that’s not how trade generally works in gaming. Traders by large don’t just happen to trade things, they trade mostly because they like trading. It’s harder in D4 than in PoE or LE of course but pricing is normally set by a small group of players who want to enrich themselves, even if more traders aren’t the trend setters. Look at right now, people are trying to sell 3GA items for 4 to 6 times the price of 4/4 items of old. Which of course is silly since they’re far more common than 4/4 items were. So even people who participate in trade willingly are getting cheated.
But of course, who trades has absolutely zero impact on how trading hurts players that don’t trade. And that’s the biggest point people make, “just don’t trade” but they ignore how trade alters currency and item drops in a game. It’s a fact that it happens, it’s a well known issue and developers even talk about it outright as a problem.
I’m guessing not because you latched onto an off the cuff remark but completely ignored the known issues with trading that I mentioned repeatedly in this thread.
It doesn’t hurt you, at all. You simply do not trade, and do not engage in the practice of trading. You waddle down to the boss fight, alone, and do your weakling damage with your ssf toon and don’t interact with anybody. It does. not. affect. you.
What you’re actually advocating for is to take already existing features in the series away, because you’re jealous that you’re either bad at the game compared to others, or you’re not smart enough to trade yourself. And that’s fine, people play games for different reasons. All we’re asking you to do is be the introvert you are and leave us alone, shouldn’t be this hard for you.
Once again, why do you care who sets the prices, why do you care about the economy, why do you care where and how people trade if you genuinely don’t care about trading? Just crawl back in your hole and continue not speaking or interacting with anyone and the problem (just you) solves itself.
What does my thread count have to do with anything? I work a job that affords me the time to post while getting paid so why not.
I have 2x 100 stopped my necro at 92 in S4. I just cant do necro Ive never really enjoyed the play style. I prob have 1000 hours in the game because I went a little nuts in S2.
Why would I be in a game fourm for a game I dont play? I mean I know its something people apparently do but I dont fall into that category.
Oh yes! Let’s add an AH so the RMT bots can be 100x worse!
I’m going to go with ‘No way in hell’.
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And I guarantee you are playing a class that is s tier. That’s the problem I’m addressing. You have to play such a class. You can’t play classes that are anything other than s tier, and expect a viable trade market.
So there needs to be two different modes of the game. The trade mode needs to allow for any items to drop for anybody with equal opportunity.
I want to be able to trade Uber uniques with party players when they drop. If this classification stays in this game, allow them to be traded when they drop with current party members only.
Yesterday, running with someone and he got a Tyrael’s Might while I got a Starless and we could not trade them with each other. It was his third and my second.
With current system, blizz may be better off to just add AH. The 3rd party website is so pro already, it’s just less convenient.
But blizz probably haven’t recovered from the fiasco in D3 release, lol. Looking back, it’s a mix of rediculous difficulty, drop rate and balance. I personally think it may be fine if they don’t rig the rate or so to add AH.
trading could be great if ppl’s greed wouldn’t already kick in. imagine spending 500 mil on an item which pops anyway on tempering…
your explanation just sounds like PR. Its fluff that means absolutely nothing. Its a non answer to my question / statement. Also, keep in mind its subjective. What constitutes as longevity for you, doesnt for others. I for one prefer trading in all games, it just makes it that much better.
Each aspect of a game affects other aspects of a game. Someone designed each piece to fit together. Trading will always affect everyone, no matter if you participate or not.
Honestly, Remove All Trading. Except allowing players to share items that dropped within a group.
He’s just like that. Dude thinks that anyone who trades is the devil, or something. He can’t see other kids playing with the toys he likes or he gets jealous. The forums are a daycare for users like that.
Trading is agoodform of end-game. I remember having fun trading in D3 when had AH, D2R, and recently on Last Epoch. finding a very valuable item that you do not need is very exciting to sell it for lot of Gold.
Except it does. As I’ve explained. Here’s a developer quote:
As many of you know, balancing a trade system is one of the most challenging issues to tackle in a loot-based game, as it drastically impacts the item hunt for all players.
I’m sorry you’re not willing to understand anything I’ve said. The fact remains I’m right and you’re not.
Read that developer quote. It’s not subjective.
They have to balance an entire game, EVERY FEATURE, to compensate for trading. So not trading puts you at a disadvantage.
Period. That’s it.
Game over.
Trading is a bane to anyone who doesn’t use it, thus the point of “just don’t” is both completely wrong and idiotic.