Trading is amazing. Please lean into this Blizzard

Now that the game’s actually fun, many of us have been sinking more time into it for various reason, then hitting the gold-wall where the fun falls off.

Then we found that new trade site/discord everyone’s using and our minds exploded. Masterwork rerolls, potion level ups on alts, crafting ubers, everything just became more fun.

We went from feeling like we’re pretty good on the season, to having no idea when we want to stop playing.

PLEASE Blizzard, lean into the new insanely wonderful trading that you added with uniques and GA affixes! In-game AH, or just some form of in-game marketplace, idk whatever works but holy momma this is actually so fun again.


Hey Siri,

How do you give a post 1000 likes on the Blizzard forums?


hey cortana

can you give 1000 likes to op ?


Either a wallet warrior or a gold seller. Trading will never be good if you have to use 3rd party to trade. All trading does is make every who do not play the game more powerful. Unless it is just as or more convenient to trade inside the game.
Not to mention. There barely enough season to play for a few days now as is. With trading that time is cut in half.


Blizzard should lean into removing all trading. It hurts the loot hunt.


Don’t trade then, ssf is right there for you buddy!

Have you ever considered…not trading? Wow! Problem solved.


There needs to be two game modes.

A trade mode, where anything can drop applicable to any class (a barb can loot a +hellbent commander ammy just as much as a necro can), and a more self found oriented mode where you get what you get now and there’s no trade.

Trade is decent now, but you HAVE to roll an S tier bosser if you want any items of trade value. That’s a big problem.


Some people do really enjoy playing trade simulator but RMT will always be a plauge when trading is involved. I feel temporing limits do help as some will be reluctant spending 50-200 on an item which can tuen into something that isnt 100% optomized BIS.


Listen troll. Not saying to not have trade. Saying do not have 3rd party websites drive the trade.
I could care less you little kids out there buying your gear. But if you going to have trade make it for everyone not just the kids.
See us older folks do not use third party websites. we do not put our financial info on the internet at all in fact. Because we have actual assets to lose unlike you kids.


Yes, murder also happens so lets put everyone in jail because some people commit crimes that we are capable of. Makes total sense…

Could you? Because it sounds like you care a lot about what other people do for some reason. If you want to play with yourself that’s fine, I’m not out here making you be a human being or anything why do you feel your will should take away from others?

trading is awesome but we need a auction house. the website/discord is taking away too much time from gaming, I just want to list my item and keep going


HAHAH! Waste of time dreaming of big profits off Blizzard. You would think by now people would get a clue? This is most likely the best trading will get. This is NOT POE! go back there if you want a trade simulator.

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The problem with an AH is it will negatively impact drop rates because they will want you to engage what that system. Id rather find my own loot.

I do get the appeal of the QoL an ingame interface could have but it didnt work out so well in D3.

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Was nothing wrong wwith the gold ah in d3. It was great in fact. NO clue why Blizzard had to get rid of it. RMAH is what had legal issues.

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If gold ah was so great they wouldnt have removed it. When AH was in D3 you were forced to play trade simulator if you wanted to progress in inferno.


PoE was based off of Diablo 2, which is the best entry in the series, which has been in steep decline since then. So. It sort of should be. Its not like we are asking for new features that never existed in the series.

Not true at all. I used AH to sell mostly would hold out for BiS deals with my billions. Problem was sniping those BiS items was nearly impossible because the RMAH resellers. Needed nothing to progress in d3 was not that much more grindy than d4 is and d4 is a 2 day a season game now,.

no one forces you to trade, you can opt to not trade and enjoy the game you want to enjoy it. But please dont force your preferred game style play onto others


Having trade in the game forces that kind of game just as much as the opposite.
Can’t look at game elements in a vacuum.

Well, you could have two separate game modes with different designs. But that is not what exists currently. Nor would I expect it to work very well. Albeit Last Epoch did a valiant attempt.

GA items that have nothing to do with the class that found them are selling for 100m+ gold. You don’t need to boss to get tradeable items. Everything I’ve been selling is just a random lego with a GA affix that I don’t need, but someone else does.


^ lol who hurt you…

^ The D3 fiasco was a completely different situation. WoW has an AH, and it’s a staple part of the game, AND they still have the “wow tokens”, which is a whole other convo. Release version of D3 shouldn’t be compared with anything…anyone who actually lived it is aware of that game’s release version issues.


^ No. Inferno was due to terrible class balance and everyone just getting pure dmg affixes and wondering why they got 1 shot. The AH wasn’t related to the game’s core issues.



^ That’s neither here nor there. We HAVE TRADING…it uses IN GAME TRADE SYSTEMS…but we have to advertise/chat third-party because “Trade Chat” being the only thing in-game is awful. Tried using trade chat initially, selling stuff for pennies, never got any trades done. Switched to chatting discord/site and all of a sudden I’m trading items left and right, for WAY MORE than I was asking in trade chat. Chat just doesn’t work.

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