Trading in D4 is a certified disaster - BOA is the future

Real-money trading is once again rampant in Diablo. D3 put a stop to that when pretty much everything became BOA.

BOA - Bind on Account. As soon as you pick it up, it’s stuck with you unless you vendor or salv it. Or drop it on the ground if you can’t do the first two eithers.

D4 is a mess. RMT, scams, third-party sites being discussed openly in the forum DESPITE it being against ToS.

It’s time to once again do what the D3 devs did and that’s pull the trigger on trading in D4.

Trading + loot-hunting game = oxymoron. It has never belonged and it never will. It reduces overall playtime by giving you the items you want far ahead of time. The point of a loot-hunting game is to PLAY THE GAME, not third-party auction houses.

Nevermind it being high time for it to go; trading should’ve never been in D4 to begin with.


While I 100% agree the current trading system sucks on multiple levels, but specifically because it’s bad for the game, I do think limited trading like D3 ended up with would be fine.

But I’d prefer they just account bound everything.

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I haven’t played D3 in over a year, trying to remember what was still tradeable…whites, blues?

Basically, everything that was worthless. Yeah, I could go with that.

Make whites & blues in D4 tradeable. BOA everything else.

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D3 limited trading is exactly where the game should be. It allows a compromise of helping gear your character with items earned in a party while not allowing 99% of items to be tradable which turns game into a trade sim o duel wielding credit cards esp with bricking a thing now.

But that is not where game is at and with 99% items tradable we should not have to rely on potentially unsafe, slow, terrible third party websites where everyone is scamming. Just bring back AH with some sensible rules like I lay out here


I couldn’t give a damn what people do with their character or money


Remove these from the game they serve no purpose.

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It lets you items with people that where in the party when the item dropped, for a limited time.

So trade with the people you actively play and party with.

But again I would prefer disabling trade until they figure out a better solution.

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unfortunately any system with not very severe restrictions will always get taken advantage of. give an inch and they’ll take a mile, and they’ll exploit the tiniest of loopholes to get around those restrictions.

unless you restrict everything = no trading whatsoever

look at d2jsp, look at console D3. i still remember seeing those godly hacked D3 console legendaries with 1 million DPS and + 500K% damage to skill.

I agree OP is right and it would be my choice as main leader but its not and they have clearly indicated that they want to go in the absolute opposite direction as everything but ubers is tradable.

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Player to player trading always invites this. Luckily, this season has not been as bad as D2R has become with being spammed by rmt bots, as long as I never enter the trade channel that is. However, now that Blizzard has opened Pandora’s Box in D4, rather than do the simple thing like D3 did, maybe it’s time to fix having a player economy.

Having trading in the game should never have been using the old archaic method of using third parties. I tried a couple of seasons ago; it was terrible. Also, having gold as a currency is just boring, and is part of why D3’s auction house failed; why farm for items when it was easier to farm gold to buy items. As much as I’m not a fan of runewords and how the market of D2 became, utilizing gems and runes as an economic trade medium was at least interesting.

Player to player trade should be how D3 handles it, everything else should go through an in game marketplace. Move boss mats to materials tab, and utilize the materials there to perform market functions in the marketplace.


lol Jay Wilson thought the same thing as well, and look at what happened to their precious RMAH.

then gold became untradeable, and then BOA brought the illegal profiteering party to a well-deserved close.

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Wont fix a thing. Will just have RMT farm for you on your account like they do in Destiny 2 for trials.
Can not stop rmt no reason to punish everyone else to fix it.
But this game is not really designed for trading. SO easy to SSF to boring in a few days already.

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Yeah, why wear a white or blue item for protection when you can where nothing

Yep, as soon as you hit 100 or even before you do, you start to feel the urge to stop playing. So much for loot reborn…

and I think D3 still has that, paid powerlevelling for those stupid enough to pay for that even though you can hit paragon 2000+ and be decked out in full ancients within a week of group play at season start.

but it’s not a result of BOA present. BOA still working as intended in D3, and it’s exactly what D4 needs.

On console you can be decked out in full primals and 1000 paragon and infinite gold/mats in a couple hours without killing a single mob. Between save wizard and recipies for items. So yeah really dumb.
But heck you run the challenge rift hit 70 put on starter set from season journey legit it still only like 5 hours to paragon 1000 and doing 100+ GRs anyway.

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console D3 is the equivalent of D2. i still remember running into my first godly hacked toon on Open Bnet many many years ago.

and we’ve all seen the “marketplace” where they sell hacked D3 console legendaries with 1mil DPS and +500k% to skill damage.

Trading = gold hunting game.

Would be a very popular addition. Imagine being able to pick SSF world and gain 25% gold and 25% magic find bonus!

sounds like a game where you play as a dentist hunting for gold teeth

I’d like a Self Found with no trading and its’ own ladders. It can’t truly be solo due to the nature of the game.