Trading system promotes RMT

To get perfect stats 3ga items you need to buy them from the Trade Website and for that you need Billions of goldd. Nevermind the masterwork resets thats peanuts.

These guys clearing high tiers buy endless amounta of gold from RMT websites and then get the BEST items from the Trade Website. This trading system will kill D4.


Prove that they buy gold.


Why would RMT kill D4?

The biggest grossing game right now is Genshin Impact. Genshin Impact is more or less a single player adventure RPG. Honkai: Star Rail is more or less the same but a turn based RPG instead. Look up the monthly revenue on both. Both are gacha games, which more or less have RMT hosted by the publisher and developers themselves. Average maxed our character is $1000 without a weapon. I donā€™t know much for a maxed weapon + char (maybe $2500.)

The only real reason to care about RMT is the god awful spam bots, which prevents us from actually chatting. People who genuinely care about this garbage generally are very insecure and have very little going on in their real life. Why else do you care if someone has something you donā€™t? Look at your actual life for that instead.

ā€¦and honestly, Iā€™m just on here to read tears like this. Reminds me of a time for 25~ years ago. These topics have never changed, but time has given me insight on why people behave this way =)

EDIT: The amount of ppl in here coping by saying people donā€™t cheat or asking for proof is also mind boggling hilariously ignorant. I guess these are new gamers that werenā€™t around before anti cheats were a thing or when RMT started around D2 and FFXI.


They more likely sell items that fit other builds.

I mean as long as weā€™re just throwing guesses. Also, could you please expand on ā€˜not healthyā€™? Im going to need more details to understand this impact.


Both of those games suck though, but people make real money off them so itā€™s packed with bots

Lemme allso notice : Spending millions and millions, which impossible to get in game. Just on 3rd party trading sites.

I havent looked at any third party sites so im not sure tbh

People being lazy and not wanting to spend time gear hunting promotes RMT.


Only Blizz can do that

Tbh, evem the bigger streamers are buying duped gold and matsā€¦ yet my posts are flagged and taken down for even mentioning this or things connected to streamersā€¦ insane marketing tbh! F this companies forums lmao

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We know the majority of streamers are trash human beings, what else is new?


Tbh Iā€™m even giving D4 the biggest chance since early betaā€¦ always single player no cheeseā€¦ I hate how streamers made it D3 like ffs this was supposed to be a d2 experience not just visually

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Prove there is duping.

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Want to watch a good streamer, check aceu, but he plays shooters so not for this genre. Solid dude tho.

Nobody streaming this game full time is worth anything lol

You might need to reset bro, you sound broken?

I dont have anything on anyone specific, but i know duping is conceptually a thing.

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Nah. Just want the sauce. So many salty ā€œgamersā€ throwing around these wild claims with zero proof.

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Thats fair, but its all vague enough to not matter, like my edit in previous post

I know duping is a thing, no firsthand experience or evidence on how its used though doesnt take much thought.

Dude shut up. Could you imagine how broken the system will be when streamers and wall streeters are at 99.9% BiS and they take away trading? The regular player will have no shot of ever getting amazing gear.

Just stop.

Letā€™s say my friend played the game for the next year and he got

Shaco with 4 greater affixes

Selig with 4 greater affixes

Tyraels might with 4 greater affixes.

Guess what, my friend says he wants to sell his account, well thatā€™s against the rules.

Will that stop someone from buying it? No. And you donā€™t even want to know what some nerd would pay for those 3 items on one account. It would be disgusting.

You canā€™t stop it. The only fair thing to do is a have a free market.

Its already at the point where seasonal has better rng than eternal, but if you farm on your own it shouldnt affect you directly, right?

Seasonal has better RnG always. It always has extras to bait people.

Thats how season works.