Trading in D4 is a certified disaster - BOA is the future

that would make zero difference because RMT would still be unrestricted. BOA and no trading is the only way to go.

It makes a ton of difference those who don’t want to trade AT ALL or compete on ladders with those that do.

The D3 system is also bad as it only benefits group play. If you have real trade, RMT will be always be a thing. Last Epoch has the best system but it is certainly not immune to RMT.

There is no going back. After having a taste of open trading, I wouldn’t play this game anymore if it was taken away. I didn’t even remember how important it is.


ITs basically required they have trading now. :brick: are too common and is the expected outcome for weapons it seems. So they cant change the trade setup unless they also change tempering because playing solo you can easily just brick everythang and be helpless.

I would still be stuck in the 40s or 50s without trading as I bricked my first 3 wands.

Well, there are websites out there selling uber unique with 3 stars for only $1000,00.
I don’t care at all because i will never expend 1 cent in any item but its ridiculous how people who sell and people who buy are retards…

I play this game all the time and i had no idea this issue existed until you told me.

I thought you already had a topic on this matter.

Gold seller spam can be fixed with a regex.
If you let the client app do it, it’s not even a cost for servers.
This solves a symptom. I already gave my feedback on how to discourage gold trading.

BoA is not the future, it’s a dystopia. It kills retention.
BoA is an absolute in it’s effect and is a more radical approach that is one factor to killing a sense of community/live game.

Trading is good for the game, but it needs to be a more controlled market.

  • One way to control it is with what drops and deciding what is BoA and what is not. By control what drops I mean increase the good drops (that doesn’t mean quantity, but smart loot), to the point that no trade has that much value.
  • Another way to control trade is limit the number of GA items a player has that are tradeable/not crafted upon. But you need to be upfront about it.

I read Ubers being BoA as a decision to limit ultimate power to gameplay and not buying power. In this season however, due to tempering, this limitation becomes an illusion.

I hated all the limitations I had in D3 regarding trade and it was one of the reasons that killed my will to play the game.

I’m 100% behind deleting trading from the game. It will never happen though for two big reasons. (1) The old Diablo 2 fanboys that make this franchise their lives would riot and (2) Blizzard themselves won’t do it because every single person they ban for RMT has to buy another copy of the game. Essentially, Blizzard has no monetary reasons to ever fix the problem. Oh they’ll tell you it’s against the TOS and point at the bans as them taking action, but we all know its a dog and pony show. It’s like how there is no money in curing HIV/AIDS. Pharmaceutical companies make so much money treating the disease they’ll never develop a cure. It’s the same here.

Would love for it to be like D3 so if person is in your party your can trade it. All this buying Stygian stones. Boss mats and gear is a joke


you say that like it’s a bad thing. if it gets rid of all the illegal profiteers, I’m all for it. and any legit player should be all for it as well.

the only ones against it are those who are afraid to lose their extra pocket money.

yep. it’s become so commonplace that people aren’t afraid of being banned for it, and openly talk about it in-game, announcing they just bought a bunch of Duriel mats and are looking for “rota”.

and as I keep saying there is no control other than BOA. anything else is exploited to the max, as it is already happening.


No good hc player trades. We find godly item, we make a build around it. :sweat_smile:
Enjoy wasting your time…

The trading makes the game fun, however we definitely do need an in game trading system like an Auction house, or a way to list items for trade that can be searched for. We also need different “Guilds” like Last epoch has. The ability to opt into self found mode with better drops, or stick to trading and do your thing that way. Personally I always prefer solo self found, but only if it allows me to actually min max a character within a reasonable time frame.

That being said, the trading this season and using has added a lot of depth to the game, and allowed me to get amulets I wouldnt have found after the two I did found bricked. I bricked 5 amulets in a row, before I finally got ONE that was usable for my build, without trading I would have been “Without a paddle”.


If you don’t like trading don’t do it period nobody forces you.
If people want to trade they are free to trade, simply mind your own buisness.

Having multiple options will keep the game alive and relevant much longer than forcing people into how YOU want the game to be played.


How does trading affect you exactly ? Maybe if you focused on playing the game you wouldn’t be bothered by people trading and enjoying the game the way they want.

So much jealousy, keep crying kid. :sob:


I’l advocate anyday that less restrictions is better for the game. They should let us trade uber uniques and already crafted items too.

They should however have a non trading league and a trade league similar to PoE.

Selling and buying for me is how i enjoy ARPGS (PoE mainly and recently some LE with trade). Grind and grind find good stuff for other builds and sell, and you can buy stuff for your own build. I enjoy that part of the game and its what would keep me playing for much longer.


This, I agree completely, needs a self found guild and a traders guild with perks in each.

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was Just about to type that to the OP…

if youre not involved in any of the trades with real money or scammers and just loot stuff you find and play for your self, then too bad for you. its always online RPG mmo ish… game and will always be like that.

i actually like it, i can trade with all my friends i play with and help eachother out since we only group with same bunch of people.

now if you have no friends and are pissed off because everyone els can buy stuff then thats not our problem and certainly not a reason to make a post about it

look at POE for example… been like that since day 1. what happened? oh one of the greatest game ever made. did it changed anything ? no. so is your post.

hearing you is like owning a ferrari and not be allowed to
go to mc donalds…


The D3 fanboys are the ones who will kill this game.


ARPG with no trade? What are you smoking?


Everything account bound, or only shareable within the group that was present when the item dropped, are the only good systems.

Second best, albeit far behind these, are the Last Epoch attempt at having two modes.

There is no third best. Everything after that is just bad.


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