Tormented bosses.. wtf?

No, what they truly want is to offer us some cheap formulas that will “solve everything at once” by extending the goal post and length of gameplay

Basically treating the whole game like a one big Casino, hey 75 levels of content didn’t work as we expected ?, ok, let’s extend it to 100, sh*t that didn’t work too ?, ok, let’s extend to 150, that didn’t work ?, ok, let’s extend to 200

4 Seasons in and we’re up for lvl300 folks, it is THAT bad and that much of incompetence and is obvious

The only question is - when will YOU get fed up from them extending the goal post (and put the whole previous game in a dumpster - build diversity and balance especially - while having them doing so)

See thats kinda the issue, you rly dont even understand your own build with better optimalization you can do double dmg and actually have good defense… You could never get to barb levels cuz like i said Ice Blades got capped but easily kill tormented bosses in about 90 sec without dropping any health

And you are basicly trying to say everyone should have as hard time as you cuz you dont understand what Is multiplicative dmg And what Is a additive

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and they are adding those stacks to tormented bosses iirc like the lilly fight. it’s going to be great when we all get one-tapped.

We know what we dont pick up and CHOOSES NOT to pick up. We arent noobs like alot of people on D4 forum strangely. D3 forum in years dont post alot of noob relies.

The problem is not about the loot dropping. the problem is not enough space to hold them.

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really? everything you don’t have to pick up gets auto picked up. now, you mention “n00bs” do you realize this isn’t PoE with limited portals? IE, meaning you can pick it all up. all of it. it’s great. “n00bs” like to -not- take advantage of that. none the less, loot filters are great. but when you have to go to a 3rd party site to create a filter, it’s LOL.
I will admit, LEs filter system is nice…but that is a different game.
oh and I think that evolved to using a third party site or the build makers include their filters.

They wont because the devs want most people to be able to do this content. That is why you get patch notes like this…

They didnt design this content to only be done by pro gamers. Now show me anything anywhere where the devs stated tormented bosses are pinnacle content meant for streamers. You keep saying it is but it is not. If it was then it would be tuned to be around pit 200, which no one can do, and no one would be able to kill them.

Why? because pits scale so hard that you need the best of the best gear to even get to like 150ish. Either tormented bosses are supposed to be pinnacle content and nobody can kill them because gear doesnt exist for it or they are not pinnacle content and anybody in pit gear will easily kill them.

If they really wanted them to be pinnacle content then they would be scaled to about 150ish. Not many people can hit that mark. Doing anything else makes it not pinnacle content because the pits would still be tougher. That makes the pits pinnacle content.

The bosses were never scaled that difficult. In fact, they did the opposite and scaled them even lower than initially. Why? Because they want more people to be able to kill them. Why? Because regardless of your stubbornness and beliefs, this is a casual game. They are after the casual market because thats where they will make the most money.

Show me anywhere the devs stated they wanted tormented bosses to be the toughest content in game.

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Any time you ask this question regarding why something is so easy, feels unearned, to the extreme in rewards, etc, the answer is: because the casual whiners cried and Blizzard caved in. It’s who they’ve been catering to since day one. They don’t want any challenge or friction and want to blow through everything without ever dying and reaping all the rewards with minimal effort and an overpowered build. This is ‘fun’ to them. Otherwise they cry and act like the game is competely unfair and only for no lifers if the game is actually balanced and challenging because they are incapable of having any skill whatsoever.

Most of them probably have no lives themselves since they’re probably too dumb to function at a job, like they’re too dumb to function at a game already on easy mode. Hurr durr why do I keep dying even though I’m standing in one place and spamming skills.

Very true. Still more economical than vendoring 99% of items where the resources werent of interest vs time wasted.

Why cant it be a Blizzaed addition? If a small indie can implement such features, why cant Blizzard do it?

as opposed to what? paying for the game and not being able to do the content? do you recall the dialogue we had about this before?

pretty sure they have tencent backing them now.

I recall what a waste of time it was, sure. Stop being braindead and maybe they’ll be able to do the content. Like Blizzard games were ever really that hard even back in the day. Some of these clowns want a game even easier than mobile ones which is just sad. Then again that’s what happens when you try to attract everybody.

right straight to the insults instead of understanding this isn’t a free-to-play game and people want to do the content they pay for. just like last time. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Most of the loot is garbage. legendaries are basically the new blues, GA leggos are the new yellows and uber uniques are the actual legendaries. getting showered in great gear is an illusion. Legendaries are just stat sticks that need to be crafted up into something useful. The exact same thing yellows were in early D3. Does anyone even bother picking them up if they don’t have the GA stars on them? I’ll grab 2 handers because they vendor for 100K+ each and maybe amulets as getting one with the right affixes, is hard to come by, even without any GA.


I work for Sanctuary Sanitation Inc. I drive the garbage truck, fill it, tap space bar when mousing over and sell/salvage. that is my job.

You see if they made them even remotely difficult these same exact people would be here crying about how all the good stuff is gatekept from them and they can’t find any items and their dog died. You can’t please this type of player so don’t even bother with them. Waste of time


seems like the door swings both ways though, doesn’t it?

I don’t know why you even bother replying when I have no interest in arguing with you.

People not being good at games doesnt make them clowns. It just makes them not very good at games. Dont be an elitest loser.

The game should get fixed, that is the problem

Revisit leveling, make sure builds differ on impact (at least somewhat), and make sure that leveling 2 characters don’t feel 99% the same

Again, lack of vision issue… The reason why people would complain is because the game is designed that that is the innevitable “goal post”, but a little playing around and a little fixing of the game would go a lot further (without pigeonholing everyone into Pit runs, or the boss)

I get that, but the first thing that needs to be admitted and noted first is that practise of “gaslighting” players all the time (patch by patch, season by season) by extending the goal post

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well, that says a lot. I understand it completely too. maybe more than you do.