Tormented bosses.. wtf?

I just did my first Tormented bosses rotations and this was one of the worst experiences ever in D4.

The amount of loot that dropped is just completely stupid. An entire inv full of loot from killing a boss in 10 seconds.

Who designed this?

Why did you design this?

Please just remove 90% of the items and give us gold/mats instead.

Horrendous experience. You dont HAVE To shower us in loot. It does not feel like we earned it if you do.


Helltide bloodmaidens are pretty much the same way. They die in seconds, you get showered with loot, repeat the process as long as you like, pending hearts of course.


Yeah. The loot ratio is so off.

It doesnt make me want to play the game more - It has the opposite effect.

I want upgrades to be rare instead of seeing a million items that serve no other purpose than being sold.

For build diversity it gets hard though cause we want diff stats for diff builds.

I think they have to add an advanced loot filter to auto salvage/sell items with undesirable stats. I am fine with playing/perfecting 1 build every season.


OR we could juse get loot filter so u dont have to be bothered to see things u have 0 interest in, but yeah we do need gold buffs for sure or lower these stupid costs or rerolling stat and reseting masterwork

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Try fighting them solo instead. You will get less loot overall and the fight will likely take longer than 10 seconds.


Yeah and I will miss out on 3 times the loot.

Its neither your or mine fault they ruined this experience so badly.

Try using something besides a broken meta build and maybe you’ll feel like you earned it.


First you complain about too much loot, and now you also complain about missing out on loot. Which one do you want, more or less?


They do drop a lot of loot yes, BUT

This here is the issue :slight_smile:

Dont worry too much, as none of it is an upgrade.

Also like someone else said, solo it next time.

Tormented bosses are designed to be doable by the majority. The pit is designed to scale high enough for the 1 percenters. High pit levels need gear capable of doing high pit levels. When you go to a tormented boss with gear designed to beat tougher content, it makes lower content weak.

They aren’t going to make tormented bosses only doable by the 1 percenters. They aren’t going to nerf the pit all the way down to being completable by the majority either. That is why torment bosses die so quick to you. I guarantee you there are still a ton of people that don’t play meta builds and or have great gear so they still struggle on torment bosses.

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You also DON’T HAVE TO pick up everything. But ofc better quality but less items would be more welcome.

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Since when ?, they added 50 extra levels of Pit for S5 but original Pit cap was Pit 150 which wasn’t even designed to be reachable

TB was designed to be the pinnacle content of the game (more or less, 1B to 1A being Lillith ofc.)

Just stop, stop with the BS, and admit you’re wrong…

Stop with this constant moving of the “Overtone window” of accepting c*ap

You keep moving the mark all the time, more and more (which b.t.w. is why the game has largely, if not completely, died off)

That’s because TBs were designed to be a pinnacle content of the game… Which b.t.w. I’m one of those - a few nights ago tried to fight Grigoire (perfect fight for 5 minutes, dodged his attacks like 90% of the time and what did I do ? - 10% of his HP lol)

So no, pinnacle content is pinnacle content, and bad balance is bad balance… If they want to make TBs “doable” by everyone should think of other (more proper) methods

The balance is SO DAMN BAD that discrepancies of performance aren’t 10% to 30% in 10 seconds or whatever, it is so bad that is literally 1000x to 1

And don’t tell me that a Lvl200 boss was designed to fall in 10 seconds (just stop)

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What are you talking about? The pit came out this season. It has 200 levels. No one can reach it. Tormented bosses was pinnacle content before pit. Pit is now pinnacle content and scales way higher than a tormented boss. Tormented boss was easy to kill even before pit. That was on purpose so the majority could do it. The pit was designed to scale to give one percenters something to do.

NO it wasn’t, just stop

You know what, do this, kill a TB with a Sorc (no perma shield allowed though), GL, wanna see the upload :slight_smile:


Two separate things.

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Yeah it was. They didn’t design that content for the minority. I’m not leveling a Sorc just for that. Just because Sorc is a bad class doesn’t change anything I said. That’s a completely different issue.

Were tormented bosses hard any season? No. Only Lilith was hard for people.

Rather than difficult, but impossible. Due to the crooked damage calculations, it becomes quite impossible to kill her, there is too much HP and attacks sometimes simply ignore defense.

To be fair in order to easily beat them you need to spend time investing in your characters gear.

I dont understand why you comment nonsense and I dont understand why I comment on your nonsense.