Tormented bosses.. wtf?

You’re so lost. Maybe take a logics course or something.

You are straight up being ignorant what he is saying is Blizzard nerfed everything so majority of their player base do these activities with pretty much any build even a bad one, nobody is arguing with you about the BALANCE among classes even builds on same class which is nowhere to be found

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I’m usually not arrogant but towards pricks I will

Logics course, what logics course ?

You first stated that the game is for masses, then followed it by admitting that before latest patch it wasn’t possible for MOST PEOPLE to reach to pit 60

Then you claimed that you didn’t change your goal posts and have been the same while the above statement just SHOWS that you DID change with the last patch => it in last month or so

Now just I’m tired of arrogance and denial, it is an OBVIOUS CASE of denial here

Remember this => WHENEVER the goal post of the game moves, WE ALL LOSE, ok ?, just remember that statement as a bible

WHENEVER the devs “add on top” new things means that they were reducing importance of existing features in the game, arguably incapable to incorporate new features within the game in a proper manner, which in terms also means:

They’re WASTING OUR TIME (literally) by constantly moving that “goal post”… OR, at least wasting time for everyone that wants to see the game finally one day work as a game as opposed to a daily stock market of personal labor of some sorts

IT ALSO MEANS that not only they’re able to fix the game, but they aren’t even trying to (and Lillith forbid I WISH ONE DAY at least most of us would agree that things need be fixed and not ignored)

But no, people like you (and sorry but have to say, quite some others also) keep defending bad decisions (cause yaay, 2 more rounds with 4 days of content to place extra bets into)

I’m sick and tired of this denial, I want to play a game, not a slot machine of stimpacks of addiction that adds a new round or betting and gambling every two months or so)

Man, imagine that, just imagine wanting to play a game, as opposed to being played by stimpacks of addiction, really wild isn’t it ?

Especially since you can’t make up your mind whether the game is a Rocket science or not (cause it wasn’t it would’ve worked, but then you admit it doesn’t, and then you also deny that it is a Rocket science), so which one is it ?

Imagine saying it’s not rocket science while admitting there are flaws WHILE also knowing that the devs couldn’t fix that problem FOR A WHOLE YEAR now

IS the game Rocket science and not properly working or it’s not but it does work ? (cause obviously can’t have both)

You’re right I should have phrased it better. And I can’t kill the tormented bosses on my ugly pulverize druid. Got carried by barbs.

But yes we should get way less drops. Any one encounter that fills your entire inv with loot needs to be reworked.

Even helltide which fills your inv in 4 min needs a rework.

This is because we don’t have full loot system, we only have gear and gems (and gems drop in form of dust so that makes it worse i.e. literally every piece of loot on the ground to pick up is a piece of gear)

IF the game had gems, runes, runewords, jewels, skill sockets, paragon sockets, crafting reset mats, all kinds of “secondary” stuff, the game wouldn’t feel as showering as it does

Which is double the whammy b.t.w. cause for first 30 levels (maybe more) barely anything ever drops :smiley:

Game drops so much loot, because 99.8% of it is utter garbage. Want to solve the problem? Make the loot meaningful, season 4 did a decent amount to the loot, but its just quite not at that point yet.

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Loot Filter… 20 characters .As well a loadout while they are at it.

Yes but how do we solve the build diversity issue?

I honestly dont know… We want to have options but we also want way less loot to drop. I think we should rely less on items for customization and more on other systems.

Yep. they need to dial down the loot drops dramatically, increase the quality and when something does drop, it’s probably something good.

They can do the same with gold. Tone down the cost of everything. There is no reason why a mob should drop a million gold and then a crafting something cost a million. make it drop 100 gold and make the craft 100 gold.

I know we all live in an inflationary world, but D4 is something else, hyper inflation. Stupid.

I’m not reading that wall of text but you started with the arrogance with the “just stop” stuff like I’m mentally challenged or something.

Secondly yes, I said they patched the content so the masses could at least do tier 60. Do you not understand how that backs up my statements? It’s new content. It was overturned, so they retuned it so everyone can do at least tier 60. Most people can get at least tier 80. Guess what? That’s right about where tormented bosses are tuned to.

Again, I never moved the goal posts. My statements remained the same throughout.

Build diversity is on its own category im afraid. Frankly the skills need a overhaul. But we are getting more aspects which doesn’t fully help the problem, it just adds to it.

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If changing numbers of existing content is “new content” to you there’s no point in discussion… The levels of denial are staggering (at the very least) tbh

Doubt you even know what this is lol

This was never a priority which is really odd

Considering how much they’ve tried to make it work

Omg man. It was new content in the beginning of this season. They did a balance patch in the middle of the season. This is not complicated stuff for you to understand.

Obviously it’s you that doesn’t understand what “moving the goal post” means.

What I’m going through right now is farming Mats for Duriel for the last 2 weeks and saved up.

Today I played all day and killed Duriel many many many times and didn’t get anything worth keeping. All my Stygians are gone and I have no desire to go get more.

I just made a new Sorc and said F the End Game an hour ago. Lol

Ooof if you made a new Sorc you are about to say F this game.


so let me see if I got this OP.
the game is too easy for you and the Bosses are dropping to much loot for you?
to be more specific, the boss fights (tormented) are to easy for you. I noticed you mentioned duriel. why not try that other one, the new one added?

You keep denying your denial

This is what you said about some skill number changes (nothing was added, not even a single item in the game lol)

Like, how can anyone take you seriously when keep denying the obvious

A - Tormented Bosses became “3 week content” because of a bad mid-season patch
B - The “goal post” moved in the wrong direction
C - The game is running at very bad design (open the gates, close the gates, this time everyone can kill a Tormented Boss, this time only strongest builds should be able to, e.t.c.)

And even worse - making those fights 10 seconds for some (and 45 minutes - if survive that long - for others)

How do you NOT understand that this is a problem/issue ?, all I said is that Tormented Bosses should not drop in 10 seconds, and voila, look at the Volcano spilling over (b.t.w. for pointing out something super obvious)

post the guide and the build you are using. also do you use trade?

At this point I think our conversation is over. You have to be trolling me because there is no way that you are this tone deaf that you can’t understand what I am saying to you.

I said that the pits was new content this season. It was overtuned so they did a balance patch on it it mid season.

FFS man a two year old can understand what I said.

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No guide, no trade, just doing a simple 3x Conjure with 600% Conjure

Regardless, that is not the point, the point is that adding more power was a mistake (or at least the way it was done), Tormented Bosses should’ve never become a “Stepping Stone” (as opposed to pinnacle content which they were obviously designed to be at start of the season)

THAT is the point and the issue, and my God do people get triggered by that statement alone