Tormented bosses.. wtf?

And how much of that loot was useful for you at your toons current stage of the game? Such a fine joker you are, what an entertainer!

Why did you get to Tormented Bosses very late? I got my first kill at level 99. Those massive loots, I need them all. It was raining loots. Thatā€™s what I want.

If you went to Tormented Boss after having fully maxā€™ed out gear from Pit/Masterwork, Tormented Bosses would be boring. Thatā€™s a YOU issue in my opinion. Why did you do them late? To faceroll them? I did them while gearing up.

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You just proved your point. Its not useful so why is it dropping?

Youā€™re so out of touch to even understand that quite probably it is ONLY THE MINORITY that now plays D4

Literally everyone left cause of powercreep and pushing the goalpost further and further and further and further (all the time), as if the game was some kind of a stock (and not a game lol)

Let alone pinnacle content in the game being designed ā€œfor the massesā€ lol

How is THIS designed to be beatable by masses ? :thinking: (sry, had to reupload cause vid was long)

Yes, can do somewhat better (did ~30% HP once) but thatā€™s it lol

Even tho Sorc is literally bottom of the barrel when it comes to classes atm you can still kill Tormented Bosses super easy without neededing to abuse Flame Shield in like 30-90 secs, they arent that hard and their hp was nerfed in mid patch

Just stopā€¦ Just admit the game is broken, builds should not differ in 1000x in performance, just stop

Tormented Bosses should not fall in 10 seconds (period) Tier S build or notā€¦

Just admit once that they did an absolutely abysmal job at both - balancing and scaling the game

I get it, tried to suggest a solution (for example here:

BUT, the first step is always admission, admit that the game is badly designed, badly balanced, and most of all setting up super bad standards that are breaking the game further

Whereā€™s will there are solutions but the first step is having to admit thereā€™s a problem (and having builds that can do ~30% HP in Mortal Kombat setting and then killing uber-bosses in 10 seconds all at the same time is a problem)

I am not arguing about that Lol, I do agree with the terrible balanced where Flay Barb is hitting for 500 BILL while Sorc skills hit for 5 MIL, I am just simply stating that TB are doable quite easily on all classes

And Iā€™m saying that this shouldnā€™t be allowed to happen (not that not beatable but not beatable in 10 seconds, heck not beatable in 2 mins either), do you agree or not ? :person_shrugging:

Are you really mentally challenged or just trying hard to play stupid? It is dropping in such amount to give more chances to the playerbase to pull the lever of the gambling machine. Your post did not spoke of more value being rewarded (aka fewer but potentially more useful drops), it spoke of you feeling undeserving of whatever value currently dropped because its so easy for such a god gamer as you.


Loot should be condenced so instead of 100 crummy items dropping one good item drops with GA now & then. Or loot fliter

I think it should happen once I max my char I dont want to sit there killing a Boss for ages, what should not happen is killing the same boss with my barb while at lvl 80 with barely any decent gear that is a issue, but setting a bar to the point where killing a Boss you need to farm for ubers with only maxxed characters is not rly the way

Iā€™m out of touch and you say that? Lmfao. There are millions of casuals playing. If you think the majority is like a streamer type player then you are the one out of touch.

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Well this part I do agree with. Still doesnā€™t change anything I said.

OK, let me remind you how everything startedā€¦ Reacting to this particular comment of mine

Why so many reactions for the obvious ? :person_shrugging:

Because you donā€™t understand that the pit is now top tier content, not tormented bosses. Tormented bosses are like pit tier 70-80 out of 200.

Gosh, you people move your goal-posts so easy like faster than my weight grows (if that was even possible) :smiley:

I didnā€™t move any goal posts. My statements have been the same throughout the entire conversation.

Are you really expecting me to believe that you have thought of this ever since the season started ? (even back in day 1 of the season that you expected TB to be not pinnacle content but just ā€œmasses doableā€ ?)

Yes they always have been because this is a casual game, not some hard core game made for only 1 percenters. They design content so the masses can do it. It has always been content meant to farm for Ubers. They arenā€™t going to gatekeep the majority of the playerbase on that.

Same reason they nerfed the pit mid seasonā€¦ because most people couldnā€™t do tier 60 and get the end game material. Now they can.

This isnā€™t rocket science man.


IT IS though, the only reason why itā€™s not the case is cause the correct way to say it is that ā€œthe game is for 1%-ers and their followersā€

They donā€™t ?, otherwise wouldnā€™t allow one build to outshine another by a quad-digit factor

Ok, and ?, you realize that this breaks that claim of yours that the game is for masses ? (yet quoting again ā€œMOST PEOPLE COULDNā€™T DO TIER 60ā€ - your words, not mine)

They treat it like it is, so apparently IS rocket science (because thatā€™s the way they want it to)