Too much gold sinks and not enough gold

This is actually true it seems the meta in non english countries atm is to farm insane amounts of gold and trade.

Even though gold is scarce from individual sources, the Trade community still has no problem bouncing around 5 billion gold and max gold items.

The issue is that the majority of people playing the game don’t find just endlessly farming gold and trading to be fun. That is a subset of the players and those players are filthy rich and the players that don’t trade at the moment are not.

Why is it not updated on the pinned comments?

Lol. I remember how great it felt just to afford my first bag in vanilla. I think I was around level 10. And that was when leveling took a lot longer than it does now.

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No it isn’t. I completed all S3 content on 4 characters, including Uber Lilith without a single piece of Uber gear. Players rightfully demanded more end-game content than simply chasing a random item drop that isn’t needed.

Pits are that end-game. The gear is for Pits. You can do everything else without that gear.

And how much time has S4 been out?!? You use that argument only to make the game easier. There’s already complaints that leveling is too easy and it’s pointless now plus complaints there’s nothing to do less than 2 weeks in to S4*.

Really? I didn’t realize Pits 61 was very early on. In fact, I’d argue that Pits 61 is the exact opposite of early on. It’s literally the end-game. That words says it: end-game.

Which trivializes the entire Masterwork system if you can complete it at lol NMD 100. Should I direct you to the countless threads about lack of end-game in D4?!?


I don’t play on the seasonal realm, only on Eternal. For me day one of the Pit was “end game” and I can’t consistently push it past the higher 50s with my preferred build (meteor/firewall sorcerer). There is nothing I can do aside from playing a different build to overcome that wall and I don’t want to do it because I don’t find any other sorcerer build or any of the other classes interesting.

The absolute minimum Pit tier required for fully masterworking gear (which is 61 atm) should be doable by any fully optimized build/class combination, period. Anything short of that is contrary to the “play your own way” promise that was made when this game was first announced. Nothing else to be said on the topic.


So… you found a full complement of 3/3 GA items on day 1, and Tempered all your gear with 2/2 desired Tempers?

Oh, and you hit 8/12 Masterwork on all this gear as well, because that’s what is possible prior to Pits 61? ALL ON DAY ONE?!?

See above. I highly doubt you are “fully optimized” for the point of the game you are at.

I agree imprint costs are insane.

i mean i’ve 1billion gold and most ppl i know have 1-2billion , so idk , no need to be so butthurt about it tho.

Not butthurt just saying you don’t make a billion from helltides and I don’t know anyone who has a billion gold tbh

How about if we run level 100 pit it gives all materials below also?

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I’d love that. Thank you Sir.
But I assume some classes maybe would struggle, so what about 80+? I’m askin’ for some fun, kill defenseless monsters makes me guilty and bored.

If we run second tier mats pit it should give level 1 tier mats also. If we run third tier pit it should give tier 2 mats and tier 1 mats. Iam already broke from all the enchanting bs.

Give more mats and it will solve the gold issue in this regard.

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Hi @shivera, I think Archmage mentioned he only played on eternal. So I suspect that if day one Archmage had legacy Shako 5/5 old upgrade system, tal rasha, starless, esu, tibault, old super DR chest with lever living, the only thing to upgrade are the new weapons, maybe new gloves, and amulet.

Without any greater affixes on uniques, there is not from what I can see a big difference between the final stats of a 12/12 masterwork versus an old 5/5 upgrade system.

I can attest that legacy gear with ubers on the old 5/5 upgrade is definately good enough to push 61. All you need are new weapons which is easy to get to at least 4/12 masterwork once you start farming Pit.

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That’s exactly right. The weapons are virtually the only things that make a substantial enough difference because they can be tempered with much better stats than legacy weapons. That said, even they don’t make that much of a difference because you lose out on a ton of raw damage since masterworking does not increase the base damage or armor values of new gear like the old upgrading system did for legacy gear. 8/12 is basically the same or worse than 5/5 in virtually all cases, and for unique weapons the new system is straight up a major downgrade because you can’t temper them and you also don’t get the bonus base damage. Same goes for certain armor pieces (like chest and pants) which could roll powerful defensive stats that are no longer available on the new gear.

The problem is that the Pit is incredibly tightly tuned past 50 and very few builds are capable of pushing past that wall. I know what I need to do to get past it, I just don’t want to because it would mean playing a build I don’t enjoy. And I shouldn’t have to because as I said any build/class combo should be able to clear at least 61. There are many ways they can address this. They can buff underperforming builds. They can lower the threshold for the top grade mats to 50. They can reduce the overall difficulty of the Pit. They can remove or nerf the one shot echoes mechanics. And the list goes on.

Blizzard would like you to play with basic skills for the next three months. :rofl:

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That one dev wants everyone to play tornado barb and he said so! :laughing:

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I’ll direct you to this - where quite a few number of builds are pushing past 100.


You never even looked that, did you? It’s literally just Firebolt and Frozen Orb.

And Blizzard. And these are 100 clears. 100 is a far cry from 61. There are issues with Pits, but you being stuck at 50 is a you issue.

What do you want to play? Incinerate? Charged Bolt? How about Lightning Spear? Or Frost Bolt? :sweat_smile:

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I dont even sell items anymore. Every item that dont get good rolls and “bonus stars” get scrapped by the b-smith. I just pick up gold from events. I have 130.000.000 + gold pieces.

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