Too much gold sinks and not enough gold

Wooooooooooooooooo turn all the levers! Season of Levers Reborn baby! :heart_eyes:

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Whoa, blue level post! Sounds encouraging.

Gold wise, I wish the PvP chests were re-buffed back up a bit.

But overall the gold seems to be at an okay equilibrium now. It was on a downward trajetory just converting mats and now itā€™s mostly stable. Goes up a little goes down little during game play. I think they have a pretty good feel on the inflow/outflow now.

Just need to get the mat drop rate up for the pits and everything is golden!

I mean seriously, I do get that Diablo has always been a loot hunt but why is RNG the ONLY method there is? Surely there could be something better? One idea (not saying its the best or only one) is that we farm mats to make the items, certain mats (and number of them) will let you add certain affixes to the base item (which could still be some RNG if you must have it). Then we craft what we feel is important to us and depending on how many mats and type of them we get the affix we desire. Even gold could be used so that it isnā€™t worthless.

Some people just want everything handed to them on the first day of the season. What are you planning to do for the next 3 months?

The game is not hard, the only thing there is are time sinks. If you are not enjoying them, then honestly, I donā€™t think are you enjoying the game. What else is there?


See, thatā€™s why youā€™re not bright at allā€¦

Diablo 4ā€™s gameplay isnā€™t good enough to sustain most players for 3 months. And you think adding gold sinks and bad tempering RNG is the solution to longevity? You also equate people who protest this BS to being people that expect things handed to them, which I also find idiotic.


Is gold but it is like d3 materials. Easy and fast to do problem is no one wanted to do bounties. Just like in d4 no one wants to run whispers.
And unlike bounties there is no speeding it up in a group. Because blizzard refuses to reward you for grouping or for difficulty since this game released.

Really a shame if the game once more ends up drowning players in gold, where it does not matter.
Gold is in a pretty good spot right now, a limited and useful resource.

If you always have more of a currency than you can reasonably manage to spend in these games, then the currency is meaningless.
Every single currency or material in the game should feel like gold does right now.

Tbh, the only issue that might exis here, is Whispers being the main way to get gold. Adding Gold Goblins (and Gem Goblins too) that have a chance to spawn in overworld (outside of Helltides!), NMDs and Pit, could be an idea?
Total gold income should not increase through this however, just spread out the gold sources a bit.


my Tyreals Might is not being procā€™ed by my minion attacks like artillery does. I will give you all my gold if you can fix this for me :slight_smile:

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For anyone new to video gaming. All endgame players RMT in every single video game that has a trading mechanic ever. Not even exclusive to ARPGs but especially bad in ARPGs. Path of exile has massive, massive unchecked amounts of RMT. D2, D4. All of them. If you can trade with another player then people are RMTing and they always will be. There is nothing you can do to stop it.

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High end Masterworking isnā€™t for the casual players.

i still have 100m and i wasted 100m on a bad amulet , itā€™s so easy to make billions golds with helltide nowadays

If someone is so ā€˜casualā€™ as to not be able to do even Pit 61, then they donā€™t need to, as masterworking their gear to that level is clearly not in their mindset.
Itā€™s fine to have some activities not be 100% accessible to everyone, this isnā€™t candy crush.

Anyone who starts off their retort with an insult is unworthy of my time.

Ending your rant by taking something I said out of context proves my theory.

There is nothing ā€œcasualā€ about the Pit at those levels. Particularly when it comes to bosses and the echoes they summon with their one shot attacks. Most importantly, that increase in difficulty is not paired with an equal increase in player power or survivability. Itā€™s just poorly tuned atm and I would argue poorly designed in terms of the one shot attacks because they have no place in A-RPGs.

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Who is it for then? Especially when you consider that the previous item upgrading system it replaced was for everyone. You can argue that the Pit at higher levels isnā€™t for everyone but the simple act of upgrading your gear, which was inexplicably tied to this activity, absolutely should be attainable by anyone, just as itā€™s predecessor was.

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Itā€™s in stages now. The beginning stages are accessible to a wide player base, and from there it funnels down towards the more dedicated.

8+ Masterwork requires lv 61+ Pits. That is as far from casual as you can get. And whatā€™s it for, ultimately? For climbing higher in The Pit. Again, something far from casual. Thereā€™s not even additional reward for doing so, other than to say you climbed the mountain.

So I disagree; your reduction of the ā€œsimple act of upgrading your gearā€ only minimizes the effort it takes to eke out those final upgrades.

This ties in the build diversity they are talking in the fire camp chats. There is so much build diversity and they continue balancing the game to add more builds (sarcasm)!

I am starting to be afraid of any new updates as they decrease the build diversity by a lot.

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That isnā€™t even close to the truth. Millions you can make but billions? Donā€™t try to make your argument by exaggerating. The higher levels of master working costs 10ā€™s of millions. We definitely need more ways to get more gold.


Please donā€™t do any more changes to gold. Gold was in a good spot preseason, abundant boring and near worthless in seasons 1-3, and is now finally back at an interesting meaningful level.


This is a tired old talking point always used by elitist players. ā€œIf youā€™re not pushing cutting edge content you donā€™t need the best gear.ā€ Thatā€™s an absolutely false premise. Anyone can use better gear regardless of what level they play the game at. Better gear makes everything smoother and faster and is often directly proportional to the amount of time you invest into the game, at least thatā€™s the case in good games.

By gating masterworking behind the ridiculous one shot mechanics of Pit boss echoes theyā€™re all but guaranteeing people will hit a wall very early on. A wall that is virtually insurmountable unless you force yourself to play one of a very narrow set of builds and in some cases even specific classes. It may come as a surprise to you but not every player is a mindless slave of the latest meta and many players would rather not play the game at all if they canā€™t play the builds and classes they find most enjoyable. The current system is antithetical to that very notion.

All I am asking is for all 12 masterworking ranks to be readily attainable at a level of difficulty on parallel with what was the top end before the Pit was introduced (i.e. similar to T100 NMD level of difficulty for the highest grade mats). For those who want to push themselves past that, as I said before, there are 139 more Pit levels.