Too much gold sinks and not enough gold

I am perfectly fine with the marathon. I’m just not as enthused with having to retrace my steps during the marathon to go back wards and pay for the privilege of going backwards.

If it doesn’t get patch fixed (I’m sure it will be), please, sincerely, let me know how you feel in a few weeks when you’ve arrived at the same point of the journey since my eternal character got a fast jump start on day 1.

So in a couple weeks when I have hundreds of millions of gold I’m going to be in trouble? Each season I have finished with nearly a billion of unspent Diablo gold. I’m not anticipating a problem…


I guess it won’t be a problem for you then! Have a good one out there.

For everyone else…my parting joke to add to the thread:

How did I become a Diablo gold millionaire? I started with a billion, and spent it converting mats to craft 11 items. :rofl:

I take it you too studied at Trump University!

…ah… thank you… thank you… I’ll be here all week…


Actually I studied at the wine making unversity. Same joke in that industry too for how to become a wine millionare. Got into wine making, lost a bunch of money on the passion project, now a mere millionare.

They expected us to trade items to get the gold…but there is no real in game trade system lol. Trade chat is empty 24/7. It’s 3rd party weird sites where no one messages you.

I had 30 mln gold, I did 2 attemtps to masterwork, that both failed, and I ended up with 2mln gold

The old system was complete trash, your take is brain dead at best.

Bro, get real. This new system isn’t even that different from the old one. What’s the big change, that it now goes from 5 to 12? So what! The only thing it does it prolong the grind and add even more unnecessary RNG with the 25% increases.

Also if your build uses a unique weapon the legacy versions are straight up better because the masterworking doesn’t increase the base damage in weapons. Who thought that was a good idea and how is that good design?

Masterworking is just a terrible system. Tempering on the other hand was a welcome change. Only problem there is the potential to brick a good item, again because of the unnecessary RNG.

IF you playing an ActionRPG and complaining about RNG, then you might want to find a new genre of games to play.

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Stop sniffing glue man, in this state of the game we will never had enough gold.

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You should never have enough gold. If you have enough, it becomes meaningless.

Are you not counting all of the items you can pick up in a Helltide and sell off? Or doing whispers while in a Helltide? I usually have to run back to town a few times in a Helltide to clear bags. Sounds like you’re only comparing the gold from quest rewards.

Most rare items sell for an average of 25k, which means you need to sell 40 to get a million, which is more than a full inventory. That’s a paltry amount compared to how much virtually everything costs now. You need a mil just to craft a royal gem and the 12th masterworking upgrade costs a whopping 100mil!

It’s funny when people defend this game’s horrid gold sinks.

Most of them are either no-lifing Whispers (CUZ THAT’S SO FUN GUYS OMG) or RMT’ing gold (which is what MOST people do who are serious about endgame). Almost every endgame player I’ve talked to RMTs gold.

But ya’ll are right! Let’s f’ing pretend like that’s not reality, kids.

RNG is perfectly fine, however, there shouldn’t be multiple layers of it to literally every aspect of the game. Getting a well rolled item is hard enough, in the case of certain items like amulets statically lower than the probability of getting struck by lightning. Now we have massive RNG involved in simply upgrading an item too which has never been the case in any previous Diablo game or to my knowledge any other A-RPG that I’ve played before anyway. That’s not a good direction for the game to move towards.

As far as I am concerned the best change that did come out of this update was the removal of a certain degree of RNG that came out of the streamlining of aspects and the overhaul of that entire system. That’s the kind of thing we need more of.

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Then almost every endgame player should be permabanned.

Doesn’t change that the gold balance is currently fairly good.
The game should not change away from the right balance, just because some people are cheaters. You handle cheaters by banning them.

Team made a change this weekend but we may turn some additional levers on this and a few other mat items players have noted to us.


I’d like to suggest reading my structured feedback, where one of the tackled topics is gold issues.
Season 4 feedback - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums
Thank you!

Are you referring to this?

If so that really wasn’t the biggest culprit although it was definitely annoying. The real fix there would have been to simply allow lower grade mats to drop from higher level Pit runs in addition to the higher grade mats. There really is no reason for it to not work that way. Alternatively, there could just be one currency but in exponentially higher amounts both in terms of how much it costs to upgrade and how much drops.

Speaking of higher level Pits, 61 which is lowest possible one you have to do if you want the legendary quality upgrade mats, is going to be unattainable for most people. That means a lot of players won’t even be able to fully engage with the masterworking system. Consider lowering the difficulty of tier 61 Pits to about the same level as tier 100 Nightmare Dungeons. Players who want to further challenge themselves will still have ample opportunity to do so with the remaining 139 levels!

As it is, very few builds are able to conquer even 61 and significantly limiting build diversity just to upgrade your gear feels terrible. Unfortunately, that was to be expected when the simple act of upgrading your gear was tied to an overtuned endgame activity.