Too much gold sinks and not enough gold

my gold problems vanished once I started vendoring items. However I am still leveling (94) so cant speak about true endgame.

Gold needs to be super squished down. Like 1 000 000 gold need to be turned down to 1 gold. Add in silver if needed too with 100 silver = 1 gold.

Reason for this is to stop the apathy towards gold. Right now does anybody stop to backtrack because a pile of 2300 gold is behind you? It happens all the time.

Reduce the frequency of gold drops from mobs, but make them able to drop 1 gold or 2 gold for example, now thats a more exciting drop and you certainly will stop what ure doing and go back to grab that 1 gold drop. It would give gold alot more weight behind it.

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Itā€™s funny because this thread is an example of people complaining there isnā€™t enough gold, which demonstrates itā€™s not the numbers that matter but rather the actual value of gold.

I laughed when I saw the gold cap was increased from 9 trillion to 99 trillion. I donā€™t know what else they could have done to more clearly announce that gold is stupidly inflated. Inflated to the point that massive gold sinks become necessary only because nothing else even dents your gold hoard.

It is literally day 2 of season 4ā€¦ how about play the game for some time then complain about it. FARM that is the point of an ARPG. You people who want everything spoon fed to you on day 1, then what is the point of playing on.


Youā€™re the worst kind of poster.

ā€œHurr durr maybe they want the costs to be higher, who knows???ā€


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Not only that but there is absolutely no reason why higher level Pit runs shouldnā€™t drop the mats from the lower levels as well.


You mean how it was before? Masterworking is a bad joke and a massive time sink for no good reason. The old upgrading system was x10 better. They should have just left it as it was and only added Tempering. But of course they had to make the Pit relevant somehow and chain people to the grinding wheel again.

Hated this so much in the PTR. Had to grind too easy content all the time to get the materials. I thought that Iā€™m doing something wrong and I probably was.

Try doing whispersā€¦ u get around 3-4 million for each cache and it takes around 10-20 min to complete them.

my gold is fine i can get some if i need some. sell instead of salvage for a few hours and voila!

i have a problem with socket materials and gem materials though.

This should be addressed in coming patch as Rob2628 has already created a video about this topic, Blizzard will listen to streamers as always.


If you mark the loot as junk, when you get to the vendor you just click one item and it sells everything you marked as junk.

Is there an option to mark all items junk? If yes then no UI issue.

Look, it costs 1M plus to upgrade at the blacksmith now in the mid tiers of masterwork.

Iā€™m pretty okay with that.

But to spend 10M gold to downgrade mats to upgrade tiers 4-8 for each item, so say more than 100M just to convert mats to a lower tier to handle this process? Thatā€™s really some unfun gaming and waste of time to farm gold to handle the transaction.

I have lots of alts to farm whisper caches quickly, and even then this is a huge blackhole of gold (not to mention wasted time just running back and forth in town).

Itā€™s really very simple. If you do not have enough gold to downgrade the materials do a lower tier pit. It should be fast and easy. Why work hard when you can work smart?

We are starting on day four of the season and some of you are getting all worked up upgrading gear you will be dumping in a couple weeks after you find something better.

I was thinking about making a sign ā€œWill work for healing upgradeā€ The major healing for lvl80 costs 5Millionā€¦I am lvl 83 nowā€¦ :joy:

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Hi MikeDanger, respectfully for context, I am on eternal and with no seasonal content, I am many days ahead of the seasonal players and seeing how end game trends.

Since I am already ubered up when needed and fully geared with greater affix items from whisper caches I have saved, it takes me the same time to clear a Pit 75 as it does a 60 (61 is the cut off point where the ingolith stops dropping).

So it will take me more runs at 60 to accumulate the same mats as it would to run the 75 instead. Now this is not a big deal because I am on eternal and have billions of gold already. When you arrive at the point when you are ready to start upgrading masterworks steps 4-8, I think you better see why this becomes a problem, and why just running the lower level is not a good use of time.

Agree. Iā€™m broke as a joke. Loot Reborn, but I canā€™t afford to play with my loot.


As I see it the season is approx. three months long and the game is paced so a majority of players will be able to level up, upgrade their glyphs, upgrade their gear to fight uber bosses and challenge the pit for a high level.

It is not paced to mastercraft all your gear on day four of the season. If it was than yes, there is insufficient gold, but itā€™s not and there will be plenty of time to acquire gold and materials as the season unfolds.

Itā€™s not a sprint; itā€™s a marathon.

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You know I picked this name before I ever knew how this Sanctuary Economy would be.

I feel an Alanis Morissette song coming on. :hamster: :popcorn: