Too much gold sinks and not enough gold

Broooooo you actually think 15-25 WHISPERS to masterwork ONE piece of gear is the right coeficient?!??!

There is a difference between things being “handed to you” and 15 whisper chores to do something.

Just because you masterwork doesnt mean you crit what you want. Just because you crit what you want doesnt mean it has greater affixes… there are still so many layers to progress through without having to do around 2000 whispers in a season…

You literally have to do more whispers than the pit itself to masterwork a piece…. Gtfo of here with this, “you want everything handed to you” logic. Its a bs argument at best.

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You’re still expecting to finalize a piece of gear like you’re drinking water. Even if you don’t min/max and try to reroll it. It’s Day 3 of the update and you want your gear 100% in the literal endgame designed to last you months. Yeah, you are asking to have it handed to you. On Day 3. Imagine taking a few days to finalize a piece of gear and you never need to work on it again.

You can also just not. You don’t need to 12/12 every piece of gear, especially if you plan to replace it. That’s just common sense.


Actually it does have everything with the season being new. At the end of last season I had collected approx. 1.5 billion gold which is more than enough to do all the mastercrafting you will need. Half way through the season I had collected nearly a billion gold, again, more than enough to do mastercrafting. You are at less than three days into the season and you simply are too poor, in Diablo gold terms, to do the mastercrafting required for the endgame.

Here’s something to think about: How much of the gear that you are mastercrafting you will discard because you find something better in the coming weeks? How much of that gold and materials would you like to have back because you wasted it too early in the game? You are playing a short-term game instead of playing the long game. Maybe when you are at my level you will understand…

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The gold amount needed should be trivial. But masterworking should require rare items you can find or trade for. Grinding for gold alone has zero dopamine, and will not retain most players.

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It’s just the second day of the new season, take it easy, why rushing so bad

Lots of people enjoy hyper focusing games and rushing them. With a decent endgame meta loop, they can play for a very long time and find it very satisfying.

Okay, lets do some basic math.

I have enough neithiron to master work from 8-12 after 10 runs.

In that time, I would only have 1/10th the gold needed to master work from 8-12.

So my question, AGAIN, is why is gold more valuable, than the masterworking materials, for masteroworking?

I also don’t understand what whispers have to do with masterworking.

I would even be okay with them leaving the prices the way they are for masterworking, if they took a way to massive gold cost to downgrade materials… 2-6M gold to DOWNGRADE materials is ridiculous.


Well, yeah but you gonna make it to end game fast anyway in this season with many boosts; you not gonna die if you don’t do it in 2 days xd

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Way, way, way too early to conclude that there isnt enough gold. In general, all A-RPGs ever, have always had way too much gold, so if it feels too little on day 2, that could be slightly positive.

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So what you are saying is players have to make a choice between salvaging items and vendering for some gold……feels like a good change to me? Gold actually has a value now….good changes!


Reminds me of Vanilla WoW. Where you had to save up for like a dozen levels beforehand in order to pay for your mount and training when you hit 40. Making it awesome when you finally got it.


Yeah, running 5000 whispers per season is going to be super fun. Really glad it costs 6 million gold to downgrade a crafting material. I really enjoy one shotting every mob in T30 dungeons to get obducite. Great gameplay.

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So doing a T30 run is like making 2 - 6 million gold…

A Diablo season is not a sprint; it is more like running a marathon. If you need the materials than doing T30 runs will be more efficient than doing T80 runs if you are not gold rich.

If you cannot do a T30 run faster than a T80 run than maybe…

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Yeah, thats actually an interesting way of looking at it.

A T80 Pit run is worth 200K.

And a T30 Pit run is worth 2M.

Makes sense to me. lol

gold shouldn’t be the blocker for pit though. pit is the pinnacle. pit rewards should be the blocker.


A few simple stretches fix this right up. Start by curling your pinky and ring finger down. Then stretch your pointer finger down to touch the tip of your ring finger. Be sure to keep your index finger and thumb stretched out straight for maximum effect.

You have to hold the stretch for about 30 minutes, I usually do it on the drive home while in traffic.

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you know, there are other ways to earn gold?

So, whispers are roughly 25M-40M per hour… Depending on how fast you can go and your RNG on Boxes of Chaos. What’s better than whispers?

Its like 2-3M per hour for the Pit.

I know NMDs and Helltides arent better gold per hour. So please tell me your gold making secrets. Trading items? I am already selling items to other players for alot of money.

What is your point exactly?

helltides arent better gold per hour? sorry, you cant be serious.

ill do a rough assumption there. you play eternal and wanted to blast through the pit without putting any time into the helltides? either that, or you arent picking up items.

i might be wrong, but im willing to take that risk :wink:

Helltides are not better gold per hour than whispers. Yes I am serious. If you think that helltides are better gold per hour than whispers, you don’t deserve to have an opinion on this matter because you don’t know anything about the game.