Thoughts on Abattoir of Zir

Would be fine if they dropped uber uniques.

As it currently is (post hotfix) - yeah im done with this season.

Abattoir of ‘if your disobedience stacks drop you might get randomly one shot’ devs should have had the foresight to remove some of the problematic mobs from its spawn pool.

Blasted through the first four tiers fine. Got to tier 5, got oneshot from an offscreen corpse ballista, shut it all down and haven’t touched it since. For the ‘reward’ it gives, I’d rather uber farm.

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Corpse Bows are bugged & Blizzard has yet to fix them. When will Blizzard get around to nerfing the off-screen shots by Corpse Bows is anyone’s guess…

Players: we want end game content.

Devs: I know, lets take the worst most repetitive part of D3 and toss that in, everyone is happy happy right?
But before that, let’s make them do the most boring grind in history to get mats to fight a boss in a diablo game, but get this, we will make the boss have an ultra low drop rate also, sounds like great fun right?
Management: give that guy a raise.

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Yes corpse bows were already nerfed they no longer hit you on yhe first shot. Your able to see the animation so they can be delt with. This is purely a skill issue.

Not true. Corpse Bows are still hitting players off-screen on the first shot. Have had it happen multiple times since launch. Has nothing to do with skill & everything to do with a bug that has yet to be fixed period.


Where is this in patch notes?

At this point the most frustrating part for me is the die you fail non-sense. Followed closely by how slow it is to level this stupid glyph.

I get that some people like the whole dying you fail thing but for something I’m supposed to be grinding to level the glyph I think it’s awful. I know “git gud” and don’t die blah, blah, blah. And hardcore is worse blah, blah, blah.

This was a long time ago. I think it was S1. They even discussed it in a campfire chat.

I think about 3 months ago or so.

If your getting hit on the firat shot your likely walking right into it which would be back luck. I myself have never been hit on the first shot. Perhaps you havnt been seeing the first shot even make a very distinct sound.

I made a new post to try and combat the bad parts of AoZ. Please comment and give like or no likey!

Salvaging AoZ into something coherant on Eternal :grin: - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (

Honestly, I am disappointed how easy it is. I expected more from Blizzard.
Why are only 50% of the mobs exploding upon death? Make it so every single mob would explode! Also, immortal builds are stupid. Make every mob hit like Uber Lilith - guaranteed 1-shot! As an uber end-game content, players should be able to avoid explosions upon death, and avoid being hit even a single time by 93493284903 mobs around them!

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Just play HC, problem solved!

The issue with Corpse Bows has not been fixed. It’s not “bad luck” either. Corpse Bows are still hitting players when way off-screen. Corpse Bows should not be firing at all when not on-screen period. This has been an issue since launch. Blizzard can claim they fixed it all they want but I’m telling you it isn’t fixed. This is no different than when Blizzard claimed to have fixed the bugged Fury Against Fate quest… Took them 3 whole patches before they finally fixed Fury Against Fate. Same scenario here. The bugged Corpse Bows may explain why so many players are complaining about being one-shotted in Abbatoir of Zir without explanation. I’m not playing AoZ but others are & have been adamant regarding the ridiculous one-shot enemy kills. Quite frankly, I don’t blame them since the one-shot mechanic is beyond ridiculous/stupid & should be removed from the game entirely.

One-shot mechanics are ridiculous/stupid & don’t belong in a Diablo game. D3 got uber boss mechanics right. Uber bosses in D3 provided an adequate challenge without the ridiculous one-shot mechanics. Uber Lilith is terribly-designed anyway. Outside a mount transmog & a couple of lame player titles, Uber Lilith has the exact same boring loot table as any other normal boss in the game. Translation: Not worth the time or effort period.

Duriel is minion,because you can one shot him.
Corpse bows are the true boss,because they can one shot you out side of your screen.
This game has no common sense :clown_face:

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if you get 1 shot by corpse bows you are bad

lol Zzz :sleeping: Zzz :sleeping: kk ZZzz

What a ridiculous statement. Corpse Bows are beyond OP - especially at higher tiers & should not have the ability to hit the player off-screen. That has been an issue since launch & still has not been addressed. Corpse Bows need a nerf that limits their range to only shoot when actually ON-SCREEN. Off-screen hits by Corpse Bows are yet another poor design choice by Blizzard which needs to be rectified ASAP.

If one is playing a ridiculously OP HotA Barb build - yes. I don’t play an obviously OP build though…