Thoughts on Abattoir of Zir

People in here complaining about having best in slot builds getting one shot at level one bro. So no, it’s not impressive bro. But bro, if you can read, bros in here suck. So nice try bro.

Same… I bet it is fun for people with broken builds like ball lightning. The rest will just quit for this season.

I think that we would benefit from a PTR greatly!

Well, then they should just get rid of AOZ and just call it NM 101 and progress it up to nm 150 with a higher ramp up as it levels go up.

Easy if one is playing uber-OP builds like BL sorc or HotA barb. All other builds are pretty much excluded from AoZ from what I’ve read on these forums. I have zero plans of ever playing AoZ since it will be gone in a few short weeks anyway. I’m patiently biding my time on Eternal Realm until Midwinter Blight drops next Tuesday since those rewards do carry over into Season 3 unlike the glyph from AoZ. AoZ isn’t worth my time.

Exactly. What you stated here is spot-on & also applies to Uber Lilith - a boss I have zero plans of ever attempting due to a combo of ridiculous one-shot mechanics & her having the very same boring loot table as any other normal boss in the game outside of a mount transmog/a couple lame player titles. Duriel is a far more worthy opponent given his epic loot table. Even Lord Zir, Beast in the Ice, Grigoire & Varshan trump Uber Lilith since they too have better loot tables vs one shot kill-happy Uber Lilith… Not saying Uber Lilith should be a mere cakewalk either. Duriel provides an adequate challenge while not being uber-OP like Uber Lilith is.

At least against the uber bosses I have a chance to beat them and if I fail it is because I screwed up, not because of the mechanics of the fight being so insanely overblown damage wise.

I tried uber Lilith once, never again as long as she is in her current state.

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Um logged in got my sigil defeated in 5 min…bored logged off…its easy just no reward. And I am casual.

I’ve ranked Diablo 3 as démon hunter top 500 Europe at earlier GR and I remember well as it was so hard GR 55 at that Time and how Blizz buffed GR because of lot of people whining or complain. i expect them to do the same with AOZ to keep people stick with . That Said no need to be talented to put insane difficulty at such degree till some streamer hit the goal to buff then for other people before they get so frustrated and bored. They know how to keep you playing. But never again I attempt to do what I did in past. No way lol . Easy dev to fix difficulty so on and so on and beta testing their endgame like that . Not really fun at all .

For me the game is dead until the future Christmas event

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I just wish AoZ would involve less spamming X skill for a minute on quadrillion HP monsters and more dodging / timing attacks and maybe even aiming attacks on monsters that you kill in ~5-6 hits but that also kill you in 4-5 hits.

Level scaling in AoZ I would ike HP to stop scaling after like level 4 and from there new levels will add monster affixes / more elites so that the mobs get harder. And after like level ~8 the only thing that would scale is mob dmg so that you die in 3-4 hits and eventually 2-3 and that AoZ has an end level where you die in 2 hits (perf gear ofc).

At that level the competition would be who can do it fastest and on which build. A stands for Action, right? Ideally there would be many builds that CAN do it on each char but there would be a few that does it fastest AND require player skill to do it. I despise the sheep-herding GRs of D3 and would love D4 AoZ to NOT be like that. I mean its a new game why not have NEW approach to GRs? Its enough to copy the entire GR game from D3, at least make it somewhat different…

Right now Im not liking it, at all. And the most sad thing is the philosophy approach I see by the devs that seems reaaally lazy.

There are other ways to approach difficulty in the game.

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After the update, still getting 1 shot with no explanation in Tier 1. Tooltip couldn’t even tell me what is killing me. I have a maxed-out char with a shako! I enjoy things that are challenging, and I think this is a step in the right direction with potential. I was excited but now just even more disappointed. It’s been a strange emotional roller coaster this week. PLEASE GET RID OF THE INVISIBLE ONE SHOTS!


Until the one-shot mechanics are removed & her loot table drastically improved, Uber Lilith is a waste of time anyway. She has the exact same loot table as any other normal boss in the game outside of a mount transmog & lame player titles… Terrible design for a so-called “Pinnacle” boss IMHO which is why I will steer clear.

Yup, I remember that time as well. season 1 people were between 40-50 on grifts.

the only times you ever want to do AOZ is when you need/want a big challence that is why it is made for, remember all the cry baby’s (the game is to easy) so now they have a real challence problem solved.

I hate everything about it.


One shots

Ridiculous grinding to increase the size of a meaningless damage number instead of making visual or mechanical changes or creating immersive game world interaction.

Know what would be better? Unlocking skills that alter the game world. Right now Necro’s bone wall is the only skill that alters the game world.


No changes ! With fully pumped up resists, my character is killed in 1 hit. There is no need to play the game yet since everything is done

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not quite.

its just not worth doing when the loot is still crap, there is no rewards for time invested.
I suspect Blizz once tier 25 clear to nerf AOZ if true . They like to see if there some dud who can break such challenge and then before most people get frustrated to nerf the difficulty . Reminds me GR on D3 was like that :slight_smile: next step ? up the max level glyph to 400 then lol . That said Rob has lot of room with glyph up to 50 when he did eerfff

Feedback loop of little worth.
Nothing to chase but a title.
No new uniques in AoZ.
Little loot on completion.
Loot get better or more numerous on higher tier? Dont think so
Glyph goes boom after season end.
No cosmetic to chase i know of.
One shots still galore.
Higher tiers rely on luck for shrines.
1death fail = Not meant for parties. Group only as good as the weakest link.
Balanced based on bugged or overperforming builds. Good luck pushing if ur minion based or non hota or not blue sorc ball.

This is just a worse feel bad way to do greater
Rifts with 0 imagination, fun, or long term goal.

This is basically the labyrinth from poe but the monsters are all the traps too.

Ill pass. Get my glyph to 21 including ones Im not using then Im done with it. I even have a ball sorc but this is still not interesting me in the slightest.

We have to do better than this.

This is not fun.

Mindless duriel rotas are not fun either.

Is this the best vision we have?