Thoughts on Abattoir of Zir

Logged in, bought a sigil, transported in, got 1-shot in 10 seconds, logged out.

I’m done for the season.


I logged in, saw that my glyphs were deleveled, and instantly logged off. Won’t log back in again until it’s fixed. Nothing takes away the desire to play a game than seeing all your progress go POOF


I tried it 4 times and got one shotted in each run. Even with barrier fortify and armor from disobedience proccing.

Little bulb exploding demon guy / wraith red carpet alley shot, exploding death guy, all one shots.

Def harder than NM100. I dont know if its the deleveled glyphs or what…


Then we can finally get rid of those saying the game is to easy. They can go in there and die sometimes like the rest of us :slight_smile:


This is too funny. So many people just give up if something has any form of difficulty. This community is hilarious.


Its is meant to be hard, so I do not get the complain. A fact, they are just not ready for it.


If this place has high difficulty… Why the timegates? Why the progression gate? Why the sigil gate? Why the no-deathgate? Why? ??? ?? ? ? ? ?


Making content exclusively so that some streamers think you developers are cool is the opposite of fun to normal people. I mean, like I only tried it so that I could quick level up some glyphs … and then the second shoe fell.


The mobs didn’t feel much different from T100 dungeons (i.e. pretty easy to clear). But I don’t consider spending all of my time at the mercy of the RNG for 1-shotters to be in any way fun. That’s not difficulty - it’s gambling. I even beefed the hell out of my defense in preparation for a rough ride, but this is just plain stupid.

This actually ruined it for me. I won’t be playing the Christmas event. We’ll see what comes for season 3…


I betthis guy is nowhere near even getting into AoZ dungeons

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To be fair their bugged update chopped 12 glyph levels of power off my character so…

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im about to start a t9 right now. sorry all of you quit


Haha I did the same thing, then noticed my maxed out glyphs were lowered and thought well I guess this is how you get the sigil powder to run this crap since I have to relevel all my glyphs. Hard Pass

build + proof? :smiley:


The content is tuned for OP builds that no-lifers have been showcasing on YouTube after running Duriel 1000 times and getting every BiS uber. It’s a complete waste of time and unattainable challenge for us employed members of society with families to tend to who do not have a single uber to our name


I don’t mind the difficulty, but only one death is a horrible design, especially with all the 1 shot possibilities.
I cleared level 1 first time, no problem, but then was one shot every time afterwards still doing level 1 the next few times.


I know I have lost power across all my character with only level 15 glyphs, i do not play these before its fixed.

I hate the timer. One of the reasons that I play games like this is to avoid the stress of platformers.


9 minutes and and one shotted. Probably not enough time anyhow. Was an endless stream of CC.

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Did it 3 times, all 3 got to the last 3 mini bosses, and died to them, blizzard sorcerer. Definitely harder than tier 100 but I’ll get it done, but just thinking this is only tier 1 makes me think I won’t get to far, maybe tier 5 If the glyph adds a lot of extra damage… don’t think having max armor really helps, since still get 1 shot in tier 1 with it, maybe health and barriers would do better also right now investing in damage to unstoppable and maybe use fire shield as an enchantment… but I like the challenge so Ik bash my head for quite some time in AoZ!!!