Thoughts on Abattoir of Zir

i agree they shouldnt hit you from offscreen. but corpse bows are not 1 shots unless you dont have proper defense.

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This is true but Corpse Bows are still ridiculously OP & need to be nerfed. They shouldn’t be doing the amount of damage they do - especially when off-screen…

Post your fav 3 emoji combo to my bow list!

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for what reason should i do that exactly o.o?
i dont see how this thread provides a discussion.

For funzies of coarse!

Man casuals don´t usually play hardcore with one life. They like to learn from mistakes. And they doesn´t have all the time long for playing this or other game, they have lifes. So abusing this is promoting ludopaty cause hardcore gaming, not harcore mode in diablo, people that doesn´t have nothing to do and nothing to give them a life, are sick and they need terapy, i´m not ludopath, but i do have my sickess and i understand not to have a life more than anyone, promoting ludopath, with the old loot crates, RNG that is the same code, or random microtransactions like gachas are ludopathy promotrs, and the goverments need to take this seriously, also because this people don´t know how interact with others and they are pretty toxic, also they are not even children mostly, they have years and years of spending time being toxic because of their sickness.

And this need to be adressed and have someone to be responsible, not only the government, actually game industry are responsible, because they do stuff that they know they are damaging people and they continune with apologies and hypes and pschicologyc stragetics from marketing, social control experts, etc.