This item cannot have Aspects imprinted on it

So stupid, but that was the solution for me as well. Thanks so much, LOL!

Yes you can you just need at least 2 x the amount it cost in your wallet for some reason just had the same issue and found this thread looking for a fix, that mechanic would be nice though , but even though the price is the same as advertised you need more money in ur wallet

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That post is old and a remnant of testing before the game went live. A few posts later, I recognized my error and admitted as such. :wink:

This is still an issue, let try to get this patched. If i could upload a picture I would…

Hmm have the same Problem, sold some items and have more then double gold i need for putting the aspect on, but still not working…i guess its like the real world, only the rich can do things that shouldnt be possible :stuck_out_tongue:

Haven’t seen this in Bug Reports for a long while. If it’s still busted post there.

not sure if its a bug or if they stealth fixed that you could put legendary aspects on sacred items…which im sure worked 2 days ago

Those are old comments and not relevant anymore. :slight_smile:

i thought i did it my self, and the error message says “this itemn cannot have aspects imprinted on it”…correct would be if it said “…cannot have legendary aspects imprinted on it”…convinced myself its a bug, ill post it on bug report…atleast they can fix the wording :slight_smile:

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Definitely. You should be able to imprint it. however, the bug seems to be related to how much gold you have from other reports.

Ive 170k and it costs 70k (crafted a lot and sold too little), but it would make sense that sacred items need atleast sacred aspects…but there should be a progression of stats on the sacred aspects or it feels kind of wrong :wink:

I had a sacred amulet i could not imprint with a sacred aspect. it said it would cost like 17 k gold and 16 Sigils mats. i have 1.5 million gold. I was able to imprint dungeon aspect on it for 5 sigils. i noticed other sacred aspects would cost 19 sigils to imprint on it. All this to say that the materials may also be displaying wrong. Have to farm more sigils to get to 19 to see if i can confirm

Yes i had the same issue! You are right. i had 20k gold more than the cost to imprint. i sold some stuff went back then it accepted it. definitely a bug needing fixing. OR just have more gold on me. haha

After reaching 19 sigils instead of the 16 it said I needed i was able to imprint it. So it looks overall the materials costs can be wrong be it gold or the mats…

Edit: Also after looking I notice i still have 18 abstruse sigils. So it only actually took 1. So coding is messed up.

Still a problem to this day. I have more than twice enough of the required currency and materials, yet I can not apply the aspect to my item.

Blizzard, pls.

Having the same issue here. Found a huge ancestral upgrade and it won’t let me put an aspect on it even though I have twice the amount of gold it says. Infuriating it doesn’t even give you the error that is supposedly happening.

That can’t be true. It would kill the game. Too many layers of RNG will turn people off.

RNG 1. First you need to find a Sacred Rare Item.
RNG 2. Then you need that Sacred Rare Item to have the stats you need on it.
RNG 3. Then you need to find a Sacred Leggo with with Aspect you need on it, that can be imprinted to the type of Sacred Rare Item you have.

Relying on 3 layers of RNG to make an upgrade is complete insanity.

I have a Rare level 31 Ring that is not allowing me to imprint anything on it. Definitely seems like a bug to me. It’s just a regular Rare ring.

Just had this happen to me, I made sure to have double resources and double gold but the only thing that worked was changing back to Tier 4…It went right on once I did that.

Okay, I just figured this out. It’s not double the cost of using an aspect from your inventory, you need to have at least the same amount of cash as it would take to imprint the aspect from the Codex of Power.

The cost of imprinting the aspect I wanted from my inventory was 45k; I also tried 91k with no luck. I was going crazy trying to figure this out when I decided to check if it would work using an aspect from my Codex of Power. Lowe and behold, it cost 125k to imprint the same aspect (lesser version) from the Codex. I sold a few items I didn’t need anymore to get the 125K and BOOM, all of a sudden it worked using the perfect roll Legendary aspect from my inventory on an Ancestral item.