This item cannot have Aspects imprinted on it

ok so I have the same issue. I’m trying to imbue a sacred rare ring with a sacred aspect to make it legendary and complete my build. But I keep getting that error message and I have no idea why. I have way more gold than is required, and enough legendary resources. My only thought is this HAS to be a bug. Cause there’s nothing say why I can’t do it. Only that it can’t?

The bug seems to be self resolvable, what worked for me:

  1. Imprinting failed (Sacred aspect in to Ancestral item)
  2. removed gem
  3. logged out
  4. logged in
  5. Imprinting succeeded

Might be the logging out and in, might be the removal of the gem. Might be both.

it was the 4x gold thing, good tip

Yup. Also having this issue. It is driving me nuts. i have 20X the gold needed. I have unsocketed. switched tiers. played on different computers. tried every occultist in different areas. i have tried applying it to a different item then hit cancel and gone back to it. still cannot. it is an ancestral legendary focus. not a unique. not anything special. this bug is frustrating as hell.

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Hi everyone, I was having the same problem with an amulet im trying to imprint, just in case it was wrongly coded/uploaded I decided to check the item in the wiki, lo and behold, it is in fact a unique amulet.


My inventory shows it as a Sacred but everything about it is Unique, so just in case go and verify if the item is indeed a Unique and its only a description error.

Having the same problem with a Ancestral Legendary Focus.

In my case, the problem is a little different than some people here are reporting. For me, it definitely isn’t gold or anything because I literally can’t place the item into the window. It tells me instantly when right-clicking it to place it that “Only Rare and Legendary items can have Aspects imprinted onto them.”. I know it should be valid because it is already imprinted - I did once without issue. However, I can’t reimprint it (and I know you can reimprint items because I can do this to every other item).

Relogging, unsocketing, switching tiers, nothing worked. It’s been like this for days. The focus is just broken fundamentally somehow.

The item is a ‘Rapid Blood Orb’. It was originally an Ancestral Rare Focus (some kind of Blood Orb obviously). It is imprinted currently with Aspect of the Rapid (from the Codex, not from an extracted aspect - that’s what I want to change now). It’s also 5/5 upgraded and socketed. The item also can’t be linked in chat, even though that usually works with items that have less than 2 sockets.

I’m getting this error on a 2h axe for my warrior.

Kicker is, I imprinted it just fine earlier. I wanted to replace the imprint but now I suddenly can’t. So nothing to do with unique item, in my case.

I got the same issue however I did something that I did not know what exactly but it worked.

  • change the map to a different town
  • socket items max for a 2H weapon
  • upgrade to the highest weapon
    Finally, I did imprint the normal aspect to my Ancestral weapon, we need to figure it out but it should work, or just check the gold maybe it shows 150k gold but only allow you to imprint when you have more than that, example I checked the Codex of Power for Bladdancer’s aspect it costs me almost 500k gold, required 150k to imprint normal aspect but it does not work when I have 300k gold, I ran a nightmare dungeon to get more gold and back town, try again with normal aspect (not codex one) and it work at 500k gold but costs me only 150k gold. Sorry for my english but something like that want to share with you guys
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Bug still occurs. Just sold my two only god rolls along with every other legendary aspect I had been saving, just before I found this thread.

I couldn’t imprint my Sacred offhand with a non-sacred offensive aspect while in Kyovashad. tried many times, including running dungeon in between. teleported to Ked Bardu and it worked first try.

I have this as well AFTER having the money problem. I saved up and was able to imprint and I found a perfect version so I went to imprint over that one and I am getting this error. Its like its treating as a Unique

Your “EDIT:” was perfect, thanks!

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this worked, thanks! mate

But you can take an Aspect from your Codex, which has by default the lowest Aspect attributes and put it on your Sacred Legendary item.

This makes absolutely zero sense and does nothing but make Aspects accumulated in earlier tiers obsolete, something Blizzard quite specifically said they wanted to minimize.

Personally, I think it is ridiculous that you are Imprinting an Aspect onto the item itself anyways. Instead, you should be Imprinting it onto the ITEM SLOT. This allows you to freely upgrade your items without sticking with crappy gear because the Aspect is necessary.

Finding perfect rolls for Aspects should be challenging, but once you find it, you should not have to find subsequent ones of the same type just so you can put it on another piece of gear. Heck, I would even be good with it binding to that ITEM SLOT which means you can always equip any Aspect you have accumulated for THAT ITEM SLOT, but would need to find a duplicate should you want to swap what Aspects go on other ITEM SLOTS.

It is needlessly restrictive in its current state and is a humungous pain that you get trapped with bad gear because of a singular Asepct while leveling. You end up feeling a regression in power or have to give up something that could quite literally be build defining.

Bad design is bad.

I did the same thing, regular lego aspect on a sacred 2H weapon rare, wouldn’t work, looked AT the legendary aspect and it WILL go on a 2H weapon. (Corruption). So I attempted to put it on the 1H weapon and it freaking worked. Broken aspect system. Nice. Wasted materials and wasted a potential aspect slot on a 1H weapon, and potential gains on a 2H weapon.

I have the exact same problem with an offhand, just as you described. Its an ancestral offhand and I applied a codex of power aspect to it. Its fully upgraded and I have plenty of gold but I get that same error message when trying to drop it for a new imprint “Only Rare and Legendary items can have Aspects imprinted onto them”

So bizzare and def some kind of a bug

So glad I decided to look this up. Found an almost perfect legendary chest piece with a useless aspect on it, spent a ton to reroll the one bad stat and then I couldn’t imprint the aspect I had saved for it. Luckily I put it in my inventory in case I ever tried a different build that could use the aspect. Found this post, went out and farmed some gold for like 10 minutes and bam, imprinted without issue! Thank you!

I’ll tell you how to get around it.

Basically, you have enough gold for the imprint. The problem is, it costs more than half of your total gold. It’s either a bug, or their reasoning is they want to leave you with something in case you need to repair.

Either way, just get more gold and you can imprint those items. You’re welcome.

I am having the same errors trying to imprint stone armor sacred pants with a defense aspect of might … and it says it should work but it just wont work!! but should.

I’m currently having the same issue but i have 4m gold saved, have relogged and tried different occultists. It won’t let me imprint my rare ring with an offensive aspect.