This item cannot have Aspects imprinted on it

It’s been about 3 days of this bug affecting this one aspect I have. There have been many logins and attempts since then.

This bug occurred on my leg piece.

Worked for me thanks. I didn’t have much gold, sold stuff and it worked

I still have this happening to me with 4.5mil gold, a sacred ring and a sacred aspect.
The only thing I can think of is - it requires 16 Abstruse Sigils, I have exactly 16, but it still thinks I don’t have enough.
I will farm more sigils and report back.

Well known bug I have encountered myself.

It generally spontaneously resolves.

I had the same thing happening to armor. It had two gems in it. I took them out and then it took the aspect just fine. It was weird.

I been using this sacred legendary ring for a while and have imprinted around 3 different sacred aspects on it until right now I can’t imprint another one I even went out and just found a really good sacred rare ring lvl 703 higher than any ring I currently own and it still won’t let me imprint the sacred aspect on it I hope this is a bug because I literally can’t make my character stronger besides the paragon board and hoping for a better unique items

I’ve tried to see if my money was a issue like other people have been saying I had 150k on my character but it only costs 13k to imprint sacred aspect I went out and got 400k right now and still can’t imprint the sacred aspect on my new sacred rare ring or my old sacred legendary ring this definitely seems like a bug and from what I’m reading some people who have lvl 100 characters haven’t even had this issue yet

Same problem here, but i don’t know if the money are the problem, i have 2 million gold and it’s costs just 180k.
I think the problem might be the “reroll bonus”, i did reroll one bonus on this item like 5 times, that cost me almost 3 million, maybe you need to have more money that the total of rerrols?
Hope they will fix it!

I was just able to use the mystery merchant and got a decent ring lvl 650 sacred rare and it let me put the sacred aspect on it idk why it wouldn’t let me use the sacred aspect on my new sacred rare lvl 702 ring I understand if it wouldn’t let me on an already imprinted item but a new item I just found that’s ain’t right

I just had the same problem, ancestral weapon, ancestral aspect and then the message i cant imprint it - 26k cost, 66k gold on me - sold few weapons, gold in inventory came to 88k - worked imprinting

I still have this same issue imprinting a sacred aspect on a sacred legendary ring (no imprints).
The UI shows a 10k gold cost but I had over 600k and it was a no go. Just how much does this thing cost?

This fixed it for me, thank you!

I have heard this. I have also imprinted many nonsacred aspects on sacred items. I am having the same issue. I spent all my gold and a bunch of rare resources on upgrading something and now I can’t put an aspect on it and I took the aspect off my old item so now I’m screwed as I need this aspect. I have no clue why they are arbitrarily deciding some things can’t get some aspects and not others.

This was exactly the problem. I had to have more gold in my inventory than it said I needed. Even though it didn’t charge me more. I had 70+k in my inventory and couldn’t imprint A 50k+ item. I got 150k+ and imprinted and it left me with 100k+ ridiculous bug

I have like 9million and it wants 15K and I get this error still…

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Yeah the others are just making crap up. It doesn’t matter if you mix/match Tiers of aspects and gear. It is bugged sometimes and needs to be fixed.

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Thank you it solved my problem too ! love from china

I encountered the same bug too. Can confirm. I tried relogging several times, that still didn’t fix the bug.
What fixed the bug however was teleporting to a different city, then gambling using obolds.

Thank you, Just find this and you may have saved me a keyboard.