This item cannot have Aspects imprinted on it

I think you might have figured it out OCE!
I just came across the same issue again, this time when trying to Imprint an Aspect on a Ring. The cost was some 50k gold and i had 70k on me. I read your post farmed some 400k gold came back and tried imprinting again, went through the first attempt : S

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Adding to everything this , yep this seems to be due to some money issue. I have some junk in my inventory so I went ahead and sold a bunch of them and now imprinted no problem. Before I had less than 2x the cost, I spent a few hours unable to imprint same aspect to same item

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If this is verified, post it in the Bug forum.

You do not need to have a sacred aspect for a sacred item. Any aspect should work for any item of the allowed type. It’s a terrible bug that I am having issues with.

there are several bugs with imprinting. had them too. sometimes restarting works, sometimes putting a gem in the item, sometimes waiting, sometimes nothing.

For others with the same problem. I tried everything including finish a dungeon, login and out, go to another town. The only thing that solved the problem was to get more money. (note that of course I had enough money for the imprint, but seems like you have to get 3x - 4x the price to avoid this bug)


I also had this problem. After i discovered that this can also happen when you dont have enought gold… I have imprinted an normal legendary gloves aspect (shockwave on hammer of the ancient) onto an ancestral 2h mace without a problem when i had enought gold.

So it seems that the tooltip is bugged, when you trying to imprint an extracted legendary effect. When you imprint a dungeon effect it shows the correct amount of money it cost.

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i had this error pop up while trying to imprint a weapon. it required 24k gold and i had 37k in my bags. a friend traded me 100k and the imprint was successful :slight_smile:

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I was having the same issue, this worked for me as well! Thank you!

Can confirm, it’s a money thing. Said I had enough but said I couldn’t imprint, made a bit more money, tried again, success.

Hopefully you scrolled all the way to the bottom to figure out the answer instead of reading everyone say it was an “Implicit:” issue or “you need to extract Sacred aspect to imprint on Sacred rare.” Cheers.

Definitely a bug. I had this issue just now with my pants (equipped) and Disobedience. Went do buy/sell/salvage some stuff and decided to take the pants off to imprint, and it worked.

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Thanks mate, this worked for me too!

The issue is most likely that you don’t have enough gold. The shop told me it costed 90k to imprint an aspect from another weapon, but would cost 250k to imprint one from the codex. Once I had the 250k THEN I could imprint, even though it still said 90k, and the msg This item cannot have Aspects imprinted on it didn’t appear and the imprint successfully went through. Its either a UI or a money bug.


I got 1.7m and still can’t imprint lol. Is my imprint just extreamly expensive? Its a 800ilvl+ item.

Gold was my issue, after I got more and did a few things it worked again.


I had 50k gold and imprint cost 25k and it wouldnt do imprint so i sold items and had 400k gold and it let me imprint it then. Guess gold was my issue as well lol

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No crafting for poor peasants, understandable

I’m sitting here with 3.4 million gold and still no luck. Has there been any sort of confirmation that this is a bug or am I just doing something wrong?

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This is a bug. Happened to me today, just leave game and rejoin again to imprint aspect. There’s no quality requirement to imprint, you can use a normal aspect to imprint on sacred or ancestral or sacred aspect on ancestral gear pieces.

It’s 200% a bug. I just had 2 Sacred rare swords, on both I had no problem adding a regular legendary aspect. It seems to be happening only on the two handed weapon type.

Just fyi, the imprinting on swords showed that it cost exactly the same as the one for a crossbow yet crossbow is reporting an error mentioned in the OP.