They absolutely nuked barb according to Rob

My favorite snack! I will make up the sales.

Check the wowhead article from Rob2628’s exclusive patch notes. Blizz invited a bunch of streamers to the company HQ to test out S5 stuff and play Spiritborn. Rob has his stuff on wowhead and DontheCrown has his on youtube.

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/agreed. These wild swings are out of control. It is like whoever is in charge of balancing is drinking half a dozen Monster energy drinks, followed by an entire bag of Bolivian marching powder, hooked a car battery to his ears, and ran through a wall with giant exploding hammer while screaming " It’s time for some adjustments!"


This actually sounds like a fun person to be


lol yeah now that I am visualizing this in my head it doesn’t sound too bad. I wanna be at that party watching this guy.

I doubt they have an A and B team for class balance. That is probably just one team.

You mean 5 interns and 1 of them is getting sexually harassed


What would make the devs life easier is get to a baseline of damage for all heroes and then balance according to this and then have aspects not scale damage so high. All every build is going is just stacking multipliers. Change aspects to do other things instead of damage on most all the offensive ones. Its all just dmg dmg dmg that is all anyone does.


While it sucks for players that dont like the nerfs. To me this is kinda a silver lining for my schadenfreude. I honestly like Rob overall but its hard not to eyeroll evertime he posted a “non-barb class build is OP! Nerf when?” While rarely putting out any videos for Barbs in a similar fashion.


Forgot it he cut the bleeding passive , now WW dont have base damage to use with a core skill , dont have multipliers for bleeding without grandfather , he lowered the damage base of demon dusts because he nerfed 75% of the damage of all skills , now have flay or flay with build , with this numbers.

Diablo need only to put a multipliers in another classe like poison is capped to druids , flame capped to mages , vitimize nerfed for vunerable damage in rougues now barbs killed , the players wont to play without nerf only scalling to billions no inviable because the blizzard wanna to see you playing with a nerfed build , im leaving diablo again

Thats not why Victimize is strong though. Its due to double dipping for damage which will be fixed in S5. Before S4 bugs, Victimize passive was trash. Will see how it performs after the fixes and compensatory buffs it got in S5.

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What is the source of this info? I see nothing on the website under “News”.

Actually no. Most of them don’t play this game and the ones that do are all main barbs. And I am not even being sarcastic here. So, this time is the only exception so far when I get to say that they know perfectly well what they are doing.

When they nerf the Keystone Passives by as nuch as 75% rather than nerfing and fixing the actual broken builds that IS a bad thing.

Me and Pepperidge farms remember when blizzard said they wouldn’t do giant massive nerves across the game anymore because they had learned a lesson.
I guess that was misinformation


Pepperidge farm remembers for sure i just called and asked

So much for the cool video and buffing heroes to same level. Guess barb was so broken they had to nerf him to oblivion. Welcome to sorc level barbs.

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I am so sick and tired of those devs. Why they have to kill the game every season? They killed sorc in S4 so I played necro and barb and had fun. Now they are killing barb. Bash barb will be completely gone.

Those devs are beoynd ridiculous. Can microsoft just replace them please?

Why cant we have normal game like D2 where most skill are playable, why we have to have this mess with rotation every season. Its such as trash and awful.

They should make internal damage meter and test every build on pit boss 150 dummy. They do balance completely random. Never seen so bad devs.

I bought equip for barb for 25 euro, give me my money back if you just killed that class. i wont spent penny on you anymore in shop. And I will think twice If I ever buy the dlc, you will have to show some real balance next time.

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Good. Barb has been WAY OP since launch. It’s about time the devs bring the Barb class back down to Earth vs being ungodly OP. Finally - Druids & Sorcs are getting some overdue buffs next season. There are new Uniques coming next season - some of which will add buffs to certain Barb builds that use basic skills like Bash & Flay for example. I’m glad the devs finally recognized the need to nerf the Barb class for the sake of balance. Other classes have been falling far behind for far too long.

It was required, all classes should have similar power.