They absolutely nuked barb according to Rob

They do have different teams for odd and even Seasons, so that they dont have to wait untill a Season is developed to start with the next one

In other news, Dev team at major game development studio has no idea what is going on with their own game. Film at 11.

Yes for season content but Iā€™d expect the actual class balance is just one team. I could be wrong.

Makes me wonder if they even tested it after nerfs,oh god what am I thinkingā€¦they donā€™t test anything .


Nerf my toon down to a butter knife and Iā€™ll still do melee hack-n-slash.

No game does any actual game-situation testing nowadays - thatā€™s what the players are forā€¦

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Itā€™s not just a nerf, they destroy all option of diferent builds, forcing you to play just a few that works. 0 balancing of clases. Blizzard dosenā€™t like fun.

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Why do you guys think they want these Streamers to share these S5 infos right now? Itā€™s still 3 more weeks till S5. They usually have a live stream 1 week before a new Season with infos.

Itā€™s too early to complain about S5 changes IMO. Every season is heralded with OMG Barb nerfed and quickly escalates into Barb OP/Immortal/FaceRolling build.

If that doesnā€™t happen, it would actually be a change up.

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Season 4 Bash Cleave will go down in Diablo history as one of the most fun, most played, most powerful build stacks ever.

I will miss it.

No other builds are as fun. Not even Whirlwind.

In combination with the mid season patch that helped the barbarian in whirlwind and the nice addon trailer i preordered the addon. Also with the statement that they will not nerf the Barbarian but will help other classes i thought this was the right decision. And now such hard nerfs are coming to the Barbarian.

Sorry Blizzard, but this is no way to deal with customers, this is just a lousy way and shows that you have zero knowledge and are simply oriented towards these streamer idiots.

I simply feel cheated from the perspective of a Barbarian player.

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D3 would have died right away if the paragons didnā€™t carry over to eternal. Donā€™t kid yourself. Many people pushed the leader boards in eternal especially in between season.

That is a fair enough assessment from a D3 perspective since there is unlimited paragon in Eternal.
But they donā€™t have something like that (yet) in D4. Only time will tell.

I can see things are still going great!


exactly. i take note on others youtuber/influencer who likes sorc and do sorc videos too, basically they never purposely asking anyone to nerf/condemn
barb or other class. they remain proper courtesy and never cross the line.

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When they did those epic nerfs pre season 1 that infuriated the pantaloons off of everyone I knew it would be fine because we would be getting borrowed power from the seasonal mechanic. Vampire powers in season 2 were a huge boost too.

Donā€™t think there are any seasonal borrowed powers this time to wipe the bum after they poo pooā€™ed all over barbs?

the uniques rework is the borrowed power. Still donā€™t think that would be good enough to compensate though.

When all are trash, none are trash relatively speaking - the game is just harder and clunkier to play. But this greatly pleases the crab in me, let us all boil together.

Nerfing Unconstrained from 100% to 35% is madness because Berserking without the key passive already provides x25% damage increase.

I hope you realize that youā€™re saying a key passive that increases damage by 1.35/1.25 - 1 = 8% is ok.

Well, we can speculate but itā€™s probably related to a not so big of a sell for the VoH preorder (at least not as expected overall)