They absolutely nuked barb according to Rob

Way too big of a swing. Another big mistake from Blizzard.

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glad to see he finally taste his own medicine.

in the past seasons, he produced so many videos nagging about sorc on “this build is crazy, that build is crazy, this one must go, that one must go”, while jeopardizing other youtuber’s sorc videos, but he himself never ask to nerf his barb billion-trillion damage builds.

blizz should in fact nuke the barb for 3 seasons in a row.


They really need to stop with this crap. I’m not here to crunch numbers, I’m here to slap gear on and have fun.

If I want to play a fire sorc 2 years from now, I should be able to do so with minor tweaks and not always search for the only working class build (same principle should apply to all classes).



Can I get my money back for preorder? What a joke.


I will have to play it with nerfs, I won’t panic yet. If it aweful mid season patch might fix it.

No it won’t. That’s not how Blizzard works. Once something is nerfed into the ground it’s dead for years (see Ret Paladin, Shadow Priest, Afflic Lock etc)


I am amazed. The barbarian had a passive that increased bleeding damage by 60! once. I’ll repeat it 60 times. Does anyone have this option? The barbarian inflicted 60 billion dots, it will be 30 times less, that is, 2 billion. And is this not enough? Who else can do this?


Why do you ignore how only Barbs with quite literally the best gear in the world were hitting those numbers? With this change your average geared Barb is gonna be having dots that hit for a “massive” 100k lol.

Its fine. Who wants to play the same character 2 seasons on a row anyways…

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So Blizzard STILL doesnt understand the massive nerfs are NEVER the answer?

Can they get rid of the odd team already? They cant stop making mistakes after mistakes… Replace them with trainees, there is 0 chance for a group of trainees to make a worse job

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If they nerfed barb hard, they still havent figured out what baseline means lmao.

Edit: i stand corrected. If the changes brought barb down and sorc up, they might be figuring it out. That said, the damage increases sorc is getting might be a wash if we want to use teleport more than once; the cdr changes still hold to my knowledge (someone else probably knows better than me on that) and occulus, with all its loss of dps, is looking kinda cool again…

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It goes to Eternal, where nobody really cares. :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

Massive nerfs is the ONLY answer.

Now do the same for the other classes too. Then repeat.

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I’ve basically been saying this over and over on PTR forum and here.
You put it succinctly in much fewer words.

I’ll try:
Eternal should be the Stable, BALANCED Server as well as the Benchmark for Classes/Game to be balanced.

In a well balanced game where Classes have builds that are 15-30% difference in power(just a tired random # range) vs 100-1000-10000% difference between them, Players in Eternal can have freedom of choice and min max at their leisure & discretion.

Seasons is where the “Metas” can be constnatly altered BY The Seasonal Theme, by Items/Aspects introduced that are Seasonal ONLY and can eventually, if well received, be reintroduced in a lesser form.
(Speaking of Metas: IF Metas are even necessary - personally I don’t need my hand held nor does the FOTM gimmick do anything to ‘wow!’ or woo me - it’s just a “Hey look this build is now 200% stronger than anything else!” …I digress).

They’re doing all this 3d chess balancing while not even having a solid game foundation.

One simply doesn’t constantly change the CLASSES THEMSELVES like this over and over.
Items - yes.
Outliers skills or multipliers - sure.
Constant reworks and revamps? Madness.

Also back to “Foundation” - They’re CONTENT NEUROTIC - It’s an inundation of NEW NEW NEW NEW Shiny crap …
Look Devs - Get the Classes Squared away FIRST.
Then give some new shiny stuff.

Frankly I don’t need nor expect “Teh New Uniques and Aspects” every single Season.
I don’t understand this “Design Philosophy”.
It’s doing nothing but causing massive roller coaster style “balancing” and does nothing but frustrate me(and friends).


With the Key Passives being nerfed across the board it makes every build worse proportionately. The levels of ineptitude are astounding.

I mean, hell, Rob’s videos show you what precisely is broken and you just nerf the hell out of Key Passives instead? Lol what? Where are those Barbarians destroying content with HoTA, Upheaval, Double Swing, Rend, Frenzy, Lunging Strike, Iron Maelstrom, Steelgrasp, Kick, Charge and LeapQuake in S5 PTR? Oh they aren’t? You mean to tell me it is just:

  • Bash with Berserk Ripping and Gushing Wounds
  • Flay (that they buffed for PTR lol)
  • Deathblow and Rupture spam WITH THIRD BLADE ONLY
  • Thorns (kind of)

That’s it. Thise were what was broken and they all shared certain things in common. The new Uniques, Bash Cleave multiplicative Temper and Damage to Close on weapons, GW, and Flay were broken.

This is like bush-league levels of idiocy. It would have been very easy to address the problems.


Thematically i agree completely, but blizz will make you need them every single time. Its horrid fomo design, very shallow with little thought behind it except ‘get the players to buy the thing. Trash what they have’.

Im not getting this or any expansion release anymore; ill wait till they’re done touching the game. If its available to play, ill pick it up then.

I know this is a live service game, and i know what to expect with it. I guess i have a problem with the live service model. Changing environment is fun and keeps things fresh but swings like this dont come across as great.

Why do people act like nerfs are such a bad thing? So many drama queens see a number gets changed and act like it destroyed their life. You all take this stuff wayyyy too seriously.

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I dont care about these specific adjustments, or barb lol. What i do care about is a hard trend of adjustments for the sake of profit, directly and consistently impinging on the quality of the game. Make the game better and im more inclined to buy the expansion. Keep the balance crazy and force complete rebuilds every patch, and im a bit less inclined.

Sorseters have this kind of damage in most cases, if you don’t use cheats from maxroll. Get used to it.


First of all - was there a patch ?, can’t see it anywhere in the news section :thinking:

Secondly, if they’re doing 80% nerfs and buffs means they’re just rotating stuff so we don’t get “bored”, i.e. they don’t have vision :cow: