They absolutely nuked barb according to Rob

Woah if they remove protection temper then what happens with gear tempered with imposing presence?

Force brick?

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And the pendulum swings the other way? I really hope they donā€™t nerf the class to the ground. I really, really would like many, many builds to be S tier across classes.

So much for the focus to buff other heroes to same level and not nerf. Maybe this is part of some reset of power or something but this is not what they promised with the cool factor video.

Clearly, that is why this thread exists. :hamster: :popcorn:

In fact any time they try to balance we see these overractions.

I am really curious about the gushing wounds nerf. If the wording stays the same and just the numbers have changed then the nerf to it isnā€™t actually that bad.

The positive interpretation of the new gushing wounds:
When causing an enemy to Bleed, you have a chance equal to your Critical Strike Chance to increase the Bleed amount by 70%x of your Critical Strike Damage bonus. Anything thereafter is +100% of your crit damage bonus.

This interpretation results in basically a 50% nerf (napkin math).

The negative interpretation of the new gushing wounds:
When causing an enemy to Bleed, you have a chance equal to your Critical Strike Chance to increase the Bleed amount by 70%x. Additionally, it is also increased by +100% of your crit damage bonus.

This interpretation results in the passive basically being dead, unless you can use damage over time affixes/tempers to increase the bleed amount.

They know how to balance the classes. They just donā€™t want to do it. Nerfing the meta builds with each new season is the base principle of the game. Most players are using top tier list builds, you need to force them into something new at the start of season.

I am sure there will be again meta Barb builds in S5, just different from the ones from S4.

For me itā€™s simple, Iā€™m just not going to play the game. Thereā€™s WH40k Space Marine 2, Age of Mythology Retold, PoE1 new season and PoE2 beta access coming out soon.

No reason to come here and be angry about nerfs when I can just ignore D4 and go play something else. When things change for the better I will come back.


The same way the streamers do - they theorycraft and test it out in action.

It appears so. That speaks volumes about their inability to properly retune the abilities where instead they just nuke +skills to them wholesale.

The hybrid builds, yes. Those keep getting buffed. The purely ranged builds though? Or the hybrid barrage + rapid fire builds? Those continue to be relatively ignored and left to rot. :frowning:

Itā€™s going to hurt a lot of sorcerer builds too, especially blizzard and ball lightning, both of which rely on those modifiers. Enough uniques are changing though, that a second PTR is necessitated. Season 4ā€™s major bugs and issues at the start came because a second PTR didnā€™t happen when it should have.

You must have missed the countless times theyā€™ve had to backtrack on a nerf because they went full sledgehammer instead of scalpel. It isnā€™t really an enjoyable scenario for players to be in. And they do get tired of it consistently happening over and over again. The problem isnā€™t being nerfed in and of itself, itā€™s the excessively large swings in opposite directions that just wear down the enjoyment significantly.

You must have missed the last 4 seasons + preseason where Barb was completely OP compared to the other classes. Let them balance. They will re-balance the world accordingly.
Yes they are terrible at it.

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yep i get some adjustments to barb key passives, albeit its kinda strange how they also nerf the weaker ones, to be still the weaker ones.

What i absolutely dont get is the change to close dmg tempers, this nerfs all chars, not barb only. Also probably means you either stack dot or crit dmg, and we are back to s1 meta.

Barb is still going to be blizz love child and take top dps spot

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dude, this temper was outclassing other classes by miles on the def part. Both guttural yell and that -elite dmg temper made barb immortal. Ofcourse it had to go. and nerfing +%hp on barb is also the right direction. Barb has too much compared to other classes, and if u dont realize this, i dunno what to say.


Just wanted to join back with Barb and I read this , damn what a disappointing nerf.
I donā€™t understand Blizz they want to push the new character in new expansion and kill the best character in the game, if you going to nerf , nerf it little not kill it.
I bet the new character will be OP so it will push more new expansion. ( bad move ) selling.

I hope they will change it before S5 and understand it will cause more harm then advantage.


Donā€™t you guys have phones?

Time to call the customer support like a famous (at least on the forums) barb did when rend got a nerf after dealing 10x more dmg than anything else on D3 ptr wheeze.

Any nerfs to the Barb should come as no suprise. With all the bragging that has been going on and video streams. I also would not be surprised if this is another way for Blizzard to combat RMT. Someone will figure out another OP build, But it will be different and require new gear.


Requiring gear and that is going to combat RMT again exactly how?

It was a lie from Blizzard to make statements to bring the other classes to the level of the barbarian instead of nerfing it.

Iā€™m not interested in builds like flay etc, just whirlwind. The whirlwind was now only somewhat playable because of bleed damage, which will now be absolutely unplayable again with these nerfs, because you canā€™t get the bosses down at all again.

itā€™s just bad of Blizzard to go along with this streamer clown and the community whining.

It was a short fun (mid season patch until the end of saeson 4) to have fun with the Whirlwind build again.


This, true. Iā€™m Sorry but these Barb nerfs are barely a dent. I know itā€™s frustrating but getting accustomed to dealing Billions and Billions of damage is insane. You can literally divide my Barb by /100 and it will still outdamage any Sorc. Not to mention that buffing for example BI from 40 to 80% is not a buff for Sorcs lol. Thatā€™s still like -50% from Live haha.

The miniscule buffs Sorcs are getting are about as equivalent as two aspects. Barb has those for free. Not to mention the extra raw weapon stats the Barb has. Barb will still outperform Sorc by a large margin.

Rogue however is a problem though. Itā€™s easy, tanky, faster than any other class and is already hitting for Billions. Speedfarmer and pusher, and itā€™s not getting addressed at all. Itā€™s crazy they donā€™t gut that classā€¦ Weā€™ll itā€™s time for a Rogue season

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darn it, i was hoping they were going to annouce a new color!

Weā€™re probably going to have to wait another year before WW is a playable build again :joy: