They absolutely nuked barb according to Rob

yeah, no, i don’t have fun doing that, again if people like that its ok, i just feel like is unfair. But it’s ok, if the majority enjoys that i don’t mind.

I also like druid though, and from what i see its looking good so maybe is time to put barb to rest for a few seasons.

They can’t get me addicted to that sweet barbarian power and now take it away.


can we just have a bunch of classes that can reasonably clear the seasonal content as long as you follow a build and have decent gear

this is the case now technically, but you need 20+ minutes of flawless play for off spec+undergeared characters

These changes make no sense. If those were true, then I believe the developer team is out of their minds.


dont tell anyone but they routinely troll the player base

I legit suspect every single “bug” is 100% intentional… the coders are good enough to put out a flawless product every update without exploits or imbalances but its fun to troll the arrogant overpaid do nothing lead devs

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they removed the entire temper manual?

At this rate I am going to have to skip S5, S6 and expansion :joy:

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Barb players are the whiniest. You never get threads about the other classes, even obese Druid.


All of the Chicken Littles running around in this thread dodging falling chunks of sky are amusing. Barb will still be a beast in S5.


And sadly this is not enough.

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Barb needed a nerf and honestly the gushing wounds change is still a strong passive. Not sure why walking arsenal got hit though, wasn’t ever really taken. But until we know all the Uniques and changes, my guess is Barb still comes out on top or close since they can equip more with all their important aspects.

i have nothing to say about this but <disaster-girl-meme.jpg>.

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Can they at least identify him by dental records?

Barbs will still quadruple sorc damage even after theese new changes as well.
I’m not sure you guys realise sorcs starting point, it was so so so low.

Sorc getting about double damage on non basic skills maybe? around there. A 3 mill frozen orb crit with the same gear will now crit for 6 million. WOHO. A barb can literally do that unequipping half their gear even with the new changes.
In Season 4 if a core/mastery build sorc would try to do a 150+ pit they would need 1000% increase to be in line with something like Flay.

That said, Rogues are the new barb. They will be very very strong with multiple builds.


WA nerf seems to be so all Key Passive are ‘balance.’ The damage reduction nerf just introduced in PTR is concerning. Just remove it and give a different utility buff. 30% Impairment Reduction would be awesome.

That’s not good enough. I want my full barb power. How am I supposed to look down on the other classes if I’m on the same level, or possibly below them. I play barb to mock everyone who doesn’t. How could they do this to me!?


With Barb, just assume anything that isn’t nerfed will crazy. The Death Blow Barb build looks like another multibillion dps monster. Also, Flay is going to be ridiculous.

Every Build gets hit by the massive Key Passive changes.

Death Blow was already on the weak side & is worse with the passive change.

Flay gets dmg /30 by the Gushing Wounds nerf.

The damage to close temper nerf is going to hurt melee builds a lot more than people realize. That’s a significant amount of scaling going away.

This makes zero sense to me. These two should not happen together. If they want to nerf Imposing Presence, then keep the temper. If they want to remove the temper, then don’t nerf Imposing Presence.